I have written a pair of Perl scripts that form a UDP chat room allowing users to send messages over the internet with RSA encryption, making the messages imune to MITM attacks. The scripts include a server script and a client script, and works as would be expected with the clients connecting to the server with a user specified address and port number. As many clients can connect to one server as the server can keep in one hash. Once connected, each client is given a randomly generated nickname whick can be changed later. Users can interact by simply sending plaintext messages, or they can use the built-in commands.
This program is an updated version of the one found here. Since this version I have added many updates including:
- Cleanly handle users disconnecting
- 1024-bit RSA encryption of all messages
- Various built-in commands (listed below)
- Removed redundancies and tidied up code
- Unique nicknames for all clients
- Non-fatal error handling
perl -p 1337
perl -h localhost -p 1337
Built-in commands
Once connected, a public key exchange takes place and if it is successful the server adds you and your public key to the hash of users. Once connected, you can interact by sending plain text messages, or by using some of the built-in commands. These commands include:
/users - Lists all users currently connected to the server.
/exit - Allows for clean disconnect by removing client from server-side database.
/nick [name] - Changes the current users nickname (visible to all users) to [name]
/whisper [name] [message] - Send a message so it is only visible to one user
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long;
use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
use Try::Tiny;
sub server_log {
print " [", scalar localtime, "] ", join(" ", @_), "\n";
sub main {
my %clients;
my %clients_by_nick;
my $MAXLEN = 1024;
my $message;
my @nick_chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", 0..9);
GetOptions("port=i" => \$PORTNO);
die "Need port!\n" unless defined $PORTNO;
server_log "Generating key pair...";
my $server_keys = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->generate_key(1024);
my $public_as_string = $server_keys->get_public_key_string();
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
LocalPort => $PORTNO
) or die "sock: $!";
server_log "Waiting for users on $PORTNO...";
while (my $address = $sock->recv($message, $MAXLEN)) {
my $ipaddr = gethostbyaddr($sock->peeraddr, AF_INET);
my $port = $sock->peerport;
my $cur_client = "$ipaddr:$port"; # Each connecting user is stored as a combination of their IP and port num as to ensure identifiers are unique
my $whisper = 0;
if (not exists $clients{$cur_client}) {
my $nick_taken = 0;
do {
$clients{$cur_client}->{nick} .= $nick_chars[rand @nick_chars] for 1..8; # Only develops scaling issues after ~360 million million users try connecting
for my $client (values %clients) {
if($client->{nick} eq $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}) {
if($client ne $clients{$cur_client}) {
server_log "Nick '$client->{nick}' already in use...";
$nick_taken = 1;
} while($nick_taken);
$clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}} = $cur_client;
$clients{$cur_client}->{port} = $port;
$clients{$cur_client}->{address} = $address;
try {
$clients{$cur_client}->{pub_key} = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_public_key($message);
} catch {
server_log "Bad key exchange, dropping user $ipaddr:$port...";
delete $clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}};
delete $clients{$cur_client};
}; # Attempt key exchange, if it fails drop the connection
next unless exists $clients{$cur_client};
$sock->send($public_as_string, 0, $clients{$cur_client}->{address}) or die "send: $!";
server_log "New successful connection from $ipaddr:$port, designated $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}";
$message = "New user: $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}";
for my $client (values %clients) {
$_ = $client->{pub_key}->encrypt($message);
$sock->send($_, 0, $client->{address}) or die "send: $!";
} else {
my $bad_message = 0;
try {
$message = $server_keys->decrypt($message);
} catch {
server_log "Message not encrypted with our key, dropping user $ipaddr:$port...";
$message = $clients{$cur_client}->{pub_key}->encrypt("You have been dropped for sending a malformed message");
$sock->send($message, 0, $clients{$cur_client}->{address}) or die "send: $!";
