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added 155 characters in body
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Edit: The code should no work without stackoverflow.

module PLYparsing
open System.IO;;
open System.Text.RegularExpressions;;

// The types in a PLY file (at least in the ones we use)
type Vertice = V of float * float * float;;
type Face = F of int * int * int;;

/// <summary>Read all lines in a file into a sequence of strings.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Name of file to be parsed - must be situated in Resources folder.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the lines in the file.</returns>
let readLines (fileName:string) = 
   let baseName = Directory.GetParent(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__).FullName
   let fullPath = Path.Combine(baseName, ("Resources\\" + fileName))
   seq { use sr = new StreamReader (fullPath)
         while not sr.EndOfStream do
            yield sr.ReadLine() };;

// not-mutable values to be assigned during parsing.
type ParserResult = 
        VertexCount : int
        FaceCount : int
        FaceProperties : string * string
        VertexProperties : (string * string) list
        ObjectInfo: (string * string) list
        Vertices: seq<Vertice>
        Faces: seq<Face>
    static member Init()=   
            VertexCount = 0
            FaceCount = 0
            FaceProperties = ("","")
            VertexProperties =[]
            ObjectInfo = []
            Vertices = Seq.empty
            Faces = Seq.empty
// Malformed lines in the PLY file? Raise this exception.
type ParserSuccess<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string

let map f aPS=
    match aPS with 
    | Success( a )-> f a |> Success
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let combine xPS yPS = 
    match (xPS,yPS) with
    | Success(x),Success(y) -> Success(x,y)
    | _ -> Failure <| sprintf "Can not combine %A %A" xPS yPS

let bind f aPS = 
    match aPS with
    | Success x -> f x
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let outerSuccess<'a> (seqIn: ParserSuccess<'a> seq) ->= ParserSuccess<'a 
 seq>=   let containsFailure = 
   Seq.fold (fun (accPS:ParserSuccess<'a seq> ) seqIn
        |>Seq.exists (elPS:ParserSuccess<'a>fun (elPS) -> 
            match (accPS, (elPS) ) match elPS with 
            | Success(acc), Success( el) | Failure _ -> Successtrue
 (Seq.append acc  (Seq.singleton el) ) 
          | _ -> false)
    match containsFailure with
    | _true ->
        Failure ("Could be a litte bit more precise: Failure in " + (typeof<'a>).ToString())) 
 (   | false ->
        Success( Seq.emptymap (fun s -> match s with | Success(v) -> v ) seqIn)

//exception ParseError of string;;

/// <summary>Checks whether a string matches a certain regex.</summary>
/// <param name="s">The string to check.</param>
/// <param name="r">The regex to match.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the string matches the regex.</returns>
let matchesRegex s r =
   Regex.Match(s, r).Success

/// <summary>Parse the header of a PLY file into predefined, mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="header">A sequence of the header lines in a PLY file, not including "end_header".</param>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the input is not recognized as anything useful.</exception>
let parseHeader (header: seq<string>) = 
    let parseHeaderRaw accPS (line:string) = 
      match accPS with 
      | Failure (_) -> accPS
      | Success (parserResult) -> 
          let splitted = line.Split[|' '|]
          match line with
          | x when matchesRegex x @"obj_info .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with ObjectInfo = parserResult.ObjectInfo@[(a, b)]} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element vertex \d*"         ->
             {  parserResult with VertexCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property list .*"           ->
             let a = Array.item 2 splitted
             let b = Array.item 3 splitted
             {  parserResult with FaceProperties =  (a, b)}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with VertexProperties =  parserResult.VertexProperties@[(a, b)]}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element face \d*"           ->
             {  parserResult with FaceCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)}
             |> Success
          | x when ((x = "ply") || matchesRegex x @"format .*") -> Success parserResult
          | _                                                   -> 
             Failure "Malformed header."  

    |> Seq.fold parseHeaderRaw  (ParserResult.Init() |> Success)

