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7 votes

Insert data to PostgreSQL

Do not use string formatting to pass parameters to SQL queries. This way you are not only getting type conversion and quotes balancing/escaping issues, but also making your code vulnerable to SQL ...
alecxe's user avatar
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7 votes

Cryptocurrency notifier - let's get rich (or at least let's try)

I know I don't have docstrings and that my API keys shouldn't be stored in my program (the same for DB credentials), so try to avoid these aspects when reviewing my code. Just mentioning even ...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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6 votes

A schema for awallet system that allows transfers between users

redundant wallets CREATE TABLE wallets ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY ..., user_id UUID REFERENCES users(id), ... currency VARCHAR(3) ... This isn't ...
J_H's user avatar
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5 votes

Correct using of try/catch clause on database execution

Some quick remarks: Avoid writing ADO.NET code by hand; instead use an ORM like Dapper. Why not use MAX() -- which I think is supported by PostgreSQL -- instead of ...
BCdotWEB's user avatar
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5 votes

Correct using of try/catch clause on database execution

Just one short note... catch (NullReferenceException e) You never want to catch this exception explicitly. 99.999% of the time its occurance means there is a ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
5 votes

Postgres query to extract a JSON sub-object from a JSON field

I'd recommend (if it isn't already) converting to the type from json to jsonb and adding a GIN index. The documentation below lays it out pretty clear. Good luck!
Robert Smith's user avatar
5 votes

A schema for awallet system that allows transfers between users

Time zone Instead of using naive datetimes, I would strongly recommend time zone-aware types eg TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. See relevant doc for available options. A ...
Kate's user avatar
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4 votes

Translating code numbers to item descriptions in PostgreSQL query

You should put all the mapping between itemId values and whatever constant strings in a separate table (2 columns) and do a join with it. This allows you to update the mapping (by changing the table ...
Patrick Mevzek's user avatar
4 votes

Update SQL database, similar-but-different queries for each month

There are two main problems with this: Firstly, as you've identified, your approach will involve a lot of repeated code. The only thing that changes for each of your SQL commands is the monthid field ...
Steven Eccles's user avatar
4 votes

Iterate between dates and INSERT values in a performant way

Instead of a loop which inserts one row after the other you should use generate_series to create all timestamps at once. Untested: ...
dnoeth's user avatar
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4 votes

Historical Funding Rate Miner for

Code should be correct, maintainable, robust, reasonably efficient, and, most importantly, readable. Code should be useful and have real value. I found your code hard to read. Your code does not ...
peterSO's user avatar
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4 votes

Postgres DB design

What probably stands out most is the foreign key in sh_staff_members which also functions as a PK. While inheritance seems like a better tool to represent the is-a relationship between sh_staff_member ...
Reinderien's user avatar
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3 votes

Update SQL database, similar-but-different queries for each month

What is con? con is a reference to my database connection which is public. I have to disappoint you beceause it is not public. Class members are ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
3 votes

Flatten JSON to get relevant data in Postgresql

This gets you the same output: ...
404's user avatar
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3 votes

Migrate files from MySQL BLOBs to PostgreSQL largeobjects

You don't have any performance metrics, so there is no telling whether this will have a significant effect, but one of the things you could do is combine your queries. Take this one: ...
Pimgd's user avatar
  • 22.3k
3 votes

Asynchronous database query system using futures-rs in Rust

Here are a few shallow comments on the code. This code ...
Veedrac's user avatar
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3 votes

Splitting a list of numbers into multiple lists

Calculating ranges I need split the list I get from the select into multiple list so I can use Parallel.For() to generate the next query in different threads. Nope. You don't need it. Use ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
3 votes

Splitting a list of numbers into multiple lists

Pretty minor but you don't need the if (row_id == 0) ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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3 votes

Importing database of 4 million rows into Pandas DataFrame

Your code def import_db_table(chunk_size, offset): It doesn't look like you need to pass offset to this function. All it does ...
aes's user avatar
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3 votes

Count buffered streets that intersect buffered points using PostGIS

adding this CTE decreased the time from 1 hr 11 minutes to 2 minutes 62 seconds: cte_dumppoly as (select (st_dump(geom)).geom as geom, dccode from public."MTC15") ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 141
3 votes

HackerNews news fetcher

newsUrlnewsURL, same for idsUrl. ...
Ted's user avatar
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3 votes

Consume API, store in DB, serve from web app

I must say it a very interesting assignment to do: what I see missing from your assignment is not much bigger things in development aspects but it all have a huge impact on Code maintainability and ...
Shishir Sonekar's user avatar
3 votes

Python script to find employees who are in one PostgreSQL table but not in another

LEFT JOIN from test_test to test_table selecting only rows where test_table.test_emp_id is <...
Jono Brogan's user avatar
3 votes

SQL Bulk status update

Query formatting ...
JAD's user avatar
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3 votes

OOP Python Blackjack game with player accounts in PostgreSQL

Here are a few things that caught my eye while quickly looking through your code: Imports As per the official Style Guide for Python Code (aka PEP8), imports ...
AlexV's user avatar
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3 votes

Enforcing a constraint that a user may vote on each post at most once

which one is more efficient Almost surely the unique index will be. Querying back and forth between the server and database is very expensive, and the query that you would have to write to check the ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 63.1k
3 votes
Accepted Pokemon Bot performance problems

Almost certainly the largest slow-down is that you are getting each individual value on its own. Instead get all information at once: ...
Graipher's user avatar
  • 41k
3 votes

Postgres Shopping Database using Python

Before anything, read on SQL parameterization and avoid concatenating or interpolating variables directly in SQL statements. Otherwise you open your application to SQL injection and inefficiencies. ...
Parfait's user avatar
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3 votes

Fetching all nodes of a directed graph by an id of any node

I am not well qualified to answer this, as I know nothing of PostgreSQL or the RECURSIVE extension you are using, so unfortunately I cannot very well comment on your solution. However perhaps it can ...
George Barwood's user avatar
3 votes

Selecting changes from a temporal table

Externalize your DML Given the length of the query written in GetArticleChangesAsync, I would expect that either it be moved to a stored procedure (common but IMO ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 63.1k

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