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7 votes

Address class in PHP 7.4 with types

I saw your post yesterday before it was deleted. I didn’t have much to suggest but after seeing this code there are a few things I would change. The suggestions by YourCommonSense are great: Specific ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
7 votes

PHP HTML form Class - so far so good?

I have not conducted a deep review of your scripting, but I have a few pieces of superficial advice: Study PSR-12 coding standards and obey every rule. This will make your code easier for you and ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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6 votes

PHP HTML form Class - so far so good?

You could make it much more simpler to read if you use templating engine. Rendering HTML right inside php is something many experienced developers try to avoid for multitude of reasons. One of them ...
slepic's user avatar
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5 votes

Address class in PHP 7.4 with types

I was able to come up with two suggestions so far Using a generic exception is definitely not the way to go. Ask yourself a question, what your code is supposed to do when such an exception is thrown? ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
4 votes

To-do app API made with Slim 3

In short, no. Actually doesn't seem to be structured in any way :D If your API will be just that, you can even give up on slim and have a plain index.php with url rewrite so you can achieve the best ...
NemoXP's user avatar
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4 votes

Automated Tweet of new inbound Enquiries in PHP7 (Laravel 5.2)

Code intent The main problem with your code is that it does not give any reasons as to why it performs the way it does which makes understanding, reviewing or upgrading it difficult. ...
arcanine's user avatar
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4 votes

PHP Class to render HTML div styled tables v1

I'm not overly bothered by the amount of arguments in your __construct() method. It looks fine to me. There are however some classic coding problems: Repetition ...
KIKO Software's user avatar
4 votes

PHP Pagination class (Clase para paginar resultados)

Yes. So many things must be improved here that I don't even know where to start. The class structure Probably the most important issue of all. Strictly speaking, it is not a class. It's rather a ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
3 votes

To-do app API made with Slim 3

Is the application well-structured or should I move the logic into controllers? I agree with NemoXP that the current format is not well-structured. A file with 112 lines of code isn't horrible in ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
3 votes

Applying the Strategy pattern for payment methods

It looks like what you did was more like the Factory pattern. In fact, you have a Factory class in your code there. I found a great explanation here in case you want to look into the differences ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2 votes

PHP loop to generate an HTML form for the days in the coming week

To be honest, I was able to pickup and read you code really easily and understand it, which is the end goal. So what you have already is fine if you want to stick with it. In saying that, there are a ...
bumperbox's user avatar
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2 votes

PHP loop to generate an HTML form for the days in the coming week

Initial Thoughts Initially I was thinking of suggesting a view class that could hold the states and weekdays in instance variables, then have methods to get the header for each state and then display ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
2 votes

Usage of Factory pattern for maintaing bookshelf having books, magazine and notes

Is that really how a bookshelf work? "Hello Magic Bookshelf, report status!" "Bookshelf contain 0 items, remaining capacity is 3" "Ok, spawn a new item!" "0" &...
slepic's user avatar
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2 votes

HTML form Class

Review Related to the code itself, the approach on array parameters, efficiency and ease of use, are there any suggestions? The code has come a long way since the first version posted. At first ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
2 votes

Archiving / Moving Data from one database server to another database server

As I see it, 99% of your code is spent in ALTER TABLE -- both in adding partitioning in REMOVE PARTITIONING, so my answer ...
Rick James's user avatar
1 vote

PHP Class to render HTML div styled tables v2 [reviewed by me]

I haven't reviewed the script from a high altitude for is design architecture, but from my phone I found a few points to mention. Why is it valuable to return true ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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1 vote

Archiving / Moving Data from one database server to another database server

This review will focus on the PHP to generate the queries. Other reviewers may have suggestions about improving the partition process. General feedback The code is easy to read and mostly is in line ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
1 vote

Building a pre-loader for performance gains in Wordpress

I honestly haven’t used Wordpress much - just assisted with a company project that used it about 6 years ago. The biggest thing I notice is that the syntax used to declare arrays is the legacy syntax, ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
1 vote

Adjusting variables on change of status attribute of my Order Laravel model on the updated event in observer

Nine status combinations Status can either be 0, 1, or 2, so there are 8 possible changes in status. There are nine (three states multiplied by three states) possible "changes" (state ...
mdfst13's user avatar
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1 vote

Scrape multiple twitch IRC chats

Title idea: How to refactor simple API Client code in PHP CLI Here are a couple of tips: I would add if's and switch'es as soon ...
domagoj's user avatar
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