I have recently started to learn Python and I have decided to apply what I have learnt so far to creating a Simon Memory Game clone. I am now look for help in improving the code. Any help in improving this code would be greatly appreciated and criticism is welcome.
import tkinter
from random import choice
class Simon() :
def __init__(self, master) :
# Configure tkinter.Tk with some basic settings.
self.master = master
self.master.minsize(640, 480)
self.master.resizable(False, False)
self.master.title("Simon Memory Game")
self.master.update() # Complete any outstanding tkinter tasks.
# Create the canvas to be used to draw the rectangles that make up the game. Have it take up the entire window.
self.game_canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.master, width = self.master.winfo_width(), height = self.master.winfo_height(), highlightthickness = 0)
# Set up the four colors that will be used throughout the game.
self.idle_colors = ("red", "blue", "green", "yellow")
self.tinted_colors = ("#ff4d4d", "#4d4dff", "#4dff4d", "#ffff4d")
self.current_colors = [color for color in self.idle_colors]
self.rectangle_ids = []
# Sequence of the colors for the current game and the position in the sequence for use when showing it to the user.
self.sequence = [choice(self.idle_colors)]
self.sequence_position = 0
# Show the sequence to the player, so the player can repeat it.
def show_sequence(self) :
# Pass the current color of the sequence to the flash function.
# Check that we have not reached the end of the sequence.
if(self.sequence_position < len(self.sequence) - 1) :
# Since we haven't reached the end of the sequence increment the postion and schedule a callback.
self.sequence_position += 1
self.master.after(1250, self.show_sequence)
else :
self.sequence_position = 0 # Reset the position for next round.
# Flash a single rectangle once. Used to indicate it is apart of the sequence to the player.
def flash(self, color) :
index = self.idle_colors.index(color) # Find the position in the tuple that the specified color is at.
if self.current_colors[index] == self.idle_colors[index] : # Use the position of the color specified to compare if the current color on screen matches the idle one.
# If so set the current color equal to that of the tinted color.
self.current_colors[index] = self.tinted_colors[index]
self.master.after(1000, self.flash, color) # Call this function again in 1 seconds time to revert back to the idle color
else :
self.current_colors[index] = self.idle_colors[index] # Revert the current color back to the idle color.
self.draw_canvas() # Draw the canvas to reflect this change to the player.
def check_choice(self) :
color = self.idle_colors[self.rectangle_ids.index(self.game_canvas.find_withtag("current")[0])]
if(color == self.sequence[self.sequence_position]) :
if(self.sequence_position < len(self.sequence) - 1) :
self.sequence_position += 1
else :
self.master.title("Simon Memory Game - Score: {}".format(len(self.sequence))) # Update the score.
# Reached the end of the sequence append new color to sequence and play that.
self.sequence_position = 0
else :
# Game Over for the player as they got the sequence wrong reset the game back to level one.
self.master.title("Simon Memory Game - Game Over! | Final Score: {}".format(len(self.sequence)))
self.sequence[:] = [] # Empty the list of sequences
self.sequence.append(choice(self.idle_colors)) # Add the first sequence of the new game to the list of sequences.
self.sequence_position = 0
def draw_canvas(self) :
self.rectangle_ids[:] = [] # Empty out the list of ids.
self.game_canvas.delete("all") # Clean the frame ready for the new one
for index, color in enumerate(self.current_colors) : # Iterate over the colors in the list drawing each of the rectangles their respective place.
if index <= 1 :
self.rectangle_ids.append(self.game_canvas.create_rectangle(index * self.master.winfo_width(), 0, self.master.winfo_width() / 2, self.master.winfo_height() / 2, fill = color, outline = color))
else :
self.rectangle_ids.append(self.game_canvas.create_rectangle((index - 2) * self.master.winfo_width(), self.master.winfo_height(), self.master.winfo_width() / 2, self.master.winfo_height() / 2, fill = color, outline = color))
for id in self.rectangle_ids :
self.game_canvas.tag_bind(id, '<ButtonPress-1>', lambda e : self.check_choice())
def main() :
root = tkinter.Tk()
gui = Simon(root)
if __name__ == "__main__" : main()