/// <summary>Convert a string to a vertice.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a vertice.</param>
/// <returns>The converted vertice.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToVertice (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure 
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let pick  i = Array.item i splitted
                            let x = pick 0
                            let y = pick 1
                            let z = pick 2
                            V(float x, float y, float z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of vertices.</summary>
/// <param name="vertices">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted sequences.</returns>
let parseVertices (vertices: seq<string>) = stringToVertice vertices 
   |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Convert a string to a face.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a face.</param>
/// <returns>The converted face.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToFace (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure                             
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let x = Array.item 0 splitted
                            let y = Array.item 1 splitted
                            let z = Array.item 2 splitted
                            F(int x, int y, int z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of faces.</summary>
/// <param name="faces">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted faces.</returns>
let parseFaces (faces: seq<string>) =
      |> stringToFace 
      |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Main function in PLY parsing. Calls all helper functions and assigns the required mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">File to be parsed - name of file in Resources folder.</param>
let parsePLYFile fileName =
   let lines = readLines fileName
   // At which index is the header located? The vertices? The faces?
   let bodyPos = lines |> Seq.findIndex(fun a -> a = "end_header")
   let header = lines |> Seq.take bodyPos
   // Parse the header, the vertices & the faces.
   parseHeader header
   |> bind (fun resultHeaderPS -> 
        let faces = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + resultHeaderPS.VertexCount + 1) |> Seq.take  resultHeaderPS.FaceCount |> parseFaces
        let vertices = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.VertexCount |> parseVertices
        combine vertices faces
        |> map(fun (vertices, faces) ->
                {   resultHeaderPS with Vertices = vertices; Faces = faces }  ) )
module PLYparsing
open System.IO;;
open System.Text.RegularExpressions;;

// The types in a PLY file (at least in the ones we use)
type Vertice = V of float * float * float;;
type Face = F of int * int * int;;

/// <summary>Read all lines in a file into a sequence of strings.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Name of file to be parsed - must be situated in Resources folder.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the lines in the file.</returns>
let readLines (fileName:string) = 
   let baseName = Directory.GetParent(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__).FullName
   let fullPath = Path.Combine(baseName, ("Resources\\" + fileName))
   seq { use sr = new StreamReader (fullPath)
         while not sr.EndOfStream do
            yield sr.ReadLine() };;

// not-mutable values to be assigned during parsing.
type ParserResult = 
        VertexCount : int
        FaceCount : int
        FaceProperties : string * string
        VertexProperties : (string * string) list
        ObjectInfo: (string * string) list
        Vertices: seq<Vertice>
        Faces: seq<Face>
    static member Init()=   
            VertexCount = 0
            FaceCount = 0
            FaceProperties = ("","")
            VertexProperties =[]
            ObjectInfo = []
            Vertices = Seq.empty
            Faces = Seq.empty
// Malformed lines in the PLY file? Raise this exception.
type ParserSuccess<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string

let map f aPS=
    match aPS with 
    | Success( a )-> f a |> Success
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let combine xPS yPS = 
    match (xPS,yPS) with
    | Success(x),Success(y) -> Success(x,y)
    | _ -> Failure <| sprintf "Can not combine %A %A" xPS yPS

let bind f aPS = 
    match aPS with
    | Success x -> f x
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let outerSuccess<'a> : ParserSuccess<'a> seq -> ParserSuccess<'a seq>= 
   Seq.fold (fun (accPS:ParserSuccess<'a seq> ) (elPS:ParserSuccess<'a> ) -> 
            match (accPS, (elPS) ) with 
            | Success(acc), Success( el) -> Success (Seq.append acc  (Seq.singleton el) ) 
             | _ -> Failure ("Could be a litte bit more precise: Failure in " + (typeof<'a>).ToString())) (Success Seq.empty)

//exception ParseError of string;;

