I know it's long, but anyAny suggestions/constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
I know it's long, but any suggestions/constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Any suggestions/constructive feedback is appreciated.
Python 3 simple Minesweeper game using tkinter
I am relatively new to programming, and I wish to use this simple minesweeper game in a portfolio. A few questions:
- Currently, game setup gets progressively slower with each reset button call, and the window height slightly increases downward. This is very apparent on medium and hard difficulties. What changes can speed up this code? I want to reuse the same window with each reset if possible.
- The code uses a Model-View-Controller approach. Does this make sense for a project using tkinter? Is there a better approach?
- Some parts such as the additions variable are repeated, but I cannot find a way to make them instance variables.
I know it's long, but any suggestions/constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Implements a basic minesweeper game using tkinter.
Uses Model-View-Controller architecture.
import tkinter as tk
import random
class Model(object):
"""Crates a board and adds mines to it"""
def __init__(self, width, height, num_mines):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.num_mines = num_mines
def create_grid(self):
"""Create a self.width by self.height grid of elements with value 0"""
self.grid = [[0]*self.width for i in range(self.height)]
def add_mines(self):
"""Randomly adds the amount of self.num_mines to grid"""
def get_coords():
row = random.randint(0, self.height - 1)
col = random.randint(0, self.width - 1)
return row, col
for i in range(self.num_mines):
row, col = get_coords()
while self.grid[row][col] == "b":
row, col = get_coords()
self.grid[row][col] = "b"
for i in self.grid:
print (i)
class View(tk.Frame):
"""Creates a main window and grid of button cells"""
def __init__(self, master, width, height, num_mines):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.num_mines = num_mines
self.top_panel = TopPanel(self.master, self.height,
self.width, self.num_mines)
def create_widgets(self):
"""Create cell button widgets"""
self.buttons = {}
for i in range(self.height):
for j in range(self.width):
self.buttons[str(i) + "," + str(j)] = tk.Button(
self.master, width=5, bg="grey")
self.buttons[str(i) + "," + str(j)].grid(row=i+1, column=j+1)
def disp_loss(self):
"""Display the loss label when loss condition is reached"""
self.top_panel.loss_label.grid(row=0, columnspan=5)
def disp_win(self):
"""Display the win label when win condition is reached"""
self.top_panel.win_label.grid(row=0, columnspan=5)
def hide_labels(self, condition=None):
"""Hides labels based on condition argument"""
if condition:
class TopPanel(tk.Frame):
"""Create top panel which houses reset button and win/loss and
mines left labels."""
def __init__(self, master, width, height, num_mines):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.num_mines = num_mines
def create_widgets(self):
self.reset_button = tk.Button(self.master, width = 7, text="Reset")
self.reset_button.grid(row=0, columnspan=int((self.width*7)/2))
# Create win and loss labels
self.loss_label = tk.Label(text="You Lose!", bg="red")
self.win_label = tk.Label(text="You Win!", bg="green")
# Create number of mines remaining label
self.mine_count = tk.StringVar()
self.mine_count.set("Mines remaining: " + str(self.num_mines))
self.mines_left = tk.Label(textvariable=self.mine_count)
self.mines_left.grid(row=0, columnspan=5)
class Controller(object):
"""Sets up button bindings and minsweeper game logic.
The act of revealing cells is delegated to the methods: give_val(),
reveal_cell(), reveal_adj(), and reveal_cont(). End conditions are handled
by the loss() and win() methods.
