
I'm working on the floors of a building, using SVG objects generated by Raphael.js. All objects are clickable and all have different shapes, but all of them have the same actions. The code below is just a little sample. How could I optimize it?

// FLOOR 00    
var budA4_0 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_0'), 302, 232);
        // A4.0.2   
        var A4_0_2 = budA4_0.path("M306,112v61c0,0-2.5,54-53,59.5s-137.5,0-137.5,0v-92H136v3.5h54.5v5H215v-37H306z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.0.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.0.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.0.3   
        var A4_0_3 = budA4_0.path("M115.5,139.875 115.5,233.875 10.5,233.875 10.5,136.875 55.5,136.875 55.625,140z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.0.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.0.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

        // FLOOR 01 
        var budA4_1 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_1'), 302, 232);
        // A4.1.1   
        var A4_1_1 = budA4_1.path("M0.338,0 L104.338,0 L104.338,80 L79.838,80 L79.838,87.5 L88.338,87.5 L88.338,111.5 L0.338,111.5Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.1.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.1.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.1.2   
        var A4_1_2 = budA4_1.path("M300,111.5 L300,0 L104,0 L104,80 L123.75,80 L123.75,54.75 L165.5,54.75 L165.5,80.125 L196.5,80.125 L214,80.125 L214,85.5 L206,85.5 L206,111.5z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.1.3   
        var A4_1_3 = budA4_1.path("M106,231h124c0,0,67,6,70-64.625V111.5h-94V142h-21.125v-5.125H165v4.625h-37.5v-5H106V231z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.1.4   
        var A4_1_4 = budA4_1.path("M88.338,111.5 L0.338,111.5 L0.338,229.884 L106.338,229.884 L106.338,136.5 L88.338,136.5Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.4.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.1.6.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

        // FLOOR 02 
        var budA4_2 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_2'), 302, 232);
        // A4.2.1   
        var A4_2_1 = budA4_2.path("M0,-0.212 105.167,-0.212 104.833,79.454 91.167,79.454 81.167,79.454 81.167,85.788 89.833,85.788 89.833,111.122 0,111.122z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.1.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.1.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.2.2   
        var A4_2_2 = budA4_2.path("M300,-0.212 105.5,-0.212 105.5,53.788 105.494,81.457 123.167,81.788 123.167,53.788 167.167,53.788 167.167,81.122 195.834,81.122 217.25,81.122 217.25,85.788 207.834,85.788 207.834,111.454 300,111.454z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.2.3   
        var A4_2_3 = budA4_2.path("M207.167,111.122H300c0,0,0,16.666,0,62.666c-5.577,60-67.5,57.406-67.5,57.406h-126    v-92.739h22v4h37.334v-4H184.5v6h22.667Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.2.4   
        var A4_2_4 = budA4_2.path("M89.833,111.122 0,111.122 0,231.194 106.5,231.194 106.5,141.788 78.833,141.788 78.833,136.834 89.5,136.834 89.5,111.122Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.4.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.2.4.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

        // FLOOR 03 
        var budA4_3 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_3'), 302, 232);
        // A4.3.1   
        var A4_3_1 = budA4_3.path("M0,-0.212 105.167,-0.212 104.833,79.454 91.167,79.454 81.167,79.454 81.167,85.788 89.833,85.788 89.833,111.122 0,111.122z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.1.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.1.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.3.2   
        var A4_3_2 = budA4_3.path("M300,-0.212 105.5,-0.212 105.5,53.788 105.494,81.457 123.167,81.788 123.167,53.788 167.167,53.788 167.167,81.122 195.834,81.122 217.25,81.122 217.25,85.788 207.834,85.788 207.834,111.454 300,111.454z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.3.3   
        var A4_3_3 = budA4_3.path("M207.167,111.122H300c0,0,0,16.666,0,62.666c-5.577,60-67.5,57.406-67.5,57.406h-126    v-92.739h22v4h37.334v-4H184.5v6h22.667Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.3.4   
        var A4_3_4 = budA4_3.path("M89.833,111.122 0,111.122 0,231.194 106.5,231.194 106.5,141.788 78.833,141.788 78.833,136.834 89.5,136.834 89.5,111.122Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.4.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.3.4.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

        // FLOOR 04
        var budA4_4 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_4'), 302, 232);
        // A4.4.1   
        var A4_4_1 = budA4_4.path("M0,-0.212 105.167,-0.212 104.833,79.454 91.167,79.454 81.167,79.454 81.167,85.788 89.833,85.788 89.833,111.122 0,111.122z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.1.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.1.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.4.2   
        var A4_4_2 = budA4_4.path("M300,-0.212 105.5,-0.212 105.5,53.788 105.494,81.457 123.167,81.788 123.167,53.788 167.167,53.788 167.167,81.122 195.834,81.122 217.25,81.122 217.25,85.788 207.834,85.788 207.834,111.454 300,111.454z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.4.3   
        var A4_4_3 = budA4_4.path("M207.167,111.122H300c0,0,0,16.666,0,62.666c-5.577,60-67.5,57.406-67.5,57.406h-126 v-92.739h22v4h37.334v-4H184.5v6h22.667Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.4.4   
        var A4_4_4 = budA4_4.path("M89.833,111.122 0,111.122 0,231.194 106.5,231.194 106.5,141.788 78.833,141.788 78.833,136.834 89.5,136.834 89.5,111.122Z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.4.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.4.4.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

