I recently published a library for advanced awk-like file manipulation in Python 3. The code can be found here and here is the documentation. It is also available for download from pip (pip install awk
). I would like to know if the code is well designed and how it can be improved to enforce readability and code reuse. I would also like to know if efficiency can be improved keeping in mind that it should be able to handle large files.
import re
from itertools import zip_longest
from collections import OrderedDict
class FileNotOpenException(Exception):
class FieldNotFoundException(Exception):
def _DEFAULT_FIELD_FUNC(field_key, field):
return field
def _DEFAULT_FIELD_FILTER(field_key, field):
return True
return record
return True
class Record(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Initialises a Record object"""
self._field_dict = {}
self._field_list = []
self._key_list = []
self._iterator = None
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Allows access to fields in the following forms:
- record[2] # column indices start from 0
- record[4:7:2] # same as above
- record['$4'] # same as record[3]
- record['mykey'] # columns are indexed based on header, if present
return self._field_dict[key]
except (KeyError, TypeError): # nonexisting key or slice, respectively
return self._field_list[key]
except IndexError:
raise FieldNotFoundException('No field {} in record'.format(key))
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
"""should never be done manually, better create a new record than modifying an existing one"""
self._field_dict[key] = val
def add(self, val):
"""should never be done manually, better create a new record than modifying an existing one"""
self['${}'.format(len(self._field_list) + 1)] = val
def fields(self):
"""returns a generator of the record's fields"""
yield from self._field_list
def keys(self):
"""returns a generator of the record's keys"""
yield from self._key_list
def __iter__(self):
"""returns an iterator over the record's keys"""
self._iterator = iter(self._key_list)
return self
def __next__(self):
"""returns the next (key, field) pair. If a header was provided, the key corresponds to the header
otherwise it is of the form $1, $2, ..., $NF"""
next_key = next(self._iterator)
return next_key, self._field_dict[next_key]
except StopIteration:
self._iterator = None
raise StopIteration
def __len__(self):
return len(self._field_list)
def NF(self):
"""same as awk's NF variable"""
return len(self)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(len(self))
def __str__(self):
return 'Record({})'.format(', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(key, self._field_dict[key]) for key in self._key_list]))
class Reader(object):
# TODO: add field type
def __init__(self,
"""Initialises a Reader
filename -- the name of the file to parse
Keyword arguments:
fs -- regex that separates the fields
header -- if set to True, the reader interprets the first line of the file as a header.
In this case every record is returned as a dictionary and every field in the header
is used as the key of the corresponding field in the following lines
max_lines -- the maximum number of lines to read
field_filter -- a function f(key, field) which is applied to the field.
If it returns a falsy value, the field is not included in the record.
default: lambda *args: True
record_filter -- a function f(NR, field) which is applied to the record.
If it returns a falsy value, the record is not returned.
default: lambda *args: True
self.filename = filename
self.header = header
self.fs = fs
self.max_lines = max_lines
self.field_filter = field_filter
self.record_filter = record_filter
self._compiled_fs = re.compile(fs)
self._openfile = None
self._keys = None
def keys(self):
"""returns the keys of the header if present, otherwise None"""
return self._keys
def __enter__(self):
self._openfile = open(self.filename)
self.lines = 0
if self.header:
first_line = next(self._openfile).rstrip()
self._keys = tuple(self._compiled_fs.split(first_line))
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.lines = 0
self._openfile = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _get_record(self, fields):
record = Record()
if self.header:
if len(fields) > len(self._keys):
zip_func = zip
zip_func = zip_longest
for key, value in zip_func(self._keys, fields):
if self.field_filter(key, value):
record[key] = value
# indexes start from 0
for key, value in enumerate(fields):
if self.field_filter(key, value):
return record
def _get_next(self):
if self._openfile is None:
raise FileNotOpenException
if self.max_lines is not None and self.lines >= self.max_lines:
raise StopIteration
line = next(self._openfile).rstrip()
fields = self._compiled_fs.split(line)
record = self._get_record(fields)
self.lines += 1
if not self.record_filter(self.lines, record):
return None
return record
def __next__(self):
record = self._get_next()
while record is None:
# skip filtered out lines
record = self._get_next()
return record
class Parser(object):
def __init__(self,
"""Initialise a Parser
filename -- the name of the file to parse
Keyword arguments:
fs -- a regex that separates the fields
header -- if set to True, the parser interprets the first line of the file as a header.
In this case every record is returned as a dictionary and every field in the header
is used as the key of the corresponding field in the following lines
max_lines -- the maximum number of lines to parse
field_func -- a function f(field_key, field) which is applied to every field, field_key is
the number of the field if there is no header, the corresponding header key otherwise.
default: a function that returns the field
record_func -- a function f(NR, NF, field) which is applied to every record, NR is the record number
NF is the total number of fields in the record.
default: a function that returns the record
field_pre_filter -- a function f(field_key, field) which is applied to the field before `field_func`.
If it returns a falsy value, the field is not returned.
default: lambda *args: True
record_pre_filter -- a function f(NR, field) which is applied to the record before `record_func`.
If it returns a falsy value, the record is not returned
default: lambda *args: True
field_post_filter -- a function f(field_key, field) which is applied to the field after `field_func`.