def __init__(self, width, height, num_mines):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.num_mines = num_mines
self.model = Model(self.width, self.height, self.num_mines)
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.view = View(self.root, self.width, self.height, self.num_mines)
# self.color_dict is used to assign colors to cells
self.color_dict = {
0: "white", 1:"blue", 2:"green",
3:"red", 4:"orange", 5:"purple",
6: "grey", 7:"grey", 8: "grey"
# Self.count keeps track of cells with value of 0 so that they
# get revealed with self.reveal_cont call only once
self.count = []
self.cells_revealed = []
self.cells_flagged = []
self.game_state = None
def bindings(self):
"""Set up reveal cell and flag cell key bindings"""
for i in range(self.height):
for j in range(self.width):
# Right click bind to reveal decision method
self.view.buttons[str(i) + "," + str(j)].bind(
lambda event, index=[i, j]:self.reveal(event, index))
# Left click bind to flag method
self.view.buttons[str(i) + "," + str(j)].bind(
lambda event, index=[i, j]:self.flag(event, index))
# Set up reset button
self.view.top_panel.reset_button.bind("<Button>", self.reset)
def reset(self, event):
"""Resets game. Currently, game setup gets slower with each reset call,
and window height slightly increases"""
self.count = []
self.cells_revealed = []
self.cells_flagged = []
self.game_state = None
self.model = Model(self.width, self.height, self.num_mines)
self.view = View(self.root, self.width,
self.height, self.num_mines)
def reveal(self, event, index):
"""Main decision method determining how to reveal cell"""
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
val = self.give_val(index)
if val in [x for x in range(1, 9)]:
self.reveal_cell(val, index)
if (val == "b" and self.game_state != "win" and
self.view.buttons[str(i) + "," + str(j)]["text"] != "FLAG"):
self.game_state = "Loss"
# Begin the revealing recursive method when cell value is 0
if val == 0:
def give_val(self, index):
"""Returns the number of adjacent mine. Returns "b" if cell is mine"""
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
num_mines = 0
if self.model.grid[i][j] == "b":
return "b"
except IndexError:
def increment():
if self.model.grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] == "b":
return 1
except IndexError:
return 0
additions = [
[i,j+1], [i+1,j], [i+1,j+1], [i,j-1],
[i+1,j-1], [i-1,j], [i-1,j+1], [i-1,j-1]
#Adds 1 to num_mines if cell is adjacent to a mine
for pos in additions:
if 0 <= pos[0] <= self.height -1 and 0 <= pos[1] <= self.width - 1:
num_mines += increment()
return num_mines
def reveal_cell(self, value, index):
"""Reveals cell value and assigns an associated color for that value"""
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
cells_unrev = self.height * self.width - len(self.cells_revealed) - 1
button_key = str(i) + "," + str(j)
if self.view.buttons[button_key]["text"] == "FLAG":
elif value == "b":
# Checks if cell is in the board limits
if (0 <= i <= self.height - 1 and
0 <= j <= self.width - 1 and
[button_key] not in self.cells_revealed):
text=value, bg=self.color_dict[value])
# Removes cell from flagged list when the cell gets revealed
if button_key in self.cells_flagged:
# Check for win condition
if (cells_unrev == self.num_mines and not self.game_state):
def reveal_adj(self, index):
"""Reveals the 8 adjacent cells to the input cell index"""
org_val = self.give_val(index)
self.reveal_cell(org_val, index)
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
additions = [
[i,j+1], [i+1,j], [i+1,j+1], [i,j-1],
[i+1,j-1], [i-1,j], [i-1,j+1], [i-1,j-1]
for pos in additions:
if (0 <= pos[0] <= self.height - 1 and
0 <= pos[1] <= self.width - 1):
new_val = self.give_val(pos)
self.reveal_cell(new_val, pos)
def reveal_cont(self, index):
"""Recursive formula that reveals all adjacent cells only if the
selected cell has no adjacent mines.
(meaning self.give_val(index) == 0)"""
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
additions = [
[i,j+1], [i+1,j], [i+1,j+1], [i,j-1],
[i+1,j-1], [i-1,j], [i-1,j+1], [i-1,j-1]
val = self.give_val(index)
if val != 0:
return None
for pos in additions:
if (0 <= pos[0] <= self.height - 1 and
0 <= pos[1] <= self.width -1 and
self.give_val(pos) == 0 and pos not in self.count):
def win(self):
"""Display win"""
self.game_state = "win"
def loss(self):
"""Display loss. Reveal all cells when a mine is clicked"""
for i in range(self.height):
for j in range(self.width):
val = self.give_val([i, j])
self.reveal_cell(val, [i, j])
def flag(self, event, index):
"""Allows player to flag cells for possible mines.
Does not reveal cell."""
i = index[0]
j = index[1]
button_key = str(i) + "," + str(j)
button_val = self.view.buttons[button_key]
if button_val["bg"] == "grey":
button_val.configure(bg="yellow", text="FLAG")
elif button_val["text"] == "FLAG":
button_val.configure(bg="grey", text="")
def update_mines(self):
"""Update mine counter"""
mines_left = self.num_mines - len(self.cells_flagged)
if mines_left >= 0:
"Mines remaining: " + str(mines_left))
def main():
n = input("Pick a difficulty: Easy, Medium, or Hard. ")
if n[0] == "E" or n[0] == "e":
return Controller(9, 9, 10)
elif n[0] == "M" or n[0] == "m":
return Controller(16, 16, 40)
elif n[0] == "H" or n[0] == "h":
return Controller(30, 16, 99)
if __name__ == "__main__":