I have the following code that converts a couple of bash commands into Windows cmd
commands, as well as adding some commands. This is only my second day programming in C++, so any and all suggestions would be helpful.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::tr1;
class Parser
regex ls_regex, mkdir_regex, sleep_regex, rand_regex, rm_regex, touch_regex, cat_regex, open_regex, cp_regex, lat_regex;
string touch_match, sleep_match, mkdir_match, ls_match, rm_match, open_match, cp_match;
void SetRegexes();
void RunCommand(string);
string ParseCommand(string);
string SearchString(int, string);
void Parser::SetRegexes()
// Regex is the bash command, match is the cmd command
ls_regex = "^ls$";
ls_match = "dir";
mkdir_regex = "^mkdir";
mkdir_match = "md";
sleep_regex = "^sleep$";
sleep_match = "pause";
rand_regex = "^timerand$";
rm_regex = "^rm";
rm_match = "del";
touch_regex = "^touch";
cat_regex = "^cat";
open_regex = "^open";
open_match = "notepad";
cp_regex = "^cp";
cp_match = "copy";
lat_regex = "^lat";
string Parser::ParseCommand(string unparsed)
// Checks if the regex can be found in the unparsed string
if (regex_search(unparsed, ls_regex))
// Unparsed now is actually parsed
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 3, ls_match);
else if (regex_search(unparsed, mkdir_regex))
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 5, mkdir_match);
else if (regex_search(unparsed, sleep_regex))
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 4, sleep_match);
else if (regex_search(unparsed, rand_regex))
cout << rand() << endl;
return " ";
else if (regex_search(unparsed, rm_regex))
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 2, rm_match);
else if (regex_search(unparsed, touch_regex))
string tfile;
for (int i = 0; i < unparsed.length(); i++)
if (i > 5)
tfile += unparsed[i];
ofstream create_file(tfile);
return " ";
else if (regex_search(unparsed, cat_regex))
string op_line;
string catfile;
for (int i = 0; i < unparsed.length(); i++)
if (i > 3)
catfile += unparsed[i];
ifstream input_file(catfile);
while (input_file.good())
getline(input_file, op_line);
cout << op_line;
cout << endl;
return " ";
else if (regex_search(unparsed, open_regex))
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 5, open_match + " ");
else if (regex_search(unparsed, cp_regex))
unparsed = unparsed.replace(0, 4, cp_match + " ");
else if (regex_search(unparsed, lat_regex))
string latfile;
string op_line;
char holder;
for (int i = 0; i < unparsed.length(); i++)
if (i > 3)
latfile += unparsed[i];
cout << latfile << endl << endl;
ifstream input_file(latfile);
while (input_file.good())
getline(input_file, op_line);
cout << op_line << endl;
// getch() makes it so the letters are not echoed to the keyoard
holder = getch();
return " ";
return unparsed;
void Parser::RunCommand(string parsed)
// Converts to a different type so it can be used in the system method
const char *cparsed = parsed.c_str();
void _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
string name;
int line_counter = 0;
Parser main_parser;
string command;
// Provides a never-ending command line interface
while (true)
cout << "<" << line_counter << name << "-> ";
//cin >> command;
getline(cin, command);
command = main_parser.ParseCommand(command);