I wrote a method that will confirm email with token send to user emails. It will also send different email depending on the condition for the registered user. If anyone would write the same method, how would you write this code snippet?
[AllowAnonymous, Route("confirm-email", Name = AccountControllerRoute.GetConfirmEmail)]
public async Task<ActionResult> ConfirmEmail(int accountId, string token)
if (accountId == 0 || token == null)
return HttpNotFound();
var account = await AccountManager.FindByIdAsync(accountId);
if (account == null)
return HttpNotFound();
if (account.EmailConfirmed)
return View("ConfirmEmail"); //return page that will say the token has expired
var result = await AccountManager.ConfirmEmailAsync(accountId, token);
var emailBody = string.Empty;
if (result.Succeeded)
if(account.Institution == null)
// send message notifying admin that a new institution needs review and setup
emailBody = $"{account.UserName}|{account.profile.contact}|{account.profile.institutionName}|{account.profile.institutionAddress}";
await AccountManager.SendEmailAsync(account.Id, EmailNames.NewInstitutionRequest, "");
return View("ConfirmEmail");
// Pass Name, Username
emailBody = $"{account.Name}|{account.UserName}";
if (account.Institution.IsClient)
if (account.Institution.Licence.AllowedAccounts == 0)
await AccountManager.SendEmailAsync(account.Id, EmailNames.NewUserRequest, emailBody);
return View("ConfirmEmail"); // send a different message notifying admin about exceeding allow accounts
// send message notifying admin that a new user request for access
await AccountManager.SendEmailAsync(account.Id, EmailNames.NewUserRequest, emailBody);
return View("ConfirmEmail");
// send message notifying admin that a new user has registered
await AccountManager.SendEmailAsync(account.Id, EmailNames.NewUserNotificationForSA, emailBody);
return View("ConfirmEmail");
return View("Error");
Also, could there be a better way to just pass an object rather than a string with a separator that I have to use to parse them, once passed to a method where it send an email to the user?
public class PostalEmailService : IIdentityMessageService
public Task SendAsync(IdentityMessage message)
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
EmailBase email;
switch (message.Subject)
case EmailNames.ResetPassword:
email = new ResetPasswordEmail {To = message.Destination, Link = message.Body};
case EmailNames.NewUserRequest:
string name = message.Body.Split('|')[0];
string userName = message.Body.Split('|')[1];
email = new NewUserRequestEmail { To = "[email protected]", Name = name, UserName = userName };
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown email '{0}'.".FormatWith(message.Subject));
return email.SendAsync();