
I'm new to ruby, later I asked about ways to refactor code (Parsing GPS data), one man gave me direction, so I made class for Median filter and it will be great to read review for my work.

What guys are you thinking about it? Is it still smells?

class MedianFilter
  attr_accessor :step

  def initialize(step, keys)

    raise ArgumentError.new('Step must be odd and higher than 3') if step < 3 && step % 2 != 1
    raise ArgumentError.new('Keys must be array of symbols') unless keys.kind_of?(Array) && keys.count > 0

    @step = step
    @keys = keys


  def filter(param_values)
    process_values param_values.clone

  def filter!(param_values)
    process_values param_values


  def process_values(values)

    half_step = (@step - 1) / 2

    values.each_index do |i|

      item = values[i]

      median_points = [ values[ [0, i - half_step].max ],
                        values[ [values.count - 1, i + half_step].min ] ]

      @keys.each do |key|
        item[key] = median_points.map { |x| x[key] || 0 }.sort[half_step]




  • \$\begingroup\$ Did you ask about it here? Do you mind adding a link to the original question for context? \$\endgroup\$
    – RubberDuck
    Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 10:25
  • \$\begingroup\$ @RubberDuck, fix it. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 10:55

1 Answer 1


Your code has some bad side-effects. There's no real difference between filter and filter! since they both modify the input values directly.

It seems that your input is something like:

[{foo: 2}, {foo: 80}, {foo: 6}, {foo: 3}]

in other words, an array of hashes.

When you call filter, you duplicate the array - but the hash objects are still the same objects. So when you calculate the median, and set item[key] = ..., you're modifying the same hash objects. Duplicating the array has no real effect; you're not modifying the array itself, only the objects inside the array. And those objects are the same even if you duplicate the array.

An example:

filter = MedianFilter.new(3, [:foo])
original = [{foo: 2}, {foo: 80}, {foo: 6}, {foo: 3}]

modified = filter.filter(values)

modified # => [{:foo=>2}, {:foo=>6}, {:foo=>6}, {:foo=>3}]
original # => [{:foo=>2}, {:foo=>6}, {:foo=>6}, {:foo=>3}]

In the example, modified is a different array object than original, but the contents of both arrays have been changed. In order words: Your filter method has side-effects.

And I doubt that's what you want.

Anyway, about the code:

  • Another bug: Your exception says that step "must be odd and higher than 3", but that's not what you actually check. You code checks whether step is below 3 and even. So I can pass in 4 and not get an error, even though it's an even number. Or I can pass in -3 and not get an error, even though is less than 3.
    Your error message is also a little misleading. It says "higher than 3" when it fact it can be 3.

  • You check of keys only checks for a non-empty array - it doesn't check that the array only contains symbols. I could pass in ["foo", 42, Date.new] without the initializer raising an error.

  • There are a few built-in methods that would make the checks more idiomatic and readable. For instance, step % 2 != 1 can be written as step.even?, and keys.count > 0 can be written as !keys.empty?

  • I'd probably rename step to window_size, since I think that's a better name. Or you might simply redefine it as the number of neighbors to include - i.e. what you currently call half_step.

  • I'd simply skip the keys argument, and instead provide the input data in a different way. It would keep this class simple and generic.

  • I'm not sure this actually needs to be a class, since it doesn't really need to maintain state. It could just be a method.

  • As for the process method, you can use each_cons to get the "windows" you want to find the median for. You just need to pad the array a little. Here's a simplified example:

    # example input
    values = [2, 80, 6, 3]
    window_size = 3
    neighbors = (window_size / 2).floor
    # create an array with extra elements at the start and end
    temp = ([values.first] * neighbors) + values + ([values.last] * neighbors)
    # calculate medians
    medians = temp.each_cons(window_size).map { |window| window.sort[neighbors] }
    medians # => [2, 6, 6, 3]
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks so much for that great and helpful answer. I have question about 'it could be a method' - should I put this method in module or in class that using it? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 11:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ In the previous question (link in post) I got answer that parsers should be the classes TrackParser > GPXParser, TESParser, etc. Could you please write your opinion about it? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 11:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ @AleksandrK. Yes, the method should still be in a class somewhere - it should be where you need it. And you got some good advice in your last post; the parsers probably should be separate classes. Their job is to take a file, and return an array of points that follow a standard format. However, the median filtering is something that would happen after you've parsed the files, so that probably shouldn't be in the separate parser classes, but somewhere else. \$\endgroup\$
    – Flambino
    Commented Oct 25, 2014 at 12:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ I've thought a lot about your snippet and modify it for my purposes, here what I've done: temp.each_cons(window_size).map do |window| keys.each do |key| window[neighbors][key] = window.map { |x| x[key] }.sort[neighbors] end window[neighbors] end could you please write your opinion? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 26, 2014 at 14:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @AleksandrK. Looks OK to me \$\endgroup\$
    – Flambino
    Commented Oct 26, 2014 at 19:50

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