I'm a hobbyist Python programmer with not much experience.
I wrote some code for a solution to a Tic Tac Toe AI problem on the internet.
Then yesterday I wrote a simple console Tic Tac Toe game for human vs computer play where the computer plays randomly.
So I thought it would be nice how difficult it would be to combine the code from the AI solution with the console game, so the computer plays intelligently rather than randomly.
Final Product:
import random
class TTTGame(object):
_coords = [(x, y) for y in range(3) for x in range(3)]
_num_to_coord = dict([(n+1, c) for n, c in enumerate(_coords)])
_win_ways = (# Horizontal
set([1, 2, 3]),
set([4, 5, 6]),
set([7, 8, 9]),
# Verticle
set([1, 4, 7]),
set([2, 5, 8]),
set([3, 6, 9]),
# Diagonal
set([1, 5, 9]),
set([3, 5, 7]))
def __init__(self, game=None):
if not game:
self.board = map(list, ['___'] * 3)
self.avail = set(xrange(1, 10))
self.xnums = set()
self.onums = set()
self.board = map(list, game.board)
self.avail = set(game.avail)
self.xnums = set(game.xnums)
self.onums = set(game.onums)
def __str__(self):
rows = [' | '.join(row).replace('_',' ')
for row in self.board[::-1]]
divs = ['\n---+---+---\n', '\n---+---+---\n', '\n']
return ' ' + ' '.join(map(''.join, zip(rows, divs)))
def winner(self):
"""Return 'X' or 'O' or 'T' else False if game not over."""
for way in self._win_ways:
if way.issubset(self.xnums):
return 'X'
if way.issubset(self.onums):
return 'O'
if len(self.xnums) + len(self.onums) == 9:
return 'T'
return False
def play(self, n, piece=None):
Place piece at spot numbered n and ammend attributes.
if piece is None, remove the piece at cell n and ammend attributes.
x, y = self._num_to_coord[n]
if piece:
self.board[y][x] = piece
(self.xnums if piece == 'X' else self.onums).add(n)
self.board[y][x] = '_'
(self.xnums if n in self.xnums else self.onums).remove(n)
def next_move(self, piece):
Return the next best move for piece as cell number.
if all(map(lambda x: len(set(x)) == 1, self.board)):
return random.choice((1, 3, 7, 9)) # Corners are best first play.
scores = []
avail = list(self.avail)
for n in avail:
node = TTTGame(self)
node.play(n, piece)
best = max(enumerate(scores), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
return avail[best]
def _evaluate(self, piece):
Return a score for how favourable the current board is towards piece.
state = self.winner()
if state:
return (1 if state == piece else 0 if state == 'T' else -1)
scores = []
apponent = 'OX'.replace(piece, '')
for n in self.avail:
self.play(n, apponent)
self.play(n) # reverse play
safest = min(scores)
return safest
class CLI(object):
# - Note that game_loop() is not concerned with any of the display
# attributes or refreshing the screen.
# - Each method is responsible for
# handling it's own display characteristics, for now, with the use of
# the message attribute and refresh().
# - Methods which modify the message attribute should assign an empty
# string to message attribute before returning, except in cases like
# coin_toss().
# - Methods may communicate with each other via return values, not
# via message or any other display attribute.
def __init__(self):
# Display variables.
self.wins = 0
self.losses = 0
self.ties = 0
self.message = ''
# Piece assignments.
self.player = ''
self.computer = ''
# TTTGame instance.
self.game = None
# Players turn or not.
self.turn = None
def refresh(self):
screen = '\n' * 100 # Clear screen.
screen += "TicTacToe\n"
screen += ("wins:%s\tlosses:%s\tties:%s\n\n" %
(self.wins, self.losses, self.ties))
screen += str(self.game) if self.game else '\n' * 4 # The game board.
screen += '\n' + self.message + '\n'
print screen
def coin_toss(self):
"""Assigns player a piece at random, Returns None."""
while True: # until user enters valid input
option = raw_input("Heads or Tails (or just hit enter)? ")
if option.lower() in ['', 'heads', 'h', 'tails', 't']:
self.player = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
self.computer = 'XO'.replace(self.player, '')
self.message = "That's not a valid choice!"
self.message = "You go first" if self.player == 'X' else ''
def player_turn(self):
while True: # until user enters valid input
option = raw_input("cell number: ").strip().lower()
if option == 'hint':
self.message = str(self.game.next_move(self.player))
elif not (option.isdigit() and 1 <= int(option) <= 9):
self.message = "That's not a valid option!"
elif int(option) not in self.game.avail:
self.message = "That cell is already occupied!"
self.game.play(int(option), self.player)
self.message = ''
def computer_turn(self):
best = self.game.next_move(self.computer)
self.game.play(best, self.computer)
self.message = ''
def play_again(self):
"""Gives user the chance to quit the program or continue."""
while True: # until user enters valid input
option = raw_input("Play again (enter) or n? ").strip().lower()
if not option:
self.message = ''
elif option in ["no", 'n']:
import sys
self.message = "That's not a valid option!"
def game_loop(self):
"""Simple game loop."""
while True:
self.game = TTTGame()
self.turn = (self.player == 'X') # X always goes first.
while not self.game.winner():
if self.turn:
self.turn = not self.turn
winner = self.game.winner()
if winner == 'T':
self.message = "You tied."
self.ties += 1
elif winner == self.player:
self.message = "You won!"
self.wins += 1
self.message = "You lost."
self.losses += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
print '\n' * 100
print ("Welome to TicTacToe\n\n" +
"Cells are numbered 1 to 9 and correspond directly\n" +
"with keys on your keyboards numpad.\n\n" +
"To make a play, type the relevent number and hit enter\n\n" +
"You can also type hint when it's your turn to play.\n\n" +
"BTW, the computer is unbeatable. Which means your win\n" +
"statistic will never show anything other than 0.\n" +
"Have fun ;)\n\n")
raw_input(".... (hit enter) ...")
user_interface = CLI()