/// <summary>Checks whether a string matches a certain regex.</summary>
/// <param name="s">The string to check.</param>
/// <param name="r">The regex to match.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the string matches the regex.</returns>
let matchesRegex s r =
   Regex.Match(s, r).Success

/// <summary>Parse the header of a PLY file into predefined, mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="header">A sequence of the header lines in a PLY file, not including "end_header".</param>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the input is not recognized as anything useful.</exception>
let parseHeader (header: seq<string>) = 
    let parseHeaderRaw accPS (line:string) = 
      match accPS with 
      | Failure (_) -> accPS
      | Success (parserResult) -> 
          let splitted = line.Split[|' '|]
          match line with
          | x when matchesRegex x @"obj_info .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with ObjectInfo = parserResult.ObjectInfo@[(a, b)]} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element vertex \d*"         ->
             {  parserResult with VertexCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property list .*"           ->
             let a = Array.item 2 splitted
             let b = Array.item 3 splitted
             {  parserResult with FaceProperties =  (a, b)}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with VertexProperties =  parserResult.VertexProperties@[(a, b)]}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element face \d*"           ->
             {  parserResult with FaceCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)}
             |> Success
          | x when ((x = "ply") || matchesRegex x @"format .*") -> Success parserResult
          | _                                                   -> 
             Failure "Malformed header."  

    |> Seq.fold parseHeaderRaw  (ParserResult.Init() |> Success)

/// <summary>Convert a string to a vertice.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a vertice.</param>
/// <returns>The converted vertice.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToVertice (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure 
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let pick  i = Array.item i splitted
                            let x = pick 0
                            let y = pick 1
                            let z = pick 2
                            V(float x, float y, float z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of vertices.</summary>
/// <param name="vertices">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted sequences.</returns>
let parseVertices (vertices: seq<string>) = stringToVertice vertices 
   |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Convert a string to a face.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a face.</param>
/// <returns>The converted face.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToFace (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure                             
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let x = Array.item 0 splitted
                            let y = Array.item 1 splitted
                            let z = Array.item 2 splitted
                            F(int x, int y, int z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of faces.</summary>
/// <param name="faces">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted faces.</returns>
let parseFaces (faces: seq<string>) =
      |> stringToFace 
      |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Main function in PLY parsing. Calls all helper functions and assigns the required mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">File to be parsed - name of file in Resources folder.</param>
let parsePLYFile fileName =
   let lines = readLines fileName
   // At which index is the header located? The vertices? The faces?
   let bodyPos = lines |> Seq.findIndex(fun a -> a = "end_header")
   let header = lines |> Seq.take bodyPos
   // Parse the header, the vertices & the faces.
   parseHeader header
   |> bind (fun resultHeaderPS -> 
        let faces = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + resultHeaderPS.VertexCount + 1) |> Seq.take  resultHeaderPS.FaceCount |> parseFaces
        let vertices = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.VertexCount |> parseVertices
        combine vertices faces
        |> map(fun (vertices, faces) ->
                {   resultHeaderPS with Vertices = vertices; Faces = faces }  ) )

Edit: The code should no work without stackoverflow.

module PLYparsing
open System.IO;;
open System.Text.RegularExpressions;;

// The types in a PLY file (at least in the ones we use)
type Vertice = V of float * float * float;;
type Face = F of int * int * int;;

/// <summary>Read all lines in a file into a sequence of strings.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Name of file to be parsed - must be situated in Resources folder.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the lines in the file.</returns>
let readLines (fileName:string) = 
   let baseName = Directory.GetParent(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__).FullName
   let fullPath = Path.Combine(baseName, ("Resources\\" + fileName))
   seq { use sr = new StreamReader (fullPath)
         while not sr.EndOfStream do
            yield sr.ReadLine() };;