delete $clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}};
delete $clients{$cur_client};
$bad_message = 1;
}; # If a message cannot be decrypted with the given key, drop the user
next if $bad_message;
if ($message =~ /\/nick (\w+)/) { # Try and change the users nickname if it's available
my $nick_taken = 0;
for my $client (values %clients) { # Determine if the nickname is taken
if($client->{nick} eq $1) {
if($client ne $clients{$cur_client}) {
server_log "Nick '$client->{nick}' already in use...";
$nick_taken = 1;
if($nick_taken) {
$message = "Nick change faliure for user $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}";
} else {
$message = "Nick change: $clients{$cur_client}->{nick} -> $1";
delete $clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}};
$clients{$cur_client}->{nick} = $1;
$clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}} = $cur_client;
} elsif ($message =~ /\/users/) { # Create a message containing all users in the hash
server_log "User list request from user:", $clients{$cur_client}->{nick};
$message = "Current users:";
$whisper = 1;
for my $client (values %clients) {
$message = join "", $message, "\n", $client->{nick};
} elsif ($message =~ /\/exit/) { # Catch a disconnecting user and then drop their info
$message = join "", "Honourable suicide from client: ", $clients{$cur_client}->{nick};
server_log "User disconnected gracefully: ", $clients{$cur_client}->{nick};
delete $clients_by_nick{$clients{$cur_client}->{nick}};
delete $clients{$cur_client};
} elsif ($message =~ /\/whisper (\w+) (.*)/) { # Specify that a message should only be sent to a given user
my $valid_nick = 0;
$whisper = 1;
$message = join "", "Whisper from ", $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}, ": ", $2;
for my $client (values %clients) {
if($client->{nick} eq $1) {
$valid_nick = 1;
$cur_client = $clients_by_nick{$client->{nick}};
$message = "Failed whisper attempt to unknown user \'$1\'" unless $valid_nick;
server_log $cur_client, $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}, $message;
} else {
$message = join "", $clients{$cur_client}->{nick}, ": ", $message;
if($whisper) {
$message = $clients{$cur_client}->{pub_key}->encrypt($message);
$sock->send($message, 0, $clients{$cur_client}->{address}) or die "send: $!";
} else {
server_log $cur_client, $message;
for my $client (values %clients) {
$_ = $client->{pub_key}->encrypt($message);
$sock->send($_, 0, $client->{address}) or die "send: $!";
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
use Getopt::Long;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = \&terminate;
sub main {
my ($port, $host);
my $MAXLEN = 1024;
my $message;
print "Generating keys...\n";
my $client_keys = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->generate_key(1024);
my $public_as_string = $client_keys->get_public_key_string();
GetOptions( "port=i" => \$port,
"host=s" => \$host);
die "Need Port!\n" unless defined $port;
die "Need host!\n" unless defined $host;
print "Opening socket...\n";
$main::sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
PeerPort => $port,
PeerAddr => $host
) or die "sock: $!\n";
print "Trying server...\n";
$main::sock->send($public_as_string) or die "send: $!\n";
$main::sock->recv($message, $MAXLEN) or die "recv: $!\n";
$main::server_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_public_key($message) or &terminate("Server sent invalid key\n");
print "Got server key!\n";
$main::parent = fork();
&terminate unless defined $main::parent;
if($main::parent) { # Parent
while(<>) {
if($_ =~ /\/exit/) {
$_ = $main::server_key->encrypt($_);
$main::sock->send($_) or die "send: $!\n";
} else { # Child
while(1) {
$main::sock->recv($message, $MAXLEN) or die "recv: $!\n";
$message = $client_keys->decrypt($message);
print "$message\n";
sub terminate {
if($main::parent) {
$_ = $main::server_key->encrypt("/exit");
$main::sock->send($_) or die "Server died before I did! :(\n";
die "Terminating!\n";
print "@_\n";
die "\n"; # Kill the child quietly. Shh...
The code works well and is at a level I am reasonably happy with, but I feel like there is plenty of room for improvement. I have sorted all my questions in order of importance.
- Are there any redundancies I can remove?
- Are there any easier or better ways to achieve what I am trying to do?
- Am I using any bad Perl practices here?
- How can I make my code look less messy?