I am a relatively new Rails developer and doctor doing research. In my Rails based research projects I often have questionnaires for which I provide a "% complete" parameter. Here is an example. Only need to focus on the line @status down.
def percent_complete(user, patient)
score = Score.where(user_id: user.id, patient_id: self.id).first
if score.nil?
return "0"
@status = 0
score_array = [score.dx1, score.dxcon1, score.db1, score.dbcon1, score.biopsy, score.mgt]
score_array.each do | element|
if element == score.dx1
@status = @status + 20
elsif element == score.db1
@status = @status + 20
elsif element == score.dxcon1
@status = @status + 20
elsif element == score.dbcon1
@status = @status + 20
elsif element == score.biopsy
@status = @status + 10
elsif element == score.mgt
@status = @status + 10
I always end up doing this sort of thing. You can see, each of the score attributes is given a value and then I can create a %. It looks awful and very un-ruby-like. I would be keen once and for all to get an experts view and give me some steerage on how tis could be cleaned up.
Many thanks
My apologies, this method is in the Patient class.
Each Score belongs to a Patient (the Patient has many scores). Each Score belongs to a User (a User has many scores).
score.dx1, score.dxcon1, score.db1, score.dbcon1, score.biopsy, score.mgt
These are the Score class attributes. dx1 = diagnosis1 (string), dxcon1 = diagnostic confidence1 (integer), db1 = disease behaviour1 (string), dbcon1 = confidence on disease behaviour (integer), biopsy = should you biopsy? = (boolean), mgt = management (string).
I am now trying something like this....
def percent_complete(user, patient)
score = Score.where(user_id: user.id, patient_id: self.id).first
if score.nil?
return "0"
score_completeness = [score.dx1, score.dxcon1, score.db1, score.dbcon1, score.biopsy, score.mgt]
@status = 0
score_completeness.each do | field |
@status += (100/6.0) unless field.blank?