I've been trying to figure out how to stop Twig escape using the following code, which I feel is a little nicer with the succinct ternary operator.
I hope someone can confirm I'm using the correct syntax and if there are any performance issues doing it like this (as well as alternative methods, if any):
<body{{ bodyClass is defined ? (' class="' ~ bodyClass ~ '"')|raw : '' }}>
It seems to work and is the only way I've managed to get proper output so far!
An alternative version can be seen here, using string interpolation (#{}
is my current preferred method):
" class=\"#{bodyClass}\""|raw
is the correct function to use, but I've never tried wrapping in parenthesis before (well, not with string interpolation anyway). So yes, I guess correct style would be more appropriate, thanks. Apparently it's good to go, but only for non-user editable templates. Twig has some interesting functions and seems like there are a vast many ways to use them! \$\endgroup\$