Purpose of Code: To simulate scraping the web and updating a db, by, presently, adding randomly generated numbers to a "database".
Have I wired up the followin async code properly? Is there a simpler, more composable way to pass objects around? Or some more idiomatic way?
I have added comments to self-explanatory code to hopefully make it a titch easier on reviewers.
Note: the following mocks what will become a web scraper. So just be aware that the "db" isn't a real db, and "fetching urls" refers to a mock up that will eventually get swapped out, but I hope you see the semantics I intend to sub in.
(ns clj-scraper.core
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [>! <! >!! <!! go go-loop chan
buffer close! thread alts!
alts!! timeout
put! take!
pipe pipeline pipeline-async pipeline-blocking]]))
;; Database - a mockup of what could be a db
(def test-db (agent {:1 {:url "abc"
:vals []}
:2 {:url "bac"
:vals []}
:3 {:url "pg"
:vals []}))
; append to a path in the test-db
(defn test-append [path x] (send test-db update-in path (partial cons x)))
;; Load from DB
; objects start their journey on this channel
(def db-objs> (chan 1))
;; Fetch URLs
; test-data mocks fetching a url by returning the string of a random int
(defn test-data [_] (str (rand-int 100)))
(def pages> (chan 1))
(pipeline 4
; add the fetched page to the object getting passed around
(map (fn [{:keys [url] :as obj}]
(conj obj {:page (test-data url)})))
;; CSS Select Page
; this mock up simply converts a String -> Int
(defn test-select [x] (Integer. x))
(def selections> (chan 1))
(pipeline 4
; add the converted String to the object getting passed around
(map (fn [{:keys [page] :as obj}]
(conj obj {:scraped (test-select page)})))
;; Update DB
; add the "scraped value" to the "db"
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [id scraped]} (<! selections>)]
(test-append [id :vals] scraped))
;; Run Things in Debugging
(doseq [[id data] @test-db] (go (>! db-objs> (conj data {:id id}))))
@test-db ; won't show expected results until async ops are done