I needed to convert some Ascii text to binary in Hex format 0x00FF...
I've written an EncodeHex
and a DecodeHex
function to do the conversion.
I've avoided using concatenation in favour of performance.
I'm assuming that assigning the results of CByte("&h80")
to a byte array, and then using StrConv
to convert the array to a Unicode string, is more efficient than assigning the results of Chr$("&h80")
to a string array, and then using Join
to concatenate the strings.
I need to use this in Excel, so I'm using CVErr(xlErrValue)
to return errors, but this could maybe benefit from being more generic.
Sample usage
VBA Code
Option Explicit
Const HEX_STRING_PREFIX As String = "0x"
Const VBA_HEX_PREFIX As String = "&h"
Public Function HexEncode(AsciiText As String, Optional HexPrefix As String = HEX_STRING_PREFIX) As String
If AsciiText = vbNullString Then
HexEncode = AsciiText
Dim asciiChars() As Byte
asciiChars = StrConv(AsciiText, vbFromUnicode)
ReDim hexChars(LBound(asciiChars) To UBound(asciiChars)) As String
Dim char As Long
For char = LBound(asciiChars) To UBound(asciiChars)
hexChars(char) = Right$("00" & Hex$(asciiChars(char)), 2)
Next char
HexEncode = HexPrefix & Join(hexChars, "")
End If
End Function
Public Function HexDecode(HexString As String, Optional HexPrefix As String = HEX_STRING_PREFIX)
'Check if there's anything to decode
If HexString = vbNullString Then
HexDecode = vbNullString
Exit Function
If Not StrComp(Left$(HexString, Len(HexPrefix)), HexPrefix, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'Unexpected string format
GoTo DecodeError
End If
Dim hexRaw As String
hexRaw = Mid$(HexString, 1 + Len(HexPrefix))
'Check if the string is valid for decoding
If Len(hexRaw) Mod 2 = 1 Then
GoTo DecodeError
End If
Dim numHexChars As Long
numHexChars = Len(hexRaw) / 2
ReDim hexChars(0 To numHexChars - 1) As Byte
Dim char As Long
For char = 0 To numHexChars - 1
Dim hexchar As String
hexchar = VBA_HEX_PREFIX & Mid$(hexRaw, 1 + char * 2, 2)
'Check if the hex-pair is actually hex
If Not IsNumeric(hexchar) Then
GoTo DecodeError
End If
hexChars(char) = CByte(hexchar)
Next char
'Return the concatenated bytes as a string
HexDecode = StrConv(hexChars, vbUnicode)
End If
Exit Function
HexDecode = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function
Dim hexchar
ing in aFor Next
loop? \$\endgroup\$