I try to learn amd64 assembler. This is the first thing I tried. This piece of assembly should replicate the functionality of the following piece of C code, which turns a binary sha-256 hash into a human readable form.
assembly code
1: .ascii "0123456789abcdef"
.global show_hash
.type show_hash @function
.func show_hash
mov $32,%ecx
.p2align 2
0: xor %eax,%eax
mov %eax,%edx
shr $4,%al
and $15,%dl
mov 1b(%rax),%al
mov 1b(%rdx),%dl
mov %bl,%ah
dec %ecx
jnz 0b
mov %cl,(%rdi)
C code
void show_hash(char *dst, unsigned char *src) {
static const char *lookup = "0123456789abcdef";
char lo, hi, byte;
int i = 32;
do {
byte = *src++;
hi = lookup[byte >> 4];
lo = lookup[byte & 0xf];
*dst++ = hi;
*dst++ = lo;
} while (i--);
Am I doing it right? I tried to move the lookup table (label 1
) into .section rodata
, but all references to it were changed to 0
in the linked program, so I put it into the text section for now.
or if it's on the stack,%ss
. Unless you have personally set the segment register,mov %cs,%ds
, or your assembler is adding a custom segment offset, you can't read from outside.data
. I don't know if modern OSs allow you to read from.text
at all even if you did. \$\endgroup\$