I've been glancing at Game of Life for quite a while, but been reluctant towards graphical packages like pygame. But today I finally got over myself and did it.
Did you know that there the "problem" computationally only depends on one condition? I didn't, and followed the conditions of the game at first.
At first I used list to contain the coordinates if alive bricks or plebes as I call them. But I quickly realized that order did not matter and I abandoned the list
s. Way are Python list
s so slow?
Peer reading makes me wiser, so feel free to give any pointers.
class GameOfLife:
def __init__(self, size=800):
The implementation is based on sets and dict, because order never
matters in this game. Sets and dicts are faster. There is no need
for complex data-structures like list of lists, order don't matter.
:param self.screen: the screen used by pygame.
:param self.white: color for pygame. alive plebs
:param self.black: color for pygame. dead plebs or "empty" area
:param self.width: screen width
:param self.size: size of a pleb.
:param self.alive: alive plebs.
:param self.last_config: if self.alive, has not changed, it will not
change. So this is an end condition.
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((size, size))
self.white = (255, 255, 255)
self.black = (0, 0, 0)
self.width = size
self.size = size//100
self.brick = [self.size, self.size]
self.alive = set()
self.last_config = set()
def show(self):
pygame.Surface.fill(self.screen, self.black)
for pos in self.alive:
x, y = pos
pos = x*self.size, y*self.size
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.white, list(pos)+self.brick, 0)
def setup(self):
Initialize the game, i.e. sets initial alive plebs.
alive_at_start = Configurations.glider_gun_mirroed.union(
self.alive = {(x, y) for x, y in alive_at_start}
def get_connected_plebs(self, part: tuple) -> list:
Relative to a grid brick, there is only eight possible other connecting
bricks. patterns defines them and if the brick is in the grid, it is
x, y = part
patterns = [
[-1, 0],
[0, -1],
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[-1, 1],
[1, -1],
[1, 1],
[-1, -1]
return {(x+i, y+j) for i, j in patterns if
all(k <= self.width//self.size for k in (x+i, y+j))}
def generation(self):
For each generation there is only one condition we have to check, i.e,
if a alive brick will survive. Everything computational else depends on
this condition.
next_generation = set()
cache = Counter()
for pleb in self.alive:
neighbors = self.get_connected_plebs(pleb)
cache.update([n for n in neighbors])
alive_neighbors = [x for x in neighbors if x in self.alive]
if 1 < len(alive_neighbors) < 4:
for key, value in cache.items():
if value == 3:
self.alive = next_generation
def generate(self):
""" The main loop of this game. """
while self.last_config != self.alive:
self.last_config = self.alive
def main():
m = GameOfLife()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Many rows and ridiculously much time goes to waste while hard-coding the configurations of this game.
class Configurations:
""" Starting configurations of the game. Don't examine this. """
pentadecathlon = {
(20, 19), (19, 19), (18, 19), (20, 20), (19, 20), (18, 20), (19, 21),
(19, 22), (19, 23), (18, 24), (20, 24), (18, 27), (20, 27), (19, 28),
(19, 29), (19, 30), (18, 31), (19, 31), (20, 31), (18, 32), (19, 32),
(20, 32)
glider_gun = {
(10, 32), (11, 30), (11, 32), (12, 20), (12, 21), (12, 28), (12, 29),
(12, 42), (12, 43), (13, 19), (13, 23), (13, 28), (13, 29), (13, 42),
(13, 43), (14, 8), (14, 9), (14, 18), (14, 24), (14, 28), (14, 29),
(15, 8), (15, 9), (15, 18), (15, 22), (15, 24), (15, 25), (15, 30),
(15, 32), (16, 18), (16, 24), (16, 32), (17, 19), (17, 23), (18, 20),
(18, 21)
glider_gun_mirroed = {
(72, 94), (72, 93), (74, 93), (84, 92), (83, 92), (76, 92), (75, 92),
(62, 92), (61, 92), (85, 91), (81, 91), (76, 91), (75, 91), (62, 91),
(61, 91), (96, 90), (95, 90), (86, 90), (80, 90), (76, 90), (75, 90),
(96, 89), (95, 89), (86, 89), (82, 89), (80, 89), (79, 89), (74, 89),
(72, 89), (86, 88), (80, 88), (72, 88), (85, 87), (81, 87), (84, 86),
(83, 86)