If it returns a falsy value, the field is not returned.
default: lambda *args: True
record_post_filter -- a function f(NR, field) which is applied to the record after `record_func`.
If it returns a falsy value, the record is not returned
default: lambda *args: True
self.filename = filename
self.header = header
self.fs = fs
self.max_lines = max_lines
self.field_func = field_func
self.record_func = record_func
self.field_pre_filter = field_pre_filter
self.record_pre_filter = record_pre_filter
self.field_post_filter = field_post_filter
self.record_post_filter = record_post_filter
def _parse_fields(self, record):
new_record = Record()
for key, field in record:
new_field = self.field_func(key, field)
if self.field_post_filter(key, new_field):
new_record[key] = new_field
return new_record
def parse(self):
"""Parse the file provided at initialisation time returns a generator of `Record`s.
The records returned and the fields in them are the result of the application of
record_func and field_func respectively.
Only records respecting the pre and post filters are present, same applies for the fields in each record
reader_args = (self.filename,
with Reader(*reader_args) as reader:
for nr, record in enumerate(reader, 1): # line numbers start from 1
record = self.record_func(nr, self._parse_fields(record))
if self.record_post_filter(nr, record):
yield record
class Column(object):
def __init__(self,
field_func=lambda x: x,
column_func=lambda x: x):
Initialise a Column object.
filename -- the name of the file to parse
Keyword arguments:
fs -- a regex that separates the fields
header -- if set to True, the parser interprets the first line of the file as a header.
In this case the columns can be indexed as the key specified in the header and the first
element of the column is the header
max_lines -- the maximum number of lines to parse
field_func -- a function f(field) which is applied to every field. Default: a function that returns the field
column_func -- a function f(column) which is applied to every clumn before returning it.
Default: a function that returns the field
self.filename = filename
self.fs = fs
self.header = header
self.max_lines = max_lines
self.field_func = field_func
self.column_func = column_func
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index is a slice, it returns a tuple of columns, where each column is the result
of the application of `column_func()` on the column. If `header` is True, `index`
must be a key in the header, otherwise it can be an integer. In those cases, the result
of the application of `column_func()` on the single column is returned. `field_func()`
is applied to every field in the column(s).
In the case of slicing, indexes start from 0 to make slicing simpler. Please note that this function needs
to parse the whole file unless max_lines is specified in the constructor
parser = Parser(self.filename,
field_func=lambda key, field: self.field_func(field))
if isinstance(index, slice):
columns = OrderedDict()
for record in parser.parse():
for i, field in enumerate(list(record.fields())[index]):
except KeyError:
columns[i] = [field]
# post-processing
return [self.column_func(tuple(column)) for column in columns.values()]
column = []
for record in parser.parse():
fields = list(record.fields())[index]
except IndexError:
return self.column_func(tuple(column))
def get(self, *keys):
returns a generator of tuples where every element in the tuple is the field of the corresponding
column. For example, if passed three keys, every tuple will have three elements.
Please note that this function needs to parse the whole file unless max_lines is specified in
the constructor
parser = Parser(self.filename,
field_pre_filter=lambda key, field: key in keys)
for record in parser.parse():
yield tuple(record.fields())
Some usage examples (you can find more in the docs). Examples assume the following file, called testinput
2 8 0 0 5 7 7
3 0 7 0 0 7 0
2 3 5 6 6 6 8
0 2 1 0 8 3 7
Simple reader:
from awk import Reader
with Reader('testinput') as reader:
for record in reader:
Record($1: A, $2: B, $3: C, $4: D, $5: E, $6: F, $7: G)
Record($1: 2, $2: 8, $3: 0, $4: 0, $5: 5, $6: 7, $7: 7)
Record($1: 3, $2: 0, $3: 7, $4: 0, $5: 0, $6: 7, $7: 0)
Record($1: 2, $2: 3, $3: 5, $4: 6, $5: 6, $6: 6, $7: 8)
Record($1: 0, $2: 2, $3: 1, $4: 0, $5: 8, $6: 3, $7: 7)
Reader with a header:
from awk import Reader
with Reader('testinput', header=True) as reader:
for record in reader:
Record(A: 2, B: 8, C: 0, D: 0, E: 5, F: 7, G: 7)
Record(A: 3, B: 0, C: 7, D: 0, E: 0, F: 7, G: 0)
Record(A: 2, B: 3, C: 5, D: 6, E: 6, F: 6, G: 8)
Record(A: 0, B: 2, C: 1, D: 0, E: 8, F: 3, G: 7)
# a field can be accessed as: record[0], record['$1'], record['A']
# slicing is also supported: record[1:5:2]
This makes every record the sum of its squared fields:
from awk import Parser
parser = Parser('testinput',
field_func=lambda key, field: int(field)**2,
record_func=lambda nr, nf, record: sum(record.values()))
for record in parser.parse():
Simple Column usage:
from awk import Column
columns = Column('testinput')
('D', '0', '0', '6', '0')
Column with header:
from awk import Column
columns = Column('testinput', header=True)
for line in columns.get('A', 'C', 'E'):
('2', '0', '5')
('3', '7', '0')
('2', '5', '6')
('0', '1', '8')