I have written the below code which loads the dictionary and checks if the given word is present or not.
The implementation is using a hash table with a chained linked list.
In regards to the hash function, I have kept it simple as I was not very concerned about collisions.
Can someone please review it and let me know of anything I should improve? Like:
- Optimizations
- Standard practices
- how to cover boundary/error condition?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define SIZE 10000 /* Number of elements in table */
#define WORD_SIZE 100 /* Max size of word */
typedef struct CHAINELEMENTS
char word[100]; /* word to be saved in list */
struct CHAINELEMENTS *next; /* pointer to next element */
typedef struct TBLELEMENTS
int total_elements; /* total elements in chain - Not used here so far */
chainelements *baseelement; /* Pointer to chained linked list of words */
typedef struct HASHTABLE
int size; /* Number of table elements in hashtable */
tblelements *base; /* Pointer to first table element */
Below functions accomplish task as listed
2. For given string find its key and hash index
3. Search the word in hashtable
4. if word doesnt exist insert the word
hashtable* createHashTable(int size);
int getKey(char *string);
void insertWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str);
bool searchWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str);
int main(void)
FILE *fp1;
char oneword[WORD_SIZE];
char c;
char *searchword = "abash";
bool ispresent;
hashtable *phashtable = createHashTable(SIZE);
fp1 = fopen("snippet.txt", "r");
c = fscanf(fp1, "%s", oneword); /* got one word from the file */
printf("%s \n", oneword); /* display it on the monitor */
insertWord(phashtable, oneword);
insertWord(phashtable, oneword); /* Test code to check insert does not happen again*/
} while (c != EOF);
ispresent = searchWord(phashtable, searchword);
printf("IS the searchword %s present -- %d \n", searchword, ispresent);
return 0;
Funcntion - searchWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str)
Input params - pointer to hashtable and word to be searched
Return value - returns 1 if word is present else 0
Task - for given string finds it's hashindex
and searches all nodes in that chain to see if
word is present
bool searchWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str)
/* error condition check */
if (phashtable == NULL || str == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, " -- invalid pointer to string or hashtable -- \n");
return false;
int hashindex = getKey(str);
/* error condition check */
if (hashindex > SIZE)
fprintf(stderr, " -- invalid hashindex -- \n");
return false;
/* pointer to first element of the chained linked list */
chainelements *pchainelements = phashtable->base[hashindex].baseelement;
while (pchainelements != NULL)
/* compares the given word with present in node */
if (!strcmp(pchainelements->word, str))
return true;
pchainelements = pchainelements->next;
return false;
Funcntion - insertWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str)
Input params - pointer to hashtable and word to be inserted
Return value - none
Task - for given string finds it's hashindex
and searches all nodes in that chain to see if
word is present if it's not present creates a
new node and appends the word at the end of chain
void insertWord(hashtable *phashtable, char *str)
if (phashtable == NULL || str == NULL)
bool ispresent;
int hashindex = getKey(str);
if (hashindex > SIZE)
fprintf(stderr, " -- invalid hashindex -- \n");
chainelements *pchainelements = phashtable->base[hashindex].baseelement;
/* if no elements are present - insert word */
if (!pchainelements)
pchainelements = (chainelements *)malloc(sizeof(chainelements));
if (pchainelements == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, " -- memory allocation failed for the word -- \n");
phashtable->base[hashindex].baseelement = pchainelements;
strcpy(pchainelements->word, str);
pchainelements->next = NULL;
/* Check if the word is already present if not insert*/
ispresent = searchWord(phashtable, str);
if (ispresent == 0)
printf("insert word is not present - so inserting %s \n", str);
/* Can this part be optimized ?? while searching we already reached
till the end of loop now again before inserting we have to traverse
Another option is to do compare here only but that would result in
same code present at two point - What is better stratergy ?
while (pchainelements->next != NULL)
pchainelements = pchainelements->next;
pchainelements->next = (chainelements *)malloc(sizeof(chainelements));
if (pchainelements->next == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, " -- memory allocation failed for the word -- \n");
pchainelements = pchainelements->next;
strcpy(pchainelements->word, str);
pchainelements->next = NULL;
Funcntion - getKey(char *string)
Input params - string for which key is needed
Return value - Returns the hashindex based on key
Task - for given string finds it's key.
for key generation a simple multiplcation
is done, no logic used and once key is
generated mod is performed based on size
of hashtable
int getKey(char *string)
unsigned int key = 0;
char *pstring = string;
while (*pstring != '\0' && key < ULONG_MAX)
key += *pstring * 32;
key = key % SIZE;
return key;
Funcntion - createHashTable(int size)
Input params - Table size
Return value - pointer to created hashtable
Task - hashtable is created based on given
size and all the hash table elements are
initialized to NULL
hashtable* createHashTable(int size)
int i;
/* error condition check */
if (size < 1 || size > SIZE)
fprintf(stderr, " invalid size of hashtable suggested exiting ...\n");
hashtable *phashtable = (hashtable *)malloc(sizeof(hashtable));
if (phashtable == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation failed for hashtable...\n");
phashtable->size = size;
if (size > 0)
phashtable->base = (tblelements *)malloc(sizeof(tblelements) * phashtable->size);
if (phashtable->base == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation failed for table elements ... \n");
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
phashtable->base[i].baseelement = NULL;
return phashtable;