// not-mutable values to be assigned during parsing.
type ParserResult = 
        VertexCount : int
        FaceCount : int
        FaceProperties : string * string
        VertexProperties : (string * string) list
        ObjectInfo: (string * string) list
        Vertices: seq<Vertice>
        Faces: seq<Face>
    static member Init()=   
            VertexCount = 0
            FaceCount = 0
            FaceProperties = ("","")
            VertexProperties =[]
            ObjectInfo = []
            Vertices = Seq.empty
            Faces = Seq.empty
// Malformed lines in the PLY file? Raise this exception.
type ParserSuccess<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string

let map f aPS=
    match aPS with 
    | Success( a )-> f a |> Success
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let combine xPS yPS = 
    match (xPS,yPS) with
    | Success(x),Success(y) -> Success(x,y)
    | _ -> Failure <| sprintf "Can not combine %A %A" xPS yPS

let bind f aPS = 
    match aPS with
    | Success x -> f x
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let outerSuccess<'a> (seqIn: ParserSuccess<'a> seq) =  
    let containsFailure = 
        |>Seq.exists (fun (elPS) -> 
                match elPS with 
                | Failure _ -> true
                | _ -> false)
    match containsFailure with
    | true ->
        Failure ("Could be a litte bit more precise: Failure in " + (typeof<'a>).ToString()) 
    | false ->
        Success( (fun s -> match s with | Success(v) -> v ) seqIn)

//exception ParseError of string;;

/// <summary>Checks whether a string matches a certain regex.</summary>
/// <param name="s">The string to check.</param>
/// <param name="r">The regex to match.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the string matches the regex.</returns>
let matchesRegex s r =
   Regex.Match(s, r).Success

/// <summary>Parse the header of a PLY file into predefined, mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="header">A sequence of the header lines in a PLY file, not including "end_header".</param>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the input is not recognized as anything useful.</exception>
let parseHeader (header: seq<string>) = 
    let parseHeaderRaw accPS (line:string) = 
      match accPS with 
      | Failure (_) -> accPS
      | Success (parserResult) -> 
          let splitted = line.Split[|' '|]
          match line with
          | x when matchesRegex x @"obj_info .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with ObjectInfo = parserResult.ObjectInfo@[(a, b)]} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element vertex \d*"         ->
             {  parserResult with VertexCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property list .*"           ->
             let a = Array.item 2 splitted
             let b = Array.item 3 splitted
             {  parserResult with FaceProperties =  (a, b)}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with VertexProperties =  parserResult.VertexProperties@[(a, b)]}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element face \d*"           ->
             {  parserResult with FaceCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)}
             |> Success
          | x when ((x = "ply") || matchesRegex x @"format .*") -> Success parserResult
          | _                                                   -> 
             Failure "Malformed header."  

    |> Seq.fold parseHeaderRaw  (ParserResult.Init() |> Success)

/// <summary>Convert a string to a vertice.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a vertice.</param>
/// <returns>The converted vertice.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToVertice (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure 
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let pick  i = Array.item i splitted
                            let x = pick 0
                            let y = pick 1
                            let z = pick 2
                            V(float x, float y, float z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of vertices.</summary>
/// <param name="vertices">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted sequences.</returns>
let parseVertices (vertices: seq<string>) = stringToVertice vertices 
   |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Convert a string to a face.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a face.</param>
/// <returns>The converted face.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToFace (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure                             
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let x = Array.item 0 splitted
                            let y = Array.item 1 splitted
                            let z = Array.item 2 splitted
                            F(int x, int y, int z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of faces.</summary>
/// <param name="faces">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted faces.</returns>
let parseFaces (faces: seq<string>) =
      |> stringToFace 
      |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Main function in PLY parsing. Calls all helper functions and assigns the required mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">File to be parsed - name of file in Resources folder.</param>
let parsePLYFile fileName =
   let lines = readLines fileName
   // At which index is the header located? The vertices? The faces?
   let bodyPos = lines |> Seq.findIndex(fun a -> a = "end_header")
   let header = lines |> Seq.take bodyPos
   // Parse the header, the vertices & the faces.
   parseHeader header
   |> bind (fun resultHeaderPS -> 
        let faces = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + resultHeaderPS.VertexCount + 1) |> Seq.take  resultHeaderPS.FaceCount |> parseFaces
        let vertices = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.VertexCount |> parseVertices
        combine vertices faces
        |> map(fun (vertices, faces) ->
                {   resultHeaderPS with Vertices = vertices; Faces = faces }  ) )
added 989 characters in body
Source Link

