I'm interested in learning how to create shell scripts with bash so here's one of my first exercises, taken from here. It is an extension of the problems Elementary - 4 and 5.
The goal of the program is to sum all multiples or ARG1 or ARG2 below the user's input number.
echo "This program will find all the multiples of ARG1 or ARG2 below or equal to your number and sum them up. Please input your limit:"
read limit
commonMultiple=`expr $1 \* $2`
for (( i = 0; i <= $limit; i+=$1 )); do
sumArg1=`expr $sumArg1 + $i`
for (( i = 0; i <= $limit; i+=$2 )); do
sumArg2=`expr $sumArg2 + $i`
for (( i = 0; i <= $limit; i+=$commonMultiple )); do
sumCommonMultiple=`expr $sumCommonMultiple + $i`
echo "The result is `expr $sumArg1 + $sumArg2 - $sumCommonMultiple`."
This works perfectly but I'd like the input of more experienced programmers. I don't think my logic is efficient. There must be something obvious I'm missing that could have made my code a lot simpler.
Disclaimer: apparently some of the stuff I used is outdated. I'll take it into account for my future code.*
really isn't designed for computational/algorithmic problems at all. It is a tool for specific types of jobs (see link) and in that domain it excels. \$\endgroup\$