This is a velocity, distance, and time calculator that I wrote not too long ago. How can I improve upon this code?
import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //imports
//--------------------------BEGIN PROGRAM--------------------------------------------------------//
public class justForFun
{public static void main(String args[]){
int number;
double velocity;
double Distance;
double Time;
//--------------------------Start Decision Making-----------------------------------------------//
Scanner ekeys = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("What are you trying to calculate?\npress:\n3 "
+ "for Velocity(m/s):\n2 for Distance(m):\n1 for Time(sec):\n");
number = ekeys.nextInt();
//--------------------------Begin SWITCH--------------------------------------------------------//
//--------------------------Solving For TIME----------------------------------------------------//
case 1:
//makes a new scanner for(users input) called 'ekey' to hold Users VELOCITY input.
Scanner ekey = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("\n\nPlease enter a velcoity in m/s:\n");
velocity = ekey.nextDouble();
//end of 'ekey' for scanner, change scanner variable to 'ekeyp' to hold Users DISTANCE Input.
Scanner ekeyp = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter the distance in Meters:\n");
Distance = ekeyp.nextDouble();
//end of 'ekeyp' scanner. next solving for TIME.
//calculates for time, and prints the time in seconds.
Time = Distance/velocity;
System.out.print("Time equals: " + Time + " Seconds");
//--------------------------Solving For DISTANCE------------------------------------------------//
case 2: //distance:
//makes a new scanner for(users input) called 'key' to hold Users VELOCITY input
Scanner key = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("\n\nPlease enter the velocity in m/s:\n");
velocity = key.nextDouble();
//end of 'key' for scanner, change scanner variable to 'keyp' to hold Users TIME Input.
System.out.print("Please enter the time in Seconds:\n");
Scanner keyp = new Scanner(;
Time = keyp.nextDouble();
//end of 'keyp' scanner. next solving for DISTANCE.
Distance = velocity*Time;
System.out.print("Distance euqals: "+ Distance + " meters");
//--------------------------Solving For VELOCITY-------------------------------------------------//
case 3: //Velocity:
//makes a new scanner for(users input) called 'ke' to hold Users TIME input
Scanner ke = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("\n\nPlease enter the time in Seconds:\n");
Time = ke.nextDouble();
//end of 'ke' for scanner, change scanner variable to 'k' to hold Users DISTANCE Input.
Scanner k = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter the distance in Meters:\n");
Distance = k.nextDouble();
//end of 'k' scanner. next solving for Velocity.
velocity = Distance/Time;
System.out.print("Velocity equals: "+ velocity+" m/s");
//--------------------------IF-CASE 1,2, or 3 is not given---------------------------------------//
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "\n\nPlease enter something, I, a Computer,"
+ " can actually understand - Restart the program. -.");
//--------------------------END PROGRAM----------------------------------------------------------//