Edit: Exceptions are treated as bad style in functional programmimg because they are not represented by the signature of the function. For Example: (Apple -> Banana -> Cherry) is a function that takes an Apple and a Bannan and gives back a Cherry. If this function rise an exception this is not obvious. In a pure language like Haskel I think it is not possible.

Mutable states can have side effects if used in parallel programming and with parallel programming you might improve the perfomance of parseVertices and parseFaces by adding async{...}. To avoid mutable state I imaginetto wrap my data in brown paper and throw away or forget the old data. I hope the Compiler can handle the performance, at least if I use tail recursion. The easy use of async is the reward for avoiding mutable states.

In the project I work correct code and developing time are more importend than performance, because they are for a small number of users. For me F# fits there perfect.

Edit: Exceptions are treated as bad style in functional programmimg because they are not represented by the signature of the function. For Example: (Apple -> Banana -> Cherry) is a function that takes an Apple and a Bannan and gives back a Cherry. If this function rise an exception this is not obvious. In a pure language like Haskel I think it is not possible.

Mutable states can have side effects if used in parallel programming and with parallel programming you might improve the perfomance of parseVertices and parseFaces by adding async{...}. To avoid mutable state I imaginetto wrap my data in brown paper and throw away or forget the old data. I hope the Compiler can handle the performance, at least if I use tail recursion. The easy use of async is the reward for avoiding mutable states.

In the project I work correct code and developing time are more importend than performance, because they are for a small number of users. For me F# fits there perfect.

Source Link

That is how I would write it without exceptions and mutable states. I'm still learning so it might be done shorter, or more efficient. Have a look at

module PLYparsing
open System.IO;;
open System.Text.RegularExpressions;;

// The types in a PLY file (at least in the ones we use)
type Vertice = V of float * float * float;;
type Face = F of int * int * int;;

/// <summary>Read all lines in a file into a sequence of strings.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Name of file to be parsed - must be situated in Resources folder.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the lines in the file.</returns>
let readLines (fileName:string) = 
   let baseName = Directory.GetParent(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__).FullName
   let fullPath = Path.Combine(baseName, ("Resources\\" + fileName))
   seq { use sr = new StreamReader (fullPath)
         while not sr.EndOfStream do
            yield sr.ReadLine() };;

// not-mutable values to be assigned during parsing.
type ParserResult = 
        VertexCount : int
        FaceCount : int
        FaceProperties : string * string
        VertexProperties : (string * string) list
        ObjectInfo: (string * string) list
        Vertices: seq<Vertice>
        Faces: seq<Face>
    static member Init()=   
            VertexCount = 0
            FaceCount = 0
            FaceProperties = ("","")
            VertexProperties =[]
            ObjectInfo = []
            Vertices = Seq.empty
            Faces = Seq.empty
// Malformed lines in the PLY file? Raise this exception.
type ParserSuccess<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string

let map f aPS=
    match aPS with 
    | Success( a )-> f a |> Success
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let combine xPS yPS = 
    match (xPS,yPS) with
    | Success(x),Success(y) -> Success(x,y)
    | _ -> Failure <| sprintf "Can not combine %A %A" xPS yPS

let bind f aPS = 
    match aPS with
    | Success x -> f x
    | Failure s -> Failure s

let outerSuccess<'a> : ParserSuccess<'a> seq -> ParserSuccess<'a seq>= 
   Seq.fold (fun (accPS:ParserSuccess<'a seq> ) (elPS:ParserSuccess<'a> ) -> 
            match (accPS, (elPS) ) with 
            | Success(acc), Success( el) -> Success (Seq.append acc  (Seq.singleton el) ) 
            | _ -> Failure ("Could be a litte bit more precise: Failure in " + (typeof<'a>).ToString())) (Success Seq.empty)

