I am writing a utility class for a game client. This class has two main functions: connect to a game server and retrieve the current game revision, and retrieve a "recipe", which is basically serialized data containing information unique to a revision number. The specifics of the "recipe" are irrelevant for the purposes of this class.
Because one instance of my application can support multiple game sessions, each on a different thread, I need the public
methods in this class to be thread-safe. In particular, I am concerned about race conditions in the forceUpdateRevision
, getRevision
, and getRevision
methods. I made the internal update methods synchronize on a private
object to ensure that only a single thread can update at the same time, but I am not sure if that is enough to prevent race conditions in the aforementioned methods. I am also not sure if the volatile
modifiers are on the cachedRevision
and cachedRecipe
fields are needed.
By race condition, I am, for example, referring to two threads invoking the forceUpdateRevision
method at slightly different times, and the result of updateRevision
is different for both threads. In such a case, I fear undefined behavior. I suppose that one solution could be to synchronize the forceUpdateRevision
method entirely, rather than the underlying update methods, but I want to minimize how much I synchronize to avoid locking down the entire class by one method call, since updateRevision
and updateRecipe
, in principle, are completely independent of each other.
Can someone more experienced with thread-safety and race conditions look at my code and see if it can suffer from possible race condition issues?
I have included the entire source code for the class for completeness, though I reckon analyzing the specifics of the internal update methods are not that useful for my question.
public final class Revision {
public static final SocketAddress ADDRESS = new InetSocketAddress("game.server.address", 11111);
public static final byte GAME_UPDATE = 1;
public static final byte GOOD_RESPONSE = 0;
private static final int REVISION_THRESHOLD = 150;
private static final Object revisionLock = new Object();
private static final Object recipeLock = new Object();
private static volatile int cachedRevision = -1;
private static volatile Recipe cachedRecipe;
private Revision() {
public static void forceUpdateRevision() {
int revision = updateRevision();
if (revision != cachedRevision) {
cachedRevision = revision;
public static int getRevision() {
if (cachedRevision < 1) {
return cachedRevision;
public static void forceUpdateRecipe() {
cachedRecipe = updateRecipe();
public static Recipe getRecipe() {
if (cachedRecipe == null) {
return cachedRecipe;
private static int updateRevision() {
synchronized(revisionLock) {
File revisionFile = new File("./data/revision.dat");
int revision = 0;
if (revisionFile.exists()) {
DataInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(revisionFile));
revision = in.readShort();
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
int response = -1;
while (revision <= REVISION_THRESHOLD) {
Socket socket = new Socket();
try {
socket.getOutputStream().write(new byte[] {
(byte) ((revision >> 24) & 0xff),
(byte) ((revision >> 16) & 0xff),
(byte) ((revision >> 8) & 0xff),
(byte) revision });
response = socket.getInputStream().read();
if (response == GOOD_RESPONSE) {
} else {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
if (response != GOOD_RESPONSE) {
return -1;
if (!createDataDirectory()) {
return revision;
DataOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(revisionFile));
out.writeShort((short) revision);
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
return revision;
private static Recipe updateRecipe() {
synchronized(recipeLock) {
File recipeFile = new File("./data/recipe.dat");
if (!recipeFile.exists()) {
return null;
DataInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(recipeFile));
byte[] data = new byte[(int) recipeFile.length()];
return new Recipe(data);
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
return null;
private static boolean createDataDirectory() {
File data = new File("./data/");
if (!data.exists()) {
return data.mkdir();
return true;