Select one of two number selection strategies and select two numbers using that strategy.
The strategy is selected using an enum implementation of the strategy pattern.
Strategy one: Ordered Numbers are selected sequentially. The last number selected is persisted in the database and the next two numbers are selected.
Strategy two: Interlaced Numbers are selected from interlaced groups of numbers so that no two numbers are sequential and sufficiently apart to appear randomly selected. No number can be selected more than once.
Interlaced blocks of numbers are generated based on a block size and a minimum and maximum number. Numbers are selected from the begining of one block and the end of the other in ascending and descending order respectively.
Example: Total numbers 10000, starting at 1000 with a block size of 1000.
block 1: 1000 - 1999 block 2: 2000 - 2999 block 3: 3000 - 3999 block 4: 4000 - 4999 ...
Note: the last block should end 10,000 not 9999.
Two numbers are chosen. One number is chosen from the beginning of block 1 and another from the end of block 3, this should continue until both blocks have been exhausted of numbers. Selection should start again from the beginning of block 2 and the end of block 4 until all numbers where exhausted. This should continue until all blocks have been used up.
Important points to take account of:
- There must be an even number of blocks
The block size must be such that the number of blocks is even such that:
((endRange - startRange) + 1 / blockSize ) % 2 == 0;
I will not include the code for the ordered strategy as this is not the code a would like a review for. Below I include code for interlaced strategy.
This class represents the blocks of numbers in the interlaced strategy:
public class Block implements Comparable<Block> {
public enum Status {
private Integer idx;
private Integer startOfBlock;
private Integer endOfBlock;
private Integer previousNumber;
private Status status;
public int compareTo(Block block) {
return this.getIdx().compareTo(block.getIdx());
// getters and setters removed for brevity
The following classes represent the strategy selection:
public interface Strategy<T> {
List<T> execute(Config config);
public enum NumberStrategy {
ORDERED(new OrderedStrategy()),
INTERLACED(new InterlacedStrategy());
private Strategy<Integer> strategy;
NumberStrategy(Strategy<Integer> strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
public Strategy<Integer> getStrategy() {
return strategy;
public class OrderedStrategy implements Strategy<Integer> {
// implementation code omitted - see git repository
For the purpose of this code review I have put the number block generation method in utility class. The generateBlocks method should generate all the blocks of numbers and arrange them in an interlaced manner as described above. They would then be persisted in the database a retrieved for each request for two numbers.
public class Utils {
public static List<Block> sortedBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
* Make the blocks for the given raffle.
public static void generateBlocks(Config config) {
int possibleRange = (config.getLastNumber() - config.getInitialNumber()) + 1;
double numberOfBlocks = possibleRange / config.getBlockSize();
List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
int currentBlockStart = config.getInitialNumber();
int currentBlockEnd;
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfBlocks; i++) {
currentBlockEnd = currentBlockStart + config.getBlockSize() - 1;
// Last block end number will always be equal to the endRange number
if (i == numberOfBlocks) {
currentBlockEnd = config.getLastNumber();
Block block = new Block(i, currentBlockStart, currentBlockEnd, null, Block.Status.LIVE);
currentBlockStart = (currentBlockEnd + 1);
// Split chucks and order
List<Block> listOddBlocks = blocks
.filter(block -> block.getIdx() % 2 == 1)
List<Block> listEvenBlock = blocks
.filter(block -> block.getIdx() % 2 == 0)
// Concatenate the two lists.
// Reindex chucks to allow ordering
int[] idx = {0}; -> block.setIdx(idx[0]++));
// persist in db
// Store in class for ease of demonstration
The InterlacedStrategy class is the strategy implementation that selects the next two numbers from the relevant blocks as per the details above.
public class InterlacedStrategy implements Strategy<Integer> {
public List<Integer> execute(Config config) {
// Should retrieve the blocks from the database
List<Block> sortedBlocks = Utils.sortedBlocks;
// Select the first two blocks
Block block1 = sortedBlocks.get(0);
Block block2 = sortedBlocks.get(1);
// Generate number from block1
Integer previousNumber = block1.getPreviousNumber();
Integer nextNumberBlock1;
if (previousNumber == null) {
nextNumberBlock1 = block1.getStartOfBlock();
} else {
nextNumberBlock1 = ++previousNumber;
// Generate number from block2
previousNumber = block2.getPreviousNumber();
Integer nextNumberBlock2;
if (previousNumber == null) {
nextNumberBlock2 = block2.getEndOfBlock();
} else {
nextNumberBlock2 = --previousNumber;
if (nextNumberBlock1.equals(block1.getEndOfBlock())) {
List<Block> tempArray =
.filter(block -> block.getStatus() == Block.Status.LIVE)
if (!tempArray.isEmpty()) {
block1 = tempArray.get(0);
} else {
return new ArrayList<>();
if (nextNumberBlock2.equals(block2.getStartOfBlock())) {
List<Block> tempArray =
.filter(block -> block.getStatus() == Block.Status.LIVE)
if (!tempArray.isEmpty()) {
block2 = tempArray.get(0);
} else {
return new ArrayList<>();
// Should persist the blocks to the database
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
return numbers;
I would appreciate a review of two things:
- The use of the enum strategy pattern, but more importantly the generation of the interlaced blocks of numbers
- Selection of those numbers
I have no doubt that there is a far more elegant way to generate the interlaced blocks.
Here is a GitHub repository of all the code complete with passing unit tests.