
I created a slider that fades images automatically but you can also click to see the next or previous image. It already works how it should. But I think my code is really heavy. I am not experienced with JavaScript / jQuery so it would be nice if someone could help me to tidy up my code.

// helper to change the slider background image
var changeImage = function(id, image){
  $(id).css('background-image', 'url('+image+')');

// auto change slider elements over time
$(window).load(function() { 
    var images = [  'http://mysite.com/image1',
    var texts = [
                    '<h1>Text 1</h1>', 
                    '<h1>Text 2</h1>', 
                    '<h1>Text 3</h1>', 
                    '<h1>Text 4</h1>', 
                    '<h1>Text 5</h1>',
                    '<h1>Text 6</h1>'
    var hrefs = [   'http://mysite.com/link1',
    var srcs = [    'http://mysite.com/image1',
    // counter variables for images, texts and links
    var i = 0;
    var t = 0;
    var h = 0;
    var s = 0;

    var x = 0;   
    var inter = "";
    var again = "";

    var hrefChange = document.getElementById('theHref');   

    // register next slide click 
    document.getElementById("clickablen").onclick = function() {

    // register previous slide click    
    document.getElementById("clickablep").onclick = function() {

    // Init sequence, loading the first image
    $("#wrapper_bottom").css("opacity", 0);
    changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', images[i]);

    // slider functionality - general function
    function changeBackground() {
        if ( i >= 6 ) { i = 0; }
        if ( t >= 6 ) { t = 0; }
        if ( h >= 6 ) { h = 0; }
        if ( s >= 6 ) { s = 0; }

        x = 0;

        $("#wrapper_bottom").css("opacity", 0);
        changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', images[i]);

        $('#wrapper_bottom').animate({"opacity": 1}, 1000, function(){
            hrefChange.setAttribute('href', hrefs[h]);        
            changeImage('#wrapper_top', images[i], 1);
            if (++i >= images.length) { i = 0; x = 1} 
            $("#wrapper_bottom").css("opacity", 0);
            changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', images[i]);
            if (++t >= texts.length) { t = 0; } 
            if (++h >= hrefs.length) { h = 0; } 
            if (++s >= srcs.length) { s = 0; } 

        // fade content background image              
        if (srcs[s]) {
            $('#thesrc').fadeOut(300, function(){
                $(this).attr('src',srcs[s]).bind('onreadystatechange load', function(){
                   if (this.complete) $(this).fadeIn(300);
    // repeat this function every 10 seconds
    inter = setInterval(changeBackground, 10000);

    // slider functionality - click next function
    function changeBackgroundNext() {  
        again = setInterval(changeBackground, 10000);

        if ( i == 6 ) { i = 0; }
        if ( t == 6 ) { t = 0; }
        if ( h == 6 ) { h = 0; }
        if ( s == 6 ) { s = 0; }

        x = 0;


        $('#wrapper_bottom').animate({"opacity": 1}, 0, function(){
            hrefChange.setAttribute('href', hrefs[h]);        
            changeImage('#wrapper_top', images[i], 1);
            $("#wrapper_bottom").css("opacity", 0);
            if (++i >= images.length) { i = 0; x = 1;} 
            changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', images[i]);
            if (++t >= texts.length) { t = 0; } 
            if (++h >= hrefs.length) { h = 0; } 

            if (srcs[s]) {
                $('#thesrc').fadeOut(0, function(){
                    $(this).attr('src',srcs[s]).bind('onreadystatechange load', function(){
                        if (this.complete) $(this).fadeIn(0);
                if (++s >= srcs.length) { s = 0; } 

    // slider functionality - click previous function
    function changeBackgroundPrev() {  
        again = setInterval(changeBackground, 10000);


        if ( i <= -1 ) { i = 5; }
        if ( t <= -1 ) { t = 5; }
        if ( h <= -1 ) { h = 5; }
        if ( s <= -1 ) { s = 5; }

        if (x == 1) { i = 4; t = 4; h = 4; s = 4; }

        $('#wrapper_bottom').animate({"opacity": 1}, 0, function(){
            hrefChange.setAttribute('href', hrefs[h]);        
            changeImage('#wrapper_top', images[i], 1);
            $("#wrapper_bottom").css("opacity", 0);
            changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', images[i]);

            if (srcs[s]) {
                $('#thesrc').fadeOut(0, function(){
                    $(this).attr('src',srcs[s]).bind('onreadystatechange load', function(){
                        if (this.complete) $(this).fadeIn(0);

            x = 0;


1 Answer 1


A few thoughts :

  • It's hard to see why you need four congruant arrays. Why not one array containing objects, each with properties .image, .text, .href, .src?
  • Probably better to increment/decrement the indices "on demand" not in advance. That way you only ever need to adjust by +1 or -1. Currently, -2 is only necessary because +1 was previously predicted.
  • Use the module operator % to acheve the "wrap-around" effect. Javascript doesn't naturally do modulo of negative numbers properly, but a simple solution is available.
  • Don't hard-code 6. Use images.length etc all through.
  • jQuery's .bind() is deprecated in favour of .on(), but you should probably be using .one() to prevent the build-up of event handlers.

