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greybeard's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
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  • EU
15 votes

The lonely product

10 votes

Transform dollars in exact change

9 votes

Newton Fractal writen in C

9 votes

Leetcode : First Missing Positive

8 votes

CS50 pset1: credit card classification and checksum validation

8 votes

Karatsuba multiplication

7 votes

Nested If, working like an excel SUMIF for two unequal lists summing the distance if GPS timestamp meets criteria

7 votes

First non repeated character

7 votes

Fastest (in clock cycles) 16-bit x 16-bit unsigned integer division algorithm for ATMEGA1284?

7 votes

HackerRank - Virtual Function Practice

6 votes

Writing a better deploy script

6 votes

Moving Average from data stream

6 votes

compare between two labels /objects -dominance rules

5 votes

Comparing 2 distinct sieve of Eratosthenes algorithms in Java

5 votes

The smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20

5 votes

Implementation and Testing of Exponential Search for scenario where we search the same array/list many times

5 votes

Speed up searching for the lowest element that is not in the array

5 votes

Bit manipulation to find a monochromatic clique on k vertices knowing all on k-1 vertices

5 votes

Imrove performance when updating DataFrame rows based on complex criteria

5 votes

Levenshtein distance between each pair of elements from two large data sets

5 votes

Encoding 0/1 bits to 0/255 bytes in C++

5 votes

Consecutive whitespace reduction

5 votes

Find first bad version (part 2)

5 votes

Super Reduced String

4 votes

How can I make my Merge Sort Code In C more secure, effective and efficient

4 votes

Efficient counting sort for large byte arrays in Java

4 votes

R: Optimize algorithm speed that estimates hourly temperature and relative humidity

4 votes

Bubble Sort as extension to Swift-Arrays

4 votes

singly linked list optimally defined over operations in C?

4 votes

A singly linked list implementation

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