
In this post, I asked a question regarding how to create a matrix of integers where elements in each row satisfy a particular property.

The notation in the original post is a bit cumbersome so I will try to explain the question in a nutshell. I have a vector of integers cvec, which has length l-1, and I enumerate all the possibilities in a matrix such that every integer in each of the l columns is less than or equal to cvec[1] (first three lines of code). Then I iteratively reduce that large set possibilities into a smaller matrix, such that for a given row:

  1. Consecutive elements taken 2,3,...l-1 at a time must be no larger than cvec[2], cvec[3], ..., cvec[l-1], respectively
  2. The total sum of the l elements is equal to x.

By first subsetting mat to only those rows with sum x, and then running the nested for loops, I've been able to reduce the runtime by over 1/10th. For the above example, it now runs 7.8 seconds. However, I still think this could be faster if I somehow eliminate the nested loops. Any suggestions?

valid.counts2 <- function(x,l,cvec){
  vec = seq(from=0,to=cvec[1])
  lst = lapply(numeric(l), function(i) vec)
  mat = as.matrix(expand.grid(lst))
  mat = mat[which(rowSums(mat)==x),]

    #k=1 is redundant since all must be less than or equal to cvec[1]
    for (k in seq(from=2, to=l-1)){
      row.indx = NULL
      for (r in seq(l-k+1)){
        #pick out the index of the row(s) that satisfy constraint
        row.indx = which(rowSums(mat[,r:(r+k-1),drop=FALSE])<=cvec[k])
        #filter rows of mat
        mat = mat[unique(row.indx),]
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Replace == by %in% so you can now use a whole vector like x=seq(from=148,to=155) as input. For the output, you could return(table(rowSums(mat)) if all you care about is the number of solutions. Also, your use of unique() is useless and you do not need to initalize row.indx = NULL. \$\endgroup\$
    – flodel
    Commented Nov 10, 2016 at 2:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you! I do care about what the solutions are. I'm trying to get the entire functionality to milliseconds so that simulations are more feasible. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 10, 2016 at 3:26

1 Answer 1


Instead of a top-down (very memory intensive) approach, I would recommend a somewhat bottom-up approach, where you add one column at a time then do the reductions, add another column, etc. Try this:

expand.mat <- function(mat, vec) {
   out <- matrix(0L, nrow = nrow(mat) * length(vec),
                     ncol = ncol(mat) + 1)
   for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) out[, i] <- mat[, i]
   out[, ncol(mat) + 1] <- rep(vec, each = nrow(mat))

valid.counts3 <- function(x, cvec) {
   l   <-  length(cvec) + 1
   vec <- seq(from = 0, to = cvec[1])
   mat <- matrix(vec, ncol = 1)

   for (j in 2:l) {

      mat  <- expand.mat(mat, vec)
      rsum <- rowSums(mat)
      mat  <- mat[rsum <= x & rsum + cvec[1] * (l - j) >= x, ]

      for (i in 1:(j-1)) {
         k <- j - i + 1
         if (k == l) next
         rsum <- rowSums(mat[, i:j])
         mat  <- mat[rsum <= cvec[k], ]


   res <- valid.counts3(x = 148, cvec = c(36, 67, 92, 119))
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.279   0.036   0.319

Edit: And to handle a vector of x as input, make these slight changes. It will return a list of matrices.

valid.counts3 <- function(x, cvec) {
   l   <-  length(cvec) + 1
   vec <- seq(from = 0, to = cvec[1])
   mat <- matrix(vec, ncol = 1)

   for (j in 2:l) {

      mat  <- expand.mat(mat, vec)
      rsum <- rowSums(mat)
      mat  <- mat[rsum <= max(x) & rsum + cvec[1] * (l - j) >= min(x), ]

      for (i in 1:(j-1)) {
         k <- j - i + 1
         if (k == l) next
         rsum <- rowSums(mat[, i:j])
         mat  <- mat[rsum <= cvec[k], ]

   mat <- mat[rowSums(mat) %in% x, ]
   idx <- split(seq(nrow(mat)), rowSums(mat))
   return(lapply(idx, function(i, x) x[i, ], mat))

   res <- valid.counts3(x = seq(from = 148, to = 155), cvec = c(36, 67, 92, 119))
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.333   0.048   0.381 

sapply(res, nrow)
#  148  149  150  151  152  153  154  155 
# 8649 5776 3600 2025 1024  441  144   25 

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