This has a couple of twists which I personally found rather awkward... All code can be downloaded in a read-to-run format from here
The problem
Consider a classic interview question: "Find given pairs with a specific difference in a given array"
Here I impose the unique conditions:
- The array is non-decreasing
- Consider combinations not permutations
arr[i],arr[j] == arr[j],arr[i]
- To make the operation more interesting, calculate the correlation function defined as
- Consequently, when no pairs are found the return should be
Benchmark Naiive Example
This will scale terribly but is easy to read
import itertools
import numpy as np
diff = 0.1 # difference
arr = np.linspace(0,1,11) # input array example
def naiiveFn(arr, diff, tol=1e-5):
# get all combinations of the list with itself
all_pairs = list(itertools.product(*[list(arr)]*2))
all_pairs = np.asarray(all_pairs)
# select all valid pairs
pairs = all_pairs[np.abs(np.diff(all_pairs, axis=1).ravel() - diff) < tol]
# calculate the correlation function ((pair1_i - mean)*(pair2_i - mean)).mean()
result = arr.mean(), axis=1).mean()
return result
The target is speed speed speed!!!
Test cases
In this section I provide two examples for accuracy and performance testing
A good benchmark case to challenge performance requires a lot of varied separations but must hold the non-decreasing property.
The following provides a good example, where we want performance to scale well with n
diff = 0.1; n = 2000
perf_arr_small = np.cumsum(np.around(np.random.exponential(diff, n), 1))
and when run for our basic function
%timeit naiiveFn(perf_arr, diff)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.85 s per loop
A more challenging case is n > 20000
: I ran naiiveFn
at n=20000
, went for a coffee break and it was still going when I came back!
Obviously a function is totally useless if if doesn't do what it is supposed to. This will test six cases that I picked to exhibit particular behaviours these are generated by running genTestData()
from below
from scipy.special import binom
import numpy as np # it's beyond me that neither np.binom or math.binom exist
def testFn(results, test, res_pairs=None):
"""Takes in two arrays of your function results and compares to test data
If you pass the pairs you found to res_pairs it will also neatly display those
Required Inputs
results :: list :: list of results from test function
test :: list :: list of test cases to compare against
Optional Inputs
res_pairs :: list of lists/np.arrays :: list of pairs that were found
outcomes = ["Failed","Passed"]
print "\nTest outcomes..."
if res_pairs is None: res_pairs = len(test)*[None]
for i,(r,t, pairs) in enumerate(zip(results, test, res_pairs)):
passed = True
passed = False
pr = " test:{} :: {} :: res: {:7.4f} actual: {:7.4f}".format(i+1, outcomes[passed], r, t)
if pairs is not None: pr += " pairs: "+" ".join(["{:d}x({:3.1f} {:3.1f})".format(n,i,j) for (i,j),n in Counter(tuple(p) for p in pairs).iteritems()])
print pr
def genTestData():
"""Generate test data
test_cases :: list of 6 test arrays each of length 10
test_set1 :: the four test cases with 0.1 separation
test_set2 :: the four test cases with no separation
n = 10
# Examples to catch most common errors
a = np.array([0.1]*10) # case of everything the same
b = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10) # everything spaced equally
c = np.array([0.1]*5+[0.2]*5) # intersection of two repeating segments
d = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3] + [0.4]*5 + [0.5]*2) # a mash-up
e = np.array([0.4]*3 + [0.5]*3 + [0.6]*3 + [5]) # series of identicals
f = np.asarray([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] + [0.9]*3 + [1.0]*2) # no match then matches
# a quick function used a fair bit in the case of equal incrementation
equalSpacing = lambda seg, mean, sep: np.sum((seg[:seg.size-sep]-mean)*(seg[sep:]-mean))
nCr52 = binom(5,2) # ways of choosing n from r where order matters
nCr32 = binom(3,2)
dm = d.mean() # both means used a lot so declaring saves space
em = e.mean()
fm = f.mean()
# the test cases for 0.1 separation
sep = 0.1
t1a = np.nan
t1b = equalSpacing(b, b.mean(), 1)/float(n-1)
t1c = (0.1-c.mean())*(0.2-c.mean()) #*5**2/5**2
t1d = (equalSpacing(d[:3], dm, 1) + (.3-dm)*(.4-dm)*5. + 5.*2*(.4-dm)*(.5-dm))/(2.+5.+2.*5.)
t1e = ((0.4-em)*(0.5-em)*3.*3. + (0.5-em)*(0.6-em)*3*3)/(3.*3.+3.*3)
t1f = ((0.8-fm)*(0.9-fm)*3. + (0.9-fm)*(1.0-fm)*2.*3.)/(3.+2.*3.)
# test caess for 0 separation
sep = 0.0
t2a = 0.0
t2b = np.nan
t2c = ((0.1-c.mean())**2*nCr52 + (0.2-c.mean())**2*nCr52)/(nCr52+nCr52)
t2d = ((0.4-dm)**2*nCr52 + (.5-dm)**2)/(nCr52+1)
t2e = ((0.4-em)**2*nCr32 + (.5-em)**2*nCr32 + (0.6-em)**2*nCr32)/(3*nCr32)
t2f = ((0.9-fm)**2*nCr32 + (1.0-fm)**2)/(nCr32+1)
cases = [a,b,c,d,e, f]
test_set1 = [t1a, t1b, t1c, t1d, t1e, t1f]
test_set2 = [t2a, t2b, t2c, t2d, t2e, t2f]
return cases, test_set1, test_set2
abs(diff-sep) < tol
): don't check forback < n
to control the loop.) Re missing cases: specified difference 1 and a sequence like1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4…
looks challenging - one pair or six? \$\endgroup\$l_ans
are both just floats, so there isn't amean()
method that can be called on their product. If that's the case, then this is off topic and I'm voting to close. \$\endgroup\$arr
as a tensor(n,M)
are the number of MCMC samples andM
is the N-dim lattice \$\endgroup\$