
I'd appreciate any comments about my Python calculator, ways in which it can be improved and where it's currently lacking.

import operator

Do the actual calculation
def calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2):
    ops = {"+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "/": operator.div, "*": operator.mul}
    return ops[operation](operand_1, operand_2)

Initiate the user interface and input from user
def main():
    print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")
    while True:
        operation = raw_input("Operation type: ")
        operand_1 = int(raw_input("Operand 1: "))
        operand_2 = int(raw_input("Operand 2: "))
        calculation = calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2)
        print("Result: " + str(calculation))
        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: "):

Utility function to print dashed lines
def print_line(line_length):


3 Answers 3


The docstring of a function should be at the top of the inside of a function.

For example this:

Utility function to print dashed lines
def print_line(line_length):
    print("-"*line_length) # Also, space the operators out.

should be:

def print_line(line_length):
    """Utility function to print dashed lines"""
    print("-" * line_length)


print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")

Why 19? I would probably create a variable called header and get it's length:

header = "WELCOME to CALC+-/*"

So you aren't confused why you used 19 later on when you forget.

You should also have two newlines between functions.

This conditional:

if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: "):

Allows me to exit if I type anything including (but not limited to) q.

cont = raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: ")
while True:
    if cont == "":
    elif cont == "q":
    cont = raw_input("Invalid command, please try again: ")

You also have some other fragile things, if you input +<space> or any operand with spaces the program will crash.

replace the spaces with nothing:

operation = raw_input("Operation type: ").replace(" ", "")

Also, by convention you should do:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This answer illustrates some reasons why. Although I think it is unlikely this program will be imported by another program, you might as well be safe than sorry.

  • \$\begingroup\$ @zondo What does int have to do with the operands? \$\endgroup\$
    – EKons
    Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 12:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Έρικ: Sorry, I was thinking of the numbers instead of the operand. \$\endgroup\$
    – zondo
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 3:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ @zondo The numbers alerady have int, no need to double-int 'em. int(operator) will crash the program, because operator is not an int. \$\endgroup\$
    – EKons
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 8:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Έρικ Κωνσταντόπουλος: It becomes an integer because of int(raw_input(...)). What I was saying is that raw_inputcan return something with spaces on the ends, and intwill still convert it just fine. \$\endgroup\$
    – zondo
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 12:10

People usually don't think in polish notation,
but instead think in operand_1, operation, operand_2 order.

You may want to ask for input in that order (then you can call calculator() in whichever order you wish):

    operand_1 = int(raw_input("Operand 1: "))
    operation = raw_input("Operation type: ")
    operand_2 = int(raw_input("Operand 2: "))
  • \$\begingroup\$ Human mind (at least mine) thinks like this: maths.operation.add(a,b). So, it first introduces a and b, and then the operation (add). \$\endgroup\$
    – EKons
    Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 13:42
  • \$\begingroup\$ I actually had it this way first time round but changed it as it felt more effortless this way, to get the operator out of the way before entering the numbers. \$\endgroup\$
    – Sunj Obb
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 10:22


import operator

Do the actual calculation
def calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2):
    ops = {"+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "/": operator.div, "*": operator.mul}
    return ops[operation](operand_1, operand_2)

You import the whole module, when, in fact, you just need four of its functions. Result: you eat too much RAM.

Try doing dir(__import__('operator')). You will be really baffled because it has 126 functions (aside from the built-in module ones), while you need 4.

When having to work with lots of data, even the last byte of your RAM must be saved, so import less, eat less! It's a good practice to import less.

Here is a solution to the problem:

from operator import add, sub, div, mul

Do the actual calculation
def calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2):
    ops = {"+": add, "-": sub, "/": div, "*": mul}
    return ops[operation](operand_1, operand_2)

Do the actual calculation
def calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2):
    ops = {"+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "/": operator.div, "*": operator.mul}
    return ops[operation](operand_1, operand_2)

Initiate the user interface and input from user
def main():
    print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")
    while True:
        operation = raw_input("Operation type: ")
        operand_1 = int(raw_input("Operand 1: "))
        operand_2 = int(raw_input("Operand 2: "))
        calculation = calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2)
        print("Result: " + str(calculation))
        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: "):

Utility function to print dashed lines
def print_line(line_length):

I can see these are not docstrings, as @Dair believes; they are comments, because the main function also has one over it. Please use single-line comments instead (#comment):

#Do the actual calculation
def calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2):
    ops = {"+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "/": operator.div, "*": operator.mul}
    return ops[operation](operand_1, operand_2)

#Initiate the user interface and input from user
def main():
    print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")
    while True:
        operation = raw_input("Operation type: ")
        operand_1 = int(raw_input("Operand 1: "))
        operand_2 = int(raw_input("Operand 2: "))
        calculation = calculator(operation, operand_1, operand_2)
        print("Result: " + str(calculation))
        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: "):

#Utility function to print dashed lines
def print_line(line_length):


Here, you seem to have missed the spaces. Here's the fix:

    print("-" * line_length)

print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")

    print("Result: " + str(calculation))


It's not here, so print is a statement, not a function!

It's not normal to refer to literals and whole expressions like (a), and it uselessly slows down code, especially with lots of data (i.e. [(i) for i in xrange(2562700000)]), so here is a fix:

print "WELCOME to CALC+-/*"

    print "Result: " + str(calculation)

print "-"*line_length


You seem not to call the main function correctly. Here is how you should call it, because, otherwise, the program might get imported and run:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Some variable names are really large, others are too short/not clear enough.

        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: "):

You would allow any input other than to exit your program here, not just q. The solution is here:

        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: ") == "q":

I would also suggest supporting both Q and q, like this:

        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: ").lower() == "q":

        print("Result: " + str(calculation))

There is string formatting for that!

        print("Result: %d" % calculation)

    print("WELCOME to CALC+-/*")

Whoa, wait a sec, what!? The len builtin can help you here!

    header = "WELCOME to CALC+-/*"


from operator import add, sub, div, mul

#Do the actual calculation
def calc(op, a, b):
    ops = {"+": add, "-": sub, "/": div, "*": mul}
    return ops[op](a, b)

#Initiate the user interface and input from user
def main():
    header = "WELCOME to CALC+-/*"
    print header
    while True:
        op = raw_input("Operation type: ")
        a = int(raw_input("Operand 1: "))
        b = int(raw_input("Operand 2: "))
        r = calc(op, a, b)
        print "Result: %d" % r
        if raw_input("Enter to continue, or 'q' to quit: ").lower() == "q":

#Utility function to print dashed lines
def print_dashed_line(length):
    print "-" * length

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks a lot, you've picked up on quite a few things, appreciated :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Sunj Obb
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 10:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ @OmarTufayl I tried to make the code as good as it can be. I didn't agree with some of the opinions, I agreed with others, and I included my own. But, most importantly, each review section is based on the original code, not modified one. \$\endgroup\$
    – EKons
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 10:54

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