//exception ParseError of string;;

/// <summary>Checks whether a string matches a certain regex.</summary>
/// <param name="s">The string to check.</param>
/// <param name="r">The regex to match.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the string matches the regex.</returns>
let matchesRegex s r =
   Regex.Match(s, r).Success

/// <summary>Parse the header of a PLY file into predefined, mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="header">A sequence of the header lines in a PLY file, not including "end_header".</param>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the input is not recognized as anything useful.</exception>
let parseHeader (header: seq<string>) = 
    let parseHeaderRaw accPS (line:string) = 
      match accPS with 
      | Failure (_) -> accPS
      | Success (parserResult) -> 
          let splitted = line.Split[|' '|]
          match line with
          | x when matchesRegex x @"obj_info .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with ObjectInfo = parserResult.ObjectInfo@[(a, b)]} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element vertex \d*"         ->
             {  parserResult with VertexCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property list .*"           ->
             let a = Array.item 2 splitted
             let b = Array.item 3 splitted
             {  parserResult with FaceProperties =  (a, b)}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"property .*"                ->
             let a = Array.item 1 splitted
             let b = Array.item 2 splitted
             {  parserResult with VertexProperties =  parserResult.VertexProperties@[(a, b)]}
             |> Success
          | x when matchesRegex x @"element face \d*"           ->
             {  parserResult with FaceCount =  int (Array.item 2 splitted)}
             |> Success
          | x when ((x = "ply") || matchesRegex x @"format .*") -> Success parserResult
          | _                                                   -> 
             Failure "Malformed header."  

    |> Seq.fold parseHeaderRaw  (ParserResult.Init() |> Success)

/// <summary>Convert a string to a vertice.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a vertice.</param>
/// <returns>The converted vertice.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToVertice (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure 
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let pick  i = Array.item i splitted
                            let x = pick 0
                            let y = pick 1
                            let z = pick 2
                            V(float x, float y, float z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of vertices.</summary>
/// <param name="vertices">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted sequences.</returns>
let parseVertices (vertices: seq<string>) = stringToVertice vertices 
   |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Convert a string to a face.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String containing a face.</param>
/// <returns>The converted face.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception>
let stringToFace (s: string) =
   match s with
   | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s)
                            sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure                             
   | _                   -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|]
                            let x = Array.item 0 splitted
                            let y = Array.item 1 splitted
                            let z = Array.item 2 splitted
                            F(int x, int y, int z) |> Success

/// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of faces.</summary>
/// <param name="faces">Sequence of strings to convert.</param>
/// <returns>A sequence of the converted faces.</returns>
let parseFaces (faces: seq<string>) =
      |> stringToFace 
      |> outerSuccess

/// <summary>Main function in PLY parsing. Calls all helper functions and assigns the required mutable values.</summary>
/// <param name="fileName">File to be parsed - name of file in Resources folder.</param>
let parsePLYFile fileName =
   let lines = readLines fileName
   // At which index is the header located? The vertices? The faces?
   let bodyPos = lines |> Seq.findIndex(fun a -> a = "end_header")
   let header = lines |> Seq.take bodyPos
   // Parse the header, the vertices & the faces.
   parseHeader header
   |> bind (fun resultHeaderPS -> 
        let faces = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + resultHeaderPS.VertexCount + 1) |> Seq.take  resultHeaderPS.FaceCount |> parseFaces
        let vertices = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.VertexCount |> parseVertices
        combine vertices faces
        |> map(fun (vertices, faces) ->
                {   resultHeaderPS with Vertices = vertices; Faces = faces }  ) )