An overview of what I've done:
I've inherited System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
and added a few properties to help me out in creating forms that generate SQL statements.
I use to create a large function that would check for changes in the TextBox
compared to a string. Then it would take text and concatenate it to a SQL statement. Now it's simple and easier to use.
I've added four properties:
- A String property to hold the default string that the textbox is initially set to and will reset back if the text is left empty.
- A String property to hold the text's associated SQL statement.
- A Boolean to check if the text has changed from the default.
- Finally, an Integer to hold an ID if there is a reason to need one, such as saving and loading text from a file by the ID.
I have not fully implemented the new textbox in my code, but I am working on it.
It may only be slightly modified, but it should cut down my code from 500+ lines of code down to less than +-30 if ran in a for-loop.
Public Class ModifiedTextBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private _strDefaultText As String
Private _strSqlText As String
Private _nID As Integer
Private _bModified As Boolean = False
Property ID()
_nID = nID
End Set
Return _nID
End Get
End Property
Property TextModified()
_bModified = bModified
End Set
Return _bModified
End Get
End Property
Property SqlText()
_strSqlText = strSqlText
End Set
Return _strSqlText
End Get
End Property
Property DefaultText()
_strDefaultText = strDefaultText
Me.Text = _strDefaultText
End Set
Return _strDefaultText
End Get
End Property
End Class
I've pulled an excerpt from my code. It's not much, but here is the new textbox vs the old one.
In the SQL text, I have something like ""Material Type"" in('INSERTTEXT').
gets set when the user leaves the textbox (set to false b default).
'This should run every new textbox (untested)
For i As Integer = 0 To Me._icControls.txtMain.Length - 1
If Me._icControls.txtMain(i).Modified = True Then
sqlWhere += " AND " + Me._icControls.txtMain(i).SqlText
Replace(sqlWhere, "INSERTTEXT", Me._icControls.txtMain(i).Text)
End If
'Old, long way around where I had split up
'the textboxes into 7 groups they belonged too.
If Me._icControls.txtMaterial(0).Text.ToString() <> DefaultStrings.Material(0) Then
sqlWhere += " AND ""Material Type"" in('" + Me._icControls.txtMaterial(0).Text.ToString() + "')"
End If
If Me._icControls.txtMaterial(4).Text.ToString() <> DefaultStrings.Material(4) Then
sqlWhere += " AND ""Grade"" in('" + Me._icControls.txtMaterial(4).Text.ToString() + "')"
End If
If Me._icControls.txtMaterial(5).Text.ToString() <> DefaultStrings.Material(5) Then
sqlWhere += " AND ""PIW"" in('" + Me._icControls.txtMaterial(5).Text.ToString() + "')"
End If
I went from 200 lines of code to 6, with a minor change. That does not include the lines spent setting up the default text.
Let me know what you think of this. I'm not sure if it's really anything someone could use, but it's been very useful to me.