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Jesse C. Slicer's user avatar
Jesse C. Slicer
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Is this a good example of the strategy pattern?

4 votes

Producer / Consumer implementation for Parallel Processing in the TPL

4 votes

C# small caching API

4 votes

Multithreaded item-processing queue

4 votes

Downloading content in the background

4 votes

Find most occurring word in a txt file

4 votes

Compare items in two lists

4 votes

Is there any performance increase converting search term to lower case before LINQ

3 votes

Optimizing a Fire and Forget page tracker

3 votes

Having initialization code certain to run only once

3 votes

Repository for data retrieval

3 votes

Comparing DoublyLinkedList<T> implementation performance with other BCL (.NET) classes

3 votes

Is this a good implementation of a simple "Size" value type

3 votes

LINQ style Sample method

3 votes

MinutesPerDay - Does .NET have anything for it?

3 votes

Using statement in context of streams and WebClients

3 votes

Contains method in lambda expression

3 votes

RPG character creation implementation

3 votes

Task.Finally extension, good, bad, or ugly?

3 votes

A* path finding algorithm for a red-black tree

3 votes

Merge Sort Implementation

3 votes

Converting between data and presentation types

3 votes

Sensing when a network is available

3 votes

Are private extension methods a bad thing to use?

3 votes

Improving performance hacker rank Median

3 votes

Extension methods for class Type

3 votes

File system manipulation helper

3 votes

Raise an event (sample 1)

3 votes

Binary-reading code

3 votes

Generic method to split provided collection into smaller collections

3 4
6 7