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barak manos's user avatar
barak manos's user avatar
barak manos
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
14 votes

Tic-Tac-Toe program in about 250 lines

6 votes

Find smallest prime number greater than given n

4 votes

Merge sort with raw C++ array

4 votes

Simple Factorial Interview Task

4 votes

Removing duplicates from an unsorted Array

3 votes

Functor to compare two floats with tolerance

3 votes

My own malloc() function in C

3 votes

Counting the longest increasing subsequence in an array of integers

2 votes

Counting the number of occurrences of chars in one string, in another string

2 votes

Checking endianness at compile-time

2 votes

Is_prime check in Python: can this be more pythonic?

2 votes

Recognizing number representation (and convert to decimal) from the base prefixes

2 votes

Sum of all numbers whose remainder and quotient are the same

2 votes

Project Euler #5 (LCM of 1-20)

2 votes

Project Euler #3

2 votes

Checking winning conditions in Tic-Tac-Toe

2 votes

Phonebook implementation in C

1 vote

Numerical algebra using a Matrix class

1 vote

Print all possible combinations of size r, from an array of size n

1 vote

Pascal triangle produced for a particular integer K

1 vote

Red Black Tree Implementation

0 votes

Prime conjecture

0 votes

Refactoring huge if..elif in __init__ how?

0 votes

Calculate the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of an input number