That is how I would write it without exceptions and mutable states. I'm still learning so it might be done shorter, or more efficient. Have a look at module PLYparsing open System.IO;; open System.Text.RegularExpressions;; // The types in a PLY file (at least in the ones we use) type Vertice = V of float * float * float;; type Face = F of int * int * int;; /// <summary>Read all lines in a file into a sequence of strings.</summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of file to be parsed - must be situated in Resources folder.</param> /// <returns>A sequence of the lines in the file.</returns> let readLines (fileName:string) = let baseName = Directory.GetParent(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__).FullName let fullPath = Path.Combine(baseName, ("Resources\\" + fileName)) seq { use sr = new StreamReader (fullPath) while not sr.EndOfStream do yield sr.ReadLine() };; // not-mutable values to be assigned during parsing. type ParserResult = { VertexCount : int FaceCount : int FaceProperties : string * string VertexProperties : (string * string) list ObjectInfo: (string * string) list Vertices: seq<Vertice> Faces: seq<Face> } static member Init()= { VertexCount = 0 FaceCount = 0 FaceProperties = ("","") VertexProperties =[] ObjectInfo = [] Vertices = Seq.empty Faces = Seq.empty } // Malformed lines in the PLY file? Raise this exception. type ParserSuccess<'a> = | Success of 'a | Failure of string let map f aPS= match aPS with | Success( a )-> f a |> Success | Failure s -> Failure s let combine xPS yPS = match (xPS,yPS) with | Success(x),Success(y) -> Success(x,y) | _ -> Failure <| sprintf "Can not combine %A %A" xPS yPS let bind f aPS = match aPS with | Success x -> f x | Failure s -> Failure s let outerSuccess<'a> : ParserSuccess<'a> seq -> ParserSuccess<'a seq>= Seq.fold (fun (accPS:ParserSuccess<'a seq> ) (elPS:ParserSuccess<'a> ) -> match (accPS, (elPS) ) with | Success(acc), Success( el) -> Success (Seq.append acc (Seq.singleton el) ) | _ -> Failure ("Could be a litte bit more precise: Failure in " + (typeof<'a>).ToString())) (Success Seq.empty) //exception ParseError of string;; /// <summary>Checks whether a string matches a certain regex.</summary> /// <param name="s">The string to check.</param> /// <param name="r">The regex to match.</param> /// <returns>Whether or not the string matches the regex.</returns> let matchesRegex s r = Regex.Match(s, r).Success /// <summary>Parse the header of a PLY file into predefined, mutable values.</summary> /// <param name="header">A sequence of the header lines in a PLY file, not including "end_header".</param> /// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the input is not recognized as anything useful.</exception> let parseHeader (header: seq<string>) = let parseHeaderRaw accPS (line:string) = match accPS with | Failure (_) -> accPS | Success (parserResult) -> let splitted = line.Split[|' '|] match line with | x when matchesRegex x @"obj_info .*" -> let a = Array.item 1 splitted let b = Array.item 2 splitted { parserResult with ObjectInfo = parserResult.ObjectInfo@[(a, b)]} |> Success | x when matchesRegex x @"element vertex \d*" -> { parserResult with VertexCount = int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success | x when matchesRegex x @"property list .*" -> let a = Array.item 2 splitted let b = Array.item 3 splitted { parserResult with FaceProperties = (a, b)} |> Success | x when matchesRegex x @"property .*" -> let a = Array.item 1 splitted let b = Array.item 2 splitted { parserResult with VertexProperties = parserResult.VertexProperties@[(a, b)]} |> Success | x when matchesRegex x @"element face \d*" -> { parserResult with FaceCount = int (Array.item 2 splitted)} |> Success | x when ((x = "ply") || matchesRegex x @"format .*") -> Success parserResult | _ -> Failure "Malformed header." header |> Seq.fold parseHeaderRaw (ParserResult.Init() |> Success) /// <summary>Convert a string to a vertice.</summary> /// <param name="s">String containing a vertice.</param> /// <returns>The converted vertice.</returns> /// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception> let stringToVertice (s: string) = match s with | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s) sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure | _ -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|] let pick i = Array.item i splitted let x = pick 0 let y = pick 1 let z = pick 2 V(float x, float y, float z) |> Success /// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of vertices.</summary> /// <param name="vertices">Sequence of strings to convert.</param> /// <returns>A sequence of the converted sequences.</returns> let parseVertices (vertices: seq<string>) = stringToVertice vertices |> outerSuccess /// <summary>Convert a string to a face.</summary> /// <param name="s">String containing a face.</param> /// <returns>The converted face.</returns> /// <exception cref="ParseError">Raised when the length of the input string is less that 3.</exception> let stringToFace (s: string) = match s with | s when s.Length < 3 -> System.Console.WriteLine(s) sprintf "Malformed vertices: %s" s |> Failure | _ -> let splitted = s.Split[|' '|] let x = Array.item 0 splitted let y = Array.item 1 splitted let z = Array.item 2 splitted F(int x, int y, int z) |> Success /// <summary>Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of faces.</summary> /// <param name="faces">Sequence of strings to convert.</param> /// <returns>A sequence of the converted faces.</returns> let parseFaces (faces: seq<string>) = faces |> stringToFace |> outerSuccess /// <summary>Main function in PLY parsing. Calls all helper functions and assigns the required mutable values.</summary> /// <param name="fileName">File to be parsed - name of file in Resources folder.</param> let parsePLYFile fileName = let lines = readLines fileName // At which index is the header located? The vertices? The faces? let bodyPos = lines |> Seq.findIndex(fun a -> a = "end_header") let header = lines |> Seq.take bodyPos // Parse the header, the vertices & the faces. parseHeader header |> bind (fun resultHeaderPS -> let faces = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + resultHeaderPS.VertexCount + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.FaceCount |> parseFaces let vertices = lines |> Seq.skip (bodyPos + 1) |> Seq.take resultHeaderPS.VertexCount |> parseVertices combine vertices faces |> map(fun (vertices, faces) -> { resultHeaderPS with Vertices = vertices; Faces = faces } ) )