        // FLOOR 05
        var budA4_5 = new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-A4_5'), 302, 232);
        // A4.5.3   
        var A4_5_3 = budA4_5.path("M207.167,111.122H300c0,0,0,16.666,0,62.666c-5.577,60-67.5,57.406-67.5,57.406h-126 v-92.739h22v4h37.334v-4H184.5v6h22.667z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.3.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.3.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.5.1   
        var A4_5_1 = budA4_5.path("M0,0 144.167,0 144.167,54.833 125.833,54.833 125.833,78.667 91.167,79.667 81.167,79.667 81.167,86 89.833,86 89.833,111.333 0,111.333z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.1.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.1.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.5.2   
        var A4_5_2 = budA4_5.path("M300,0 144.5,0 144.5,54 167.167,54 167.167,77.333 195.834,77.333 222.25,77.333 222.25,84 207.834,84 207.834,111.667 300,111.667z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.2.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.2.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');
        // A4.5.4   
        var A4_5_4 = budA4_5.path("M89.833,111.122 0,111.122 0,231.194 106.5,231.194 106.5,141.788 78.833,141.788 78.833,135.121 89.5,135.121 89.5,111.122z").click(function () { 
                        href : 'img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.4.jpg',
                        openEffect : 'elastic',
                        openSpeed  : 150,
                        closeEffect : 'elastic',
                        closeSpeed  : 150,
                ], {
                    beforeShow : function() {
                        $('<a class="pdf" href="img/rzuty/A4/A4.5.4.pdf" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                    
            function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
                }).mouseout(function () {
                    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
                    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

1 Answer 1


As you noticed, you are violating DRY ( Dont repeat yourself ).

Your code has plenty of repetitions, part of the trick is try and catch them all

  • My assumption is that A4 is the name or number of the building, that should be 1 variable in the whole code
  • My assumption is that you have 6 floors, every floor is initialized the same way
  • My assumption is that per room ( I assume your paths are rooms ), the only different data points are the path, the floor the room belongs to, the nr of the room and the pietro, liczbaPom, and powierzchnia
  • Which brings me to: names must be in English, always, no exceptions!!

You can synthezize all that information into something like this :

var building = 'A4',
     floorCount = 6,
     rooms = 
      { floor: 1 , nr: 1 , pietro : 1 , liczbaPom: 4 , powierzchnia : 83,
         path : "M0.338,0 L104.338,0 L104.338,80 L79.838,80 L79.838,87.5 L88.338,87.5 L88.338,111.5 L0.338,111.5Z" },
      { floor: 1 , nr: 2 , pietro : 1 , liczbaPom: 4 , powierzchnia : 83,
         path : "M300,111.5 L300,0 L104,0 L104,80 L123.75,80 L123.75,54.75 L165.5,54.75 L165.5,80.125 L196.5,80.125 L214,80.125 L214,85.5 L206,85.5 L206,111.5z") },
      { floor: 0 , nr: 3 , pietro : 1 , liczbaPom: 4 , powierzchnia : 83,
         path : "M115.5,139.875 115.5,233.875 10.5,233.875 10.5,136.875 55.5,136.875 55.625,140z" },

Of course you still have to type the other rooms, but the pattern should be obvious.

Creating the floors then becomes a simple for loop :

//This creates each floor
for( var floor = 0 ; floor  < floorCount ; floor ++ ){
  window['bud' + building + '_' + floor] = 
    new Raphael(document.getElementById('inter-budynek-' + building + '_' + floor), 302, 232);

And creating each and every room becomes something like this :

rooms.forEach( function(room){

  var varNameFloor = 'bud' + building + '_' + room.floor,
      varNameRoom = varNameFloor + "_" + room.nr,
      buildingName = building + '.' + room.floor + '.' + room.nr,
      fileNameRoot = 'img/rzuty/' + building + '/' + buildingName,
      jpgFile = fileNameRoot + '.jpg',
      pdfFile = fileNameRoot + '.pdf';

  window[varNameRoom] = window[varNameFloor].path( room.path ).click( function(){
    $.fancybox.open([{href : jpgFile , openEffect : 'elastic', openSpeed  : 150, closeEffect : 'elastic', closeSpeed  : 150 }], 
     { beforeShow : function() {
       $('<a class="pdf" href="' + pdfFile + '" target="_blank"></a>').appendTo(".fancybox-inner");                     
  }).mouseover( function (){
    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .5}, 200);
    $('#lokal').text( buildingName );
    $('#pietro').text( room.pietro );
    $('#liczbaPom').text( room.liczbaPom);
    $('#powierzchnia').text( room.powierzchnia );
    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul').removeClass('invisible');
  }).mouseout(function () {
    this.animate({"fill-opacity": .0}, 200);
    $('#inter-budynek-wraper ul.info').addClass('invisible');

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