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include the third optimisation tried out.
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  1. Converting serial loop-in-loop (i,j) into a direct i,j product - that can be used to check the values of Acc in a map call.
  2. converting the loop-in-loop into a numpy iterable form (np.apply_along_axis) (e.g. see get_Nvl_fast)
  3. Converting the if,else flow into dictionary calls. (e.g. action_to_take[Acc[v,u]] instead of if Acc[v,u]==-1:...)
  1. Converting serial loop-in-loop (i,j) into a direct i,j product - that can be used to check the values of Acc in a map call.
  2. converting the loop-in-loop into a numpy iterable form (np.apply_along_axis) (e.g. see get_Nvl_fast)
  1. Converting serial loop-in-loop (i,j) into a direct i,j product - that can be used to check the values of Acc in a map call.
  2. converting the loop-in-loop into a numpy iterable form (np.apply_along_axis) (e.g. see get_Nvl_fast)
  3. Converting the if,else flow into dictionary calls. (e.g. action_to_take[Acc[v,u]] instead of if Acc[v,u]==-1:...)
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Optimising compatibility-conflict graph solution - python recursive routine


I'm implementing an algorithm which localises overlapping sound sources using the time-difference-of-arrivals across 3 sensors [1]. Compatible 'triples' (e.g. with only 2 common sensors) need to be joined up to make larger N sensor graphs. The compatible triples are found using a recursive routine (```combine_all``) until no new solutions are found.

The routine runs well when there are small # of triples, but I've empirically observed for every 10X increase in triple number, there's a ~10^5.5 increase in run-time (using linear regression) - which is problematic (meaning up to 12 hours of run-time on my actual data).


[1] Kreissig & Yang 2013, Fast and reliable TDOA assignment in multi-source reverberant environments, ICASSP 2013 paper link.

Code and initial profiling

The combine_all routine accepts the compatibility-conflict matrix describing the compatibility/conflict of all triple pairs. From the currently available triples - their in/compatibility to the current solution are checked and kept or eliminated. The compatible nodes are checked by get_Nvl, and incompatible nodes are checked by get_not_Nvl.

Initial profiling with iPython %lprun told me the get_Nvl and get_not_Nvl is where ~80% (40% and 40% each) is spent in combine_all - and I've tried my best to optimise the current code with no luck.

import numpy as np 
from itertools import chain, product

def combine_all(Acc, V, l, X):
    Acc : (N_triples,N_triples) np.array
        The compatibility-conflict graph. Value of 1 means compatible node pair, -1 is incompatible, 0 is undefined.
    V_t : set
        V_tilda. The currently considered vertices (a sub-set of V, all vertices)
    l : set
        The solution consisting of the currently compatible vertices.      
    solutions_l : list with sublists
        A somewhat messy output - must be run through ```format_combineall``` to get
        nice output.

    # determine N_v(l) and !N_v(l)
    # !N_v(l) are the vertices incompatible with the current solution
    N_vl = get_Nvl(Acc, V, l)
    N_not_vl = get_NOT_Nvl(Acc, V, l)

    solutions_l = []
    if len(N_vl) == 0:

        # remove conflicting neighbour
        V = V.difference(N_not_vl)
        # unvisited compatible neighbours
        Nvl_wo_X = N_vl.difference(X)
        for n in Nvl_wo_X:
            Vx = V.difference(set([n]))
            lx = l.union(set([n]))
            solution = combine_all(Acc, Vx, lx, X)
            if solution:
            X = X.union(set([n]))
    return solutions_l

def get_Nvl(Acc, V_t, l):
    '''Checks for compatible vertices   
    Essentially, two for loops run across the
    available triples (v in V_t) and   the current solution set (u in l)
    - to access the ```Acc[v,u]``` entries. If all ```Acc[v,u]``` values
    are +1, then ```v``` is compatible with the current solution ```l```.
    If any of the ```Acc[v,u]``` values is -1  then that ```v``` is not compatible anymore.

    Nvl : set
        Solution of vertices that are compatible to at least one other vertex
        and not in conflict with any of the other vertices.
    Nvl = []
    if len(l)>0:
        for v in V_t:
            for u in l:
                if Acc[v,u]==1:
                elif Acc[v,u]==-1:
                    if v in Nvl:
        return set(Nvl)
        return V_t

def get_Nvl_fast(Acc, V_t, l):
    '''See CombineAll for docs
    if len(l)>0:
        all_uv = np.array(np.meshgrid(V_t, l)).T.reshape(-1,2)
        def get_acc(X):
            return Acc[X[0], X[1]]
        Acc_values = np.apply_along_axis(get_acc, 1, all_uv)
        rows_w_min1 = np.where(Acc_values<0)
        v_vals_w_conflicts = np.unique(all_uv[rows_w_min1,0])
        Nvl = np.setdiff1d(V_t, v_vals_w_conflicts)
        return Nvl
        return V_t

def get_NOT_Nvl(Acc:np.array, V:set, l:set):
    N_not_vl = []
    if len(l)>0:
        for v in V:
            for u in l:
                if Acc[v,u]==-1:
                elif Acc[v,u]==1:
                    if v in N_not_vl:
        N_not_vl = []
    return set(N_not_vl)

# ---- not performance related section -- formats output into easily readable
# form
def format_combineall(output):
    semiflat = flatten_combine_all(output)
    only_sets = []
    for each in semiflat:
        if isinstance(each, list):
            for every in each:
                if isinstance(every, set):
        elif isinstance(each, set):
    return only_sets

def flatten_combine_all(entry):
    if isinstance(entry, list):
        if len(entry)==1:
            return flatten_combine_all(entry[0])
            return list(map(flatten_combine_all, entry))
    elif isinstance(entry, set):
        return entry
        raise ValueError(f'{entry} can only be set or list')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # compatibility-conflict graph from [1]
    A = np.array([[ 0, 1, 0, 0,-1,-1],
                  [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
                  [ 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 0],
                  [ 0, 1,-1, 0,-1, 0],
                  [-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 1],
                  [-1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]])

    qq = combine_all(A, set(range(6)), set([]), set([]))
    neat_output = format_combineall(qq)
    # Expected answer: 
    # >>> print(neat_output)
    # >>> [{0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 4, 5}, {1, 3, 5}]

No luck with optimisation experiments

Since the get_Nvl + get_not_Nvl is where most of the time spent - I've focussed on performing optimisations there. To begin with I worked only get_Nvl (both Nvl functions have very similar structure. In the current get_Nvl implementation - there are two for loops, with i,j referencing values in the Acc compatibility-conflict matrix. I've tried multiple things that have lead to no improvement or even increase in runtime, of which here I report the two that I can now recollect.

  1. Converting serial loop-in-loop (i,j) into a direct i,j product - that can be used to check the values of Acc in a map call.
  2. converting the loop-in-loop into a numpy iterable form (np.apply_along_axis) (e.g. see get_Nvl_fast)

Solutions to speeding up the code?

I've run out of ideas on how to speed up the code in Python - and am now considering using a C++ implementation that I can call from Python (though my C++ is non-existent/rusty).

I'd be grateful for ideas on how to speed up my Python code before investing too deep into another language!