
Following the paradigms of SCARY iterators, there should only be a single iterator-type for contiguous iterators per value-type.
Here my code for that iterator, working with C++11+:

#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>

template<class T, class U>
struct is_more_cv_qualified : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<T, const volatile U>{}
    || std::is_same<T, const U>{} || std::is_same<T, volatile U>{}>;

struct contiguous_iterator_tag : std::random_access_iterator_tag {};
struct mutable_contiguous_iterator_tag : contiguous_iterator_tag, std::output_iterator_tag {};

template<class T>
struct contiguous_iterator_base {
    constexpr bool operator==(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p == other.p; }
    constexpr bool operator!=(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p != other.p; }
    constexpr bool operator<(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p < other._p; }
    constexpr bool operator>(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p > other._p; }
    constexpr bool operator<=(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p <= other._p; }
    constexpr bool operator>=(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p >= other._p; }
    constexpr std::ptrdiff_t operator-(contiguous_iterator_base other) const noexcept { return _p - other._p; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator_base& operator=(const contiguous_iterator_base&) noexcept = default;
    T* _p = nullptr;

template<class T>
struct contiguous_iterator : contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv<T>::type>
, std::iterator<typename std::conditional<std::is_const<T>{}, contiguous_iterator_tag, mutable_contiguous_iterator_tag>::type, T> {
    constexpr contiguous_iterator() noexcept = default;
    template<class U, class = std::enable_if<is_more_cv_qualified<T, U>{}>::type>
    constexpr contiguous_iterator(contiguous_iterator<U> other) noexcept : contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv<T>::type>(other) {}
    constexpr explicit contiguous_iterator(contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv<T>::type> other) noexcept : decltype(other)(other) {}
    constexpr explicit contiguous_iterator(T* p) noexcept { _p = const_cast<decltype(_p)>(p); }
    template<class U>
    constexpr contiguous_iterator<U> rebind() const noexcept { return contiguous_iterator<U>(_p); }
    constexpr T* operator->() const noexcept { return  _p; }
    constexpr T& operator* () const noexcept { return *_p; }
    constexpr T& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t d) const noexcept { return _p[d]; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator& operator++() noexcept { ++_p; return *this; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto r = *this; ++*this; return r; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator& operator--() noexcept { --_p; return *this; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator operator--(int) noexcept { auto r = *this; --*this; return r; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t d) noexcept { _p += d; return *this; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t d) noexcept { _p -= d; return *this; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator operator+(std::ptrdiff_t d) const noexcept { return contiguous_iterator(_p) += d; }
    constexpr contiguous_iterator operator-(std::ptrdiff_t d) const noexcept { return contiguous_iterator(_p) -= d; }
    using contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv<T>::type>::_p;

// smoke test

int main() {
    contiguous_iterator<int> a;
    contiguous_iterator<const int> b;
    b = a;
    a = b.rebind<int>();
    //a.rebind<char>(); error
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Unrelated, but SCARY has got to be the stupidest acronym ever. \$\endgroup\$
    – Barry
    Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 2:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ At the very least, they are in the running... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 2:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ This topic is not very new but I just wrote a somewhat identical wrapper but I have operator->, operator* and operator[] marked const since I'd find it surprising to not be able to dereference a const iterator. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 1:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ some random comments in no particular order: 1) There is not much value in deriving from std::iterator (besides it is deprecated). 2) would you consider making the contiguous iterator convertible (explicitly or implicitly) to the pointer, or by means of an idiomatic function, such as .data()/data(It), 3) Some of standard iterators are (accidentally?) nullable and the null-state can be checked, your doesn't seem to be. \$\endgroup\$
    – alfC
    Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 21:46

1 Answer 1


There really isn't much to say here. This looks really good.


You have a couple typos in your code on your equality operators. You're comparing against other.p instead of other._p.

Not restrictive enough

We have this constructor:

constexpr explicit contiguous_iterator(T* p);

But that means if we have contiguous_iterator<Base>, we can construct it with a Derived*. We definitely need to disallow this.

On a similar vein, rebind<U> should be restricted to those Us which are the same type as T and are at least as cv-qualified.

Add another alias

Rather than writing this:

constexpr explicit contiguous_iterator(contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv_t<T>> other) noexcept : decltype(other)(other) {}

If you added a using base = contiguous_iterator_base<std::remove_cv_t<T>>;, you could write:

constexpr explicit(base other) noexcept : base(other) {}

which makes way more sense.

Missing alias

You're using the alias templates for the type traits throughout, except you're using typename std::conditional<X>::type instead of std::conditional_t.

Line widths

Some of these lines are really long! Add some line breaks.


I guess lastly... what does contiguous_iterator<T> accomplish that simple T* doesn't?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Good ideas, though there was a reason for rebind. Adding force_rebind to cover the gap left by prudency.... After agonizing over the typedef you propose, I decided to add it as I don't need the name for anything else, like the base()-function in std::move_iterator. Regarding your why-question: Such iterators have the advantage of not being convertible to pointers, especially to base-subobjects. As it's a contiguous iterator, that's already everything... stackoverflow.com/questions/32701796/… \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 3:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Deduplicator Having a member like base() is good, except that in my opinion 1) it is not base class, 2) base can mean many things. underlying() seems to be a better name. In any case, I think contiguous iterators should (also) all have a data() function returning the pointer. \$\endgroup\$
    – alfC
    Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 21:52

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