I am new user of CodeIgniter and I am trying to build an application that there are lots of jQuery dynamical content.
Below I provide a code that I am using in order to be precise. The code below is running and I cannot see any problem. However, since I will be using pieces of code like this in several different parts of my application, I would like to know if this is a good design. If it is not, please let me know how to proceed.
The code below basically describe a search form in which the results are dynamically included.
This is my view:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("form#searchForm").submit(function() {
var theCity = $("select#chooseCity").val();
$.post("welcome/searchPeopleResults/", {theCity: theCity}, function(data) {
return false
<FORM id="searchForm">
<h2>Selecione uma cidade: </h2>
<select id="chooseCity">
$theCitiesOptionsHTML = "cityOptions.html"; <!-- A large list of cities -->
<div id="searchResults">
<!-- Search results should arise here -->
This is my controller:
class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
public function index()
public function searchPeopleResults(){
echo $data;
This is my model:
Class MSearchPeople extends CI_Model {
function provideSearchPeopleResults($theCity) {
// Here I got my database query ($theUsername, $theFirstName, $theLastName, $theSummary) and call the function presented below "writeHtmlSearchPeople".
return $theHtml;
Note that that after querying the database, the model above generates the necessary pieces of HTML code to be returned to the scope of the $.ṕost()
Precisely, inside the function provideSearchPeopleResults($theCity)
, I call another function that generates the html code for me. Something like that:
function writeHtmlSearchPeople($theUsername, $theFirstName, $theLastName, $theSummary) {
$theCompleteName = $theFirstName . " " . $theLastName;
$theFigureName = base_url() . "application/views/photos/" . $theUsername;
<table border = "0" width = "75%">
<td width = "20%">
<img src="<?php echo $theFigureName ?>" alt=" " width= "150">
<td width = "80%">
<a class="supplierPage" data-username="<?php echo $theUsername ?>" href = "" > "<?php echo $theCompleteName ?>"</a> "<?php echo $theSummary ?>"
I am particularly worried with the fact that I am generating HTML code from my model (note that this HTML code is just being returned as data to the scope of the $post()
function). However, I am not sure if there is a better practice for this!
Furthermore, I would like to implement explicitly the MVC design. Although views and models are in different files, they are not connected by the controller.