I have written my own CMS for learning, and have included all of my core files below.
This is my first time playing with OOP and prepared statements, so I imagine there may be alot of changing. There is one problem I am having, when I try and check if a username/email already exists in the register function by using either num_rows or affected_rows, I get a non-object error for the two lines that are counting the rows.
dbc class (Database connection, functions, etc):
* class dbc
* @package Core
// Sanity check. Does this class already exist?
if(!class_exists('dbc')) {
class dbc {
public function __construct() {
// Make the constants class variables
$this->host = host;
$this->username = username;
$this->password = password;
$this->database = database;
$this->charset = charset;
$this->connection = new mysqli($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->database);
// Database connection error?
if($this->checkConnection() == false) {
die('Database connection error! <br />' . $this->connection->connect_error);
return false;
// Close the MySQLi connection
public function __destruct() {
if($this->connection) {
public function select($columns = array(), $table, $variables = '', $order = '') {
// Are the required variables empty or equals null?
if(empty($columns) || empty($table)) {
return false;
// Set $order and $variables to false
if($order == '' || $order == null) {
$order = false;
}else if($variables == '' || $variables == null) {
$variables = false;
// Check if $columns is an array
if(!is_array($columns)) {
return false;
// Set $fields as an array
$fields = array();
// Individualise the array
foreach($columns as $field) {
$fields[] = $field;
// Sepeate all individuals with commas
$fields = implode(', ', $fields);
// Finalise the MySQLi query
if($variables == false && $order == false) {
$query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table";
}else if($variables != false && $order == false) {
$query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $variables";
}else if($variables == false && $order != false) {
$query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table ORDER BY $order";
}else if($variables != false && $order != false) {
$query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $variables ORDER BY $order";
// Prepare the query for executing
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
// Execute the query
// Get the results of the query
$result = $stmt->get_result();
// Set the results to a variable
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$results[] = $row;
// Return the results as array 0
return $results[0];
public function insert($table, $variables = array()) {
// Are the required variables empty or equals null?
if(empty($table) || empty($variables)) {
return false;
// Set both variables to an array
$fields = array();
$values = array();
// Divide each value as a singular value
foreach($variables as $field => $value) {
$fields[] = $field;
$values[] = "'" . $value . "'";
// Split the fields & values with commas - to follow the mysqli query format
$fields = '(' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$values = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
// Finalised Query
$query = " INSERT INTO $table $fields VALUES $values";
// Prepare the query for executing
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
if(false === $stmt) {
return false;
// Execute the prepared query
public function checkConnection() {
if($this->connection->connect_errno) {
// Connection Unsucessful
return false;
}else {
// Connection Successful
return true;
public function affected() {
return $this->connection->num_rows;
Config (Core website settings):
// Database Connection Information (removed for security)
define('host', '');
define('username', '');
define('password', '');
define('database', '');
// Show PHP/MySQLi errors?
define('DEBUG_MODE', true);
define('charset', 'UTF-8');
define('default_user_group', '1')
User class (Register, login, etc for users):
* @package Core
if(!class_exists('user')) {
class user {
public function __construct() {}
public function register($username, $password, $confirmpassword, $email, $firstname, $lastname) {
if(empty($username) || empty($password) || empty($confirmpassword) || empty($email) || empty($firstname) || empty($lastname)) {
return false;
if($password === $confirmpassword) {
$dbc = new dbc();
$hash = '_HG.g2Sxa.';
$encryptpassword = md5(md5($hash . $password . $hash));
$status = default_user_group;
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
}else if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
}else {
$ip = ip2long($ip);
$userData = array(
'username' => $username,
'password' => $encryptpassword,
'email' => $email,
'firstname' => $firstname,
'lastname' => $lastname,
'status' => $status,
'ip' => $ip
$createUser = $dbc->insert('users', $userData);