
I have a list of candidates which looks like this:

candidates = [
        'name': 'John',
        'rank': 13
        'name': 'Joe',
        'rank': 8
        'name': 'Averell',
        'rank': 5
        'name': 'William',
        'rank': 2

What I want to do is semi-randomly pick one of these candidates, based on its squared rank. So that a candidate A having a rank twice as big as B, will have 4 times more chances to be picked than B.

Here is a naive implementation of the idea I had to solve this problem:

def pick_candidate(candidates):
    # initiates a global probability space
    prob_space = []

    # bring the max rank to 20
    # to avoid useless CPU burning
    # while keeping a good granularity -
    # basically, just bring the top rank to 20
    # and the rest will be divided proportionally
    rate = candidates[0]['rank'] / 20

    # fills the probability space with the indexes
    # of 'candidates', so that prob_space looks like:
    # [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    # if candidates[0] has rank 3 and candidates[1] has rank 2
    for i, c in enumerate(candidates):
        rank = c['rank'] / rate
        for j in range(int(rank*rank)):

    # picks a random index from the probability space
    picked_prob_space_index = random.randint(0, len(prob_space)-1)

    # retrieves the matching candidate
    picked_candidate_index = prob_space[picked_prob_space_index]

    return candidates[picked_candidate_index]

The questions I'm thinking of, concerning the above code, are:

  • Concept: Is the core principle of the algorithm (the idea of building prob_space, etc) overkill and solvable more easily in other ways or with builtins
  • Implementation: This core principle put aside, what do you think of the implementation? Would you think of a better, cleaner way to write it?

2 Answers 2



  • imho you don't need build prob_space or normalize by max rank == 20
  • you only need

    John: 1 ... 13^2
    Joe:  13^2+1 ... 13^2+8^2
    Averell: 13^2+8^2+1 ... 13^2+8^2+5^2
    William: 13^2+8^2+5^2 ... 13^2+8^2+5^2+2^2
    and choice a man having ranint(1, 13^2+8^2+5^2+2^2)
  • transform list [13**2, 8**2, 5**2, ...] to [13**2, 13**2+8**2, 13**2+8**2+5**2, ...] we can by accumulate
  • searching in this sorted list [13**2, 13**2+8**2, 13**2+8**2+5**2, ...] we can by binary search algorithm implemented in bisect module
  • the algorithm:

    from collections import namedtuple
    from itertools import accumulate
    from random import randint
    from bisect import bisect_left
    Candidate = namedtuple('Candidate', 'name rank')
    def pick_random_candidate(candidates):
        assert (len(candidates) > 0) # note: probably we want return None with empty list?
        squared_ranks_accumulated = list(accumulate(c.rank ** 2 for c in candidates))
        random_pick = randint(1, squared_ranks_accumulated[-1])
        return candidates[bisect_left(squared_ranks_accumulated, random_pick)]
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        candidates = [Candidate(*t) for t in [('John', 13), ('Joe', 8), ('Averell', 5), ('William', 2)]]
        random_candidate = pick_random_candidate(candidates)


  • better use from random import randint instead of import random
  • if you have randint(0, x - 1) you can replace it by randrange(x)
  • constants like 20 should be defined as variable, e.g. top_rank = 20 or even def pick_candidate(candidates, top_rank=20). Reason: if someone change 20 to 21 in next three months there are high probability that don't change comment (so better when comment explains top_rank not 20)
  • you can often define structure Candidate as namedtuple (dict is better only sometimes if have some dynamic fields to store)
  • what's with the empty list of candidates (exception KeyError is expected or something else should be?)
  • \$\begingroup\$ The concept is similar to def grade example at bisect documentation module. The binary search algorithm is very powerful when we have sorted list. \$\endgroup\$
    – vaeta
    Commented May 8, 2016 at 11:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ok, i understand now. Add explanation about accumulate and bisect* function. \$\endgroup\$
    – vaeta
    Commented May 8, 2016 at 12:04

The fourth dalton is Jack, not John.

You can simplify your writting a bit:

  • Using random.choice:

    picked_prob_space_index = random.randint(0, len(prob_space) - 1)
    picked_candidate_index = prob_space[picked_prob_space_index]


    picked_candidate_index = random.choice(prob_space)
  • Using list-comprehension, your for loops becomes

    prob_space = [i for i, candidate in enumerate(candidates) for _ in range(int((candidate['rank']/rate)**2))]

You can also improve a bit:

  • By using the maximum of the ranks instead of the first one to compute the rate; this lets you not rely on having the maximum rank on the first candidate:

    ranks = [c['rank'] for c in candidates]
    rate = max(ranks) / 20
  • If you can change the input format and know that the informations won't change over time, you can use a namedtuple instead of dictionaries. Modified function would look like:

    from collections import namedtuple
    import random
    Candidate = namedtuple('Candidate', 'name rank')
    def pick_candidate(candidates):
        ranks = [c.rank for c in candidates]
        rate = max(ranks) / 20
        prob_space = [i for i, r in enumerate(ranks) for _ in range(int((r/rate)**2))]
        return candidate[random.choice(prob_space)]
    candidates = [
        Candidate('Joe', 8),
        Candidate('William', 2),
        Candidate('Jack', 13),
        Candidate('Averell', 5),

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