
I would like to make a portable thread pool using boost::thread. Some one could tell me to look at boost::thread_group and boost::asio. I know, but I am not really familiar with these things so I don't know if they are suitable for my purpose.

Please give me comments on what I supposed to do here.

JobItem and JobQueue:

class JobItem
    uint32_t        job_type_;      //!< Job type
    char*           job_ptr_;       //!< Pointer to job content
// ...

class JobQueue
    queue<JobItem*>                 job_queue_;
    // Definitely I need to use mutex and condition variable here
    JobItem* pick();
    void push(JobItem* job_item);

JobWorker (worker thread):

class JobWorker
    JobQueue* shared_job_queue_;
    boost::thread the_thread_;

    JobWorker(JobQueue* shared_queue) : shared_job_queue_(shared_queue);

    // exec_job will be overridden by concrete subclasses
    virtual void exec_job(JobItem* job_item) = 0;
    void run()
            JobItem* job = shared_job_queue_->pick();
            delete job;
    void start()
        the_thread_ = boost::thread(boost::bind(&JobWorker::run, this));
    void stop()

Concrete JobWorker subclasses:

class Task_1_Worker : public JobWorker
    // override exec_job
    void exec_job(JobItem* job)
        // Process job item here

class Task_2_Worker : public JobWorker
    // override exec_job
    void exec_job(JobItem* job)
        // Process job item here

Now, WorkerPool with template:

template <class JobWorkerT>
class WorkerPool
    JobQueue shared_job_queue_;
    list<JobWorkerT> job_workers_;

    WorkerPool(const int num_threads);
    ~WorkerPool(void) {};

    void push(JobItem* job)
    void start();
    void stop();

template <class JobWorkerT>
WorkerPool<JobWorkerT>::WorkerPool(const int num_threads)
    for(int i=0; i<num_threads; i++)
        JobWorkerT job_worker(&shared_job_queue_);

template <class JobWorkerT>
void WorkerPool<JobWorkerT>::start()
    for(std::list<JobWorkerT>::iterator iter = job_workers_.begin(); iter != job_workers_.end(); iter++)

template <class JobWorkerT>
void WorkerPool<JobWorkerT>::stop()
    for(std::list<JobWorkerT>::iterator iter = job_workers_.begin(); iter != job_workers_.end(); iter++)


int main()
    WorkerPool<Task_1_Worker>* task1_grp = new WorkerPool<Task_1_Worker>();
    WorkerPool<Task_2_Worker>* task2_grp = new WorkerPool<Task_2_Worker>();


    // Producers should call task1_grp.push(JobItem*) or task2_grp.push(JobItem*) to dispatch new jobs to thread pools

1 Answer 1



Not sure why you have a virtual function on the worker?

virtual void exec_job(JobItem* job_item) = 0;

The worker is simple he picks up jobs and then does them. What the job is defines what work should be done. So I would have put the virtual function that defines the work on the JobItem.

The run() function of the worker is then simply.

void run()
    // You want some way for the thread to eventually exit.
    // You can make that happen by letting the queue return
    // a null object when the object is being shut down.
    JobItem* job;
    while(job = shared_job_queue_->pick())
        delete job;

Code Review

Prefer not to use pointers.

Pointers don't have the concept of ownership semantics. So we don't know who is responsible for deleting them. Use a type that conveys ownership semantics so the person reading the code understands the semantics.

 JobQueue* shared_job_queue_;

You always need a job queue. So this can never be nullptr. So rather than a pointer a better choice would have been a reference. Also a reference implies there is no ownership of the object so you are not supposed to delete it.

class JobWorker
    JobQueue& shared_job_queue_;    
    JobWorker(JobQueue& shared_queue)
        : shared_job_queue_(shared_queue)

Again in the JobQueue. You push and pop pointers. So there is no concept of ownership.

class JobQueue
    queue<JobItem*>                 job_queue_;
    // Definitely I need to use mutex and condition variable here
    JobItem* pick();
    void push(JobItem* job_item);

As a user of this class I could easily accidently pass the address of a Job object that is actual an automatic variable. Unless I read the code it is not obvious that the code will blow up. Even worse the code may not blow up for a while since the pointer is not deleted until after the work has been done.

In this case I would use a smart pointer. The obvious one is std::unique_ptr. When you use this as a parameter you are indicating that you are accepting ownership of the object.

class JobQueue
    // You are maintaining a queue of owned pointers.
    // You will take responsibility for deleting them when this
    // object is destroyed.
    queue<std::unique_ptr<JobItem>>      job_queue_;
    // This method returns a pointer.
    // More importantly it is returning ownership of the pointer to
    // you uniquely so you are the sole owner of the pointer and the
    // JobQueue is no longer retaining any pointers to this object.
    std::unique_ptr<JobItem> pick();

    // This method accepts a unique_ptr.
    // Because it accepts the unique_ptr by value you are loosing
    // ownership. Once this method is called you will no longer own
    // the object it will be gone from the object you passed.
    void push(std::unique_ptr<JobItem> job_item);

Use modern C++

Its 2016. C++11 has been out for 5 years. C++14 has been out for two years. Both have std::thread and the associated parallel libraries.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Actually, in this design, JobItem is just a data piece. Based on job type, exec_job will properly manipulate on the data. Also, due to license, I am using VC++ 2008, so there is no way for me to target to C++11 or later. I think boost libraries might help. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 5:12
  • \$\begingroup\$ I am saying that JobItem is a better place to put your virtual function. The job should know how to execute itself. This is the open/closed principle. Now when you have to add new functionality you have to have a different worker type which means re-compiling the application. By makeing the JobItem have the virtual function a new lib can add a different work type without having to re-build the worker type. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 12:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ After thinking a lot of virtual JobItem::execute() I decided to go on the way you pointed out. Thank you very much! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 17, 2016 at 6:29

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