Also :

  • Similar functions changeBackground(), changeBackgroundNext() and changeBackgroundPrev() could be combined into one, with the detailed behaviour determined by parameters; it seems that direction 1|-1 and a boolean indicating manual|auto will suffice.
  • Two interval vars, inter and again seem unnecessary. One should suffice.

Without seeing a demo, it's hard to visualise the interplay between #wrapper_top and #wrapper_bottom and the differences betweeen a manual and auto so those aspects may be wrong, but the general pattern might be as follows :

// Auto change slider elements over time
$(window).load(function() {
    // *** Outer vars ***
    var data = [
            'image': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg', 
            'text': '<h1>Text 1</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg'
            'image': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 2</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg'
            'image': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 3</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg'
            'image': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 4</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg'
            'image': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 5</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg'
            'image': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 6</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://www.heise.de/imgs/18/1/4/9/2/9/0/1/urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-150420-99-02936_large_4_3-fc997534cde9c449.jpeg', 
            'image': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg',
            'text': '<h1>Text 7</h1><h2>...</h2>',
            'href': 'http://google.de/',
            'src': 'http://p5.focus.de/img/fotos/crop3167630/6282711837-w1200-h627-o-q75-p5/Google.jpg'                     
    var i = data.length - 1; // counter variable for images, texts, links and srcs
    var inter;
    var hrefChange = document.getElementById('theHref');
    var title = document.getElementById("myspan");

    // *** Worker functions ***
    // Change an element's bg image
    function changeImage(id, image) {
        return $(id).css('background-image', 'url(' + image + ')');
    // Initiate auto-play
    function auto() {
        inter = setInterval(function() {
            changeBackground(1, true);
        }, 10000);
    // Slider functionality - general function
    function changeBackground(dir, isAuto) {
        var t1 = isAuto ? 1000 : 0;
        var t2 = isAuto ? 300 : 0;
        var ii = i; // remember index before incrementing/decrementing

        i = (((i + dir) % data.length) + data.length) % data.length; // increment/decrement index, with wrap-around in both directions.

        title.innerHTML = data[i].text;

        if(isAuto) {
            changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', data[ii].image).css('opacity', 1);

        $('#wrapper_bottom').animate({'opacity': 1}, t1, function() {
            hrefChange.setAttribute('href', data[i].href);
            changeImage('#wrapper_top', data[ii].image);
            changeImage('#wrapper_bottom', data[i].image).css('opacity', 1);

        // fade content background image
        if (data[i].src) {
            $('#thesrc').fadeOut(t2, function() {
                $(this).attr('src', data[i].src).off('onreadystatechange load').one('onreadystatechange load', function() {
                    if (this.complete) $(this).fadeIn(t2);

    // *** Attach event handlers ***
    document.getElementById("clickablen").onclick = function() {
        changeBackground(1, false);
    document.getElementById("clickablep").onclick = function() {  
        changeBackground(-1, false);

    // *** Initialize ***
    changeBackground(1, true); // Load first image
    auto(); // Start auto play

Auto-play is assumed always to go forward. If it should go in reverse after clickablep, then simple change - auto() will need to accept 1|-1, which it can pass on to changeBackground(1, true);.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for your helpful tips. But could you perhaps provide a full solution? Especially point 2 - I do not really have an idea how to do this the right way. That would be great if you could point this out. Thank you in advance. \$\endgroup\$
    – Nico
    Commented Feb 28, 2016 at 23:41
  • \$\begingroup\$ Difficult without the ability to run tests. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 0:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ However, I have had a go - see edit. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 2:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for your time. But it seems not to work for me. So I created a small demo in jsbin with my code to show you how it works. Maybe you could implement your javascript code there? Thank you in advance: jsbin.com/nirafimazu/1/edit?html,css,js,output \$\endgroup\$
    – Nico
    Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 12:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ Just needed the right data and a couple of minor bug fixes - edited above. Seems to run now. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 21:04

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