I have a small project to help me analyze query latency from PostgreSQL statement logging.
It's my first time writing anything real in Rust and I think it could be improved in several ways. My question here is about this code from scanner.rs
use std::hash::{Hash, SipHasher, Hasher};
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::string::String;
use std;
use csv::Writer;
pub enum CrunchState {
Scanning(HashMap<i32,String>, Writer<std::io::Stdout>),
CurrentQuery(Vec<String>, i32, HashMap<i32,String>, Writer<std::io::Stdout>)
enum MatchResult {
QueryStart(i32, String),
Duration(i32, String)
lazy_static! {
static ref REGLS: Regex = Regex::new(r"^2016").unwrap();
static ref REPID: Regex = Regex::new(r"\d{2,3}\((\d+)\):").unwrap();
static ref REDURATION: Regex = Regex::new(r"duration: ([0-9.]+) ms").unwrap();
static ref RESTATEMENT: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?:execute.*|statement):(.*)").unwrap();
pub fn init_state() -> CrunchState {
let csv_writer: Writer<std::io::Stdout> = Writer::from_writer(std::io::stdout());
CrunchState::Scanning(HashMap::new(), csv_writer)
pub fn process_line(line:String, state:CrunchState) -> CrunchState {
match state {
CrunchState::Scanning(mut pid_to_query, mut csv_writer) => {
match analyze_line(line) {
MatchResult::Ignore => CrunchState::Scanning(pid_to_query, csv_writer),
MatchResult::QueryStart(pid, query_begin) => {
let query_parts = vec![query_begin];
CrunchState::CurrentQuery(query_parts, pid, pid_to_query, csv_writer)
MatchResult::Duration(pid, duration) => {
match pid_to_query.remove(&pid) {
Some(full_query) => {
let mut hasher = SipHasher::new();
full_query.hash(&mut hasher);
let qhash = hasher.finish();
let result = csv_writer.encode((pid, duration, qhash, &full_query));
None => {
// dangling duration
CrunchState::Scanning(pid_to_query, csv_writer)
CrunchState::CurrentQuery(mut query_parts, pid, mut pid_to_query, csv_writer) => {
if !REGLS.is_match(&line) {
CrunchState::CurrentQuery(query_parts, pid, pid_to_query, csv_writer)
} else {
let full_query = query_parts.iter().fold("".to_string(), |acc, s| acc + s);
pid_to_query.insert(pid, full_query);
process_line(line, CrunchState::Scanning(pid_to_query, csv_writer))
fn analyze_line(line:String) -> MatchResult {
if REGLS.is_match(&line) {
match REPID.captures_iter(&line).nth(0) {
Some(cap) => {
let pid: &str = cap.at(1).unwrap();
if REDURATION.is_match(&line) {
let duration: &str = REDURATION.captures_iter(&line).nth(0).unwrap().at(1).unwrap();
MatchResult::Duration(pid.parse::<i32>().unwrap(), duration.to_string())
} else if RESTATEMENT.is_match(&line) {
let statement: &str = RESTATEMENT.captures_iter(&line).nth(0).unwrap().at(1).unwrap();
MatchResult::QueryStart(pid.parse::<i32>().unwrap(), statement.to_string())
} else {
None => {
} else {
For reference Cargo.toml
name = "pg_crunch"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Joshua Barney <[email protected]>"]
regex = "0.1.80"
lazy_static = "0.2.1"
csv = "0.14.7"
Since you can put data into enums, I figured that would be a great way of building a little state machine.
It runs and works correctly, but I'm worried about returning a new CrunchState
enum for every call to process_line
, especially when most lines should result in CrunchState::Ignore
and not alter the state. What can I do better than this?