Inspired by this post (along with a number of other people by the looks of it), I created a poker hand identifier with a very similar format. Note that the syntax of the hands is a little different to make parsing easier - rather than "A:C K:C Q:C J:C 10:C", the input is of the form "[(A,C),(K,C),(Q,C),(J,C),(10,C)]".
The code works correctly for the sample inputs in the post, I'm more concerned about coding style and elegance. For example, I've used pointfree style and the Maybe
monad (with guard
and isJust
) where I can so it's not very consistent. getPair
doesn't seem very nice but it does save on a reasonable amount of boilerplate; am I right in thinking that returning ((Card,Card),Hand)
instead of (Card,Card,Hand)
would make the pattern matching on it slightly nicer?
Example usage:
identifyHand "[(5,H),(5,D),(A,S),(10,D),(5,C)]" == "Three of a kind"
identifyHand "[(2,H),(3,H),(4,H),(5,H),(A,D)]" == "High card: A"
import Data.List (sort, deleteBy, nub)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Function (on)
main :: IO ()
main = readFile "hands.txt" >>= putStrLn . unlines . map identifyHand . lines
-- Types and instances --
type Hand = [Card]
type Card = (Value,Suit)
-- Num n is valid for 2 <= n <= 10
data Value = Num Int | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
data Suit = C | D | H | S
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
data Combination
= Royal
| StraightFlush
| Four
| FullHouse
| Flush
| Straight
| Three
| TwoPair
| Pair
| High Value
instance Show Value where
show (Num n) = show n
show Jack = "J"
show Queen = "Q"
show King = "K"
show Ace = "A"
instance Read Value where
-- readsPrec :: Int -> String -> [(Value,String)]
-- p.s. I do not really know how readsPrec works
readsPrec _ ('J':xs) = [(Jack ,xs)]
readsPrec _ ('Q':xs) = [(Queen,xs)]
readsPrec _ ('K':xs) = [(King ,xs)]
readsPrec _ ('A':xs) = [(Ace ,xs)]
readsPrec _ xs = case reads xs of
((n,xs'):_) | n >= 2 && n <= 10
-> [(Num n,xs')]
_ -> []
instance Show Combination where
show Royal = "Royal flush"
show StraightFlush = "Straight flush"
show Four = "Four of a kind"
show FullHouse = "Full house"
show Flush = "Flush"
show Straight = "Straight"
show Three = "Three of a kind"
show TwoPair = "Two pair"
show Pair = "One pair"
show (High v) = "High card: " ++ show v
-- Identifying hands --
identifyHand :: String -> String
identifyHand s = case reads s of
((h,_):_) | nub h /= h -> "ERROR: Duplicate card"
| length h < 5 -> "ERROR: Too few cards"
| length h > 5 -> "ERROR: Too many cards"
| otherwise -> show (getComb h)
_ -> "ERROR: parse error"
getComb :: Hand -> Combination
getComb h
| isStraight h
&& isFlush h = if isRoyal h then Royal else StraightFlush
| isFour h = Four
| isFullHouse h = FullHouse
| isFlush h = Flush
| isStraight h = Straight
| isThree h = Three
| isTwoPair h = TwoPair
| isPair h = Pair
| otherwise = High . maximum . map fst $ h
isRoyal :: Hand -> Bool
-- h must be a straight flush
isRoyal h = maximum (map fst h) == Ace
isStraight :: Hand -> Bool
isStraight = isConsecutive . sort . map fst
isFlush :: Hand -> Bool
isFlush h = all (x==) xs
where (x:xs) = map snd h
isFour :: Hand -> Bool
isFour h = isJust $ do
((c1,_),(_,_),h') <- getPair h
((c2,_),(_,_),_ ) <- getPair h'
guard $ c1 == c2
isFullHouse :: Hand -> Bool
isFullHouse h = isJust $ do
(_,_,h') <- getPair h
guard (isThree h')
isThree :: Hand -> Bool
isThree h = case getPair h of
Just ((c1,_),(c2,_),h') -> any (`elem` [c1,c2]) (map fst h')
Nothing -> False
isTwoPair :: Hand -> Bool
isTwoPair h = isJust $ do
(_,_,h') <- getPair h
getPair h'
isPair :: Hand -> Bool
isPair = isJust . getPair
-- Helper functions --
getPair :: Hand -> Maybe (Card,Card,Hand)
-- if the hand has at least one pair then the two cards
-- from the first pair are removed from the hand and then
-- that pair and the remaining hand are returned
getPair ((c,s):h) = case lookup c h of
Just s' -> Just ((c,s),(c,s')
,deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (c,undefined) h)
Nothing -> getPair h
getPair [] = Nothing
isConsecutive :: [Value] -> Bool
isConsecutive (x:x1:xs) = isNext x x1 && isConsecutive (x1:xs)
isConsecutive _ = True
isNext :: Value -> Value -> Bool
isNext (Num 10) Jack = True
isNext (Num n) (Num n') = n' == n+1
isNext Jack Queen = True
isNext Queen King = True
isNext King Ace = True
isNext _ _ = False
is a subtype ofStraightFlush
. ARoyal
represents one of the 4 highest ranked instances of the 36 possibleStraightFlushes
. The arbitrary distinction has always driven me crazy. \$\endgroup\$