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12 votes

Insertion sort in Rust

As you have already been made aware, you should not be using &mut Vec<T> unless you plan on adding or removing items from the ...
Shepmaster's user avatar
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11 votes

Benchmarking insertion sort

Your initial claim sounds about right to me, since for each iteration, checking at most cutoff elements for the insertion_point ...
Emma X's user avatar
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8 votes

Insertion sort with high OOP and error processing

Let's start by considering how this might look if you were just using std::sort instead of writing a sort algorithm of your own. Such code might look something ...
Jerry Coffin's user avatar
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7 votes

Insertion sort with high OOP and error processing

I'll shoot for your main incentive to write this code - the lower level C++ details have been attacked by Jerry already. The main task was to implement OOP. I see not a single hint of OOP (object ...
AnoE's user avatar
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6 votes

Insertion sort C++14 implementation

Advice 1 In your insertionSort you can remove the last statement (return). Advice 2 Making your insertion sort generic is ...
coderodde's user avatar
  • 29.1k
5 votes

Sorting algorithms - Insertion sort

Important stuff: Missing header: The std::less<> is from <functional>. Relying on type deduction: Although it is ...
Incomputable's user avatar
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5 votes

Insertion sort via recursion

A simple in-place, iterative version: import bisect def insertsort(l): for nsorted in range(1, len(l)): bisect.insort(l, l.pop(), hi=nsorted) then, ...
della's user avatar
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5 votes

Insertion Sort Implementation Using For And While Loop

Thoughts on best practices Method signature should be void and should simply return the modified original array. Again, is this behavior better / more-expected? My argument against this is that ...
mdfst13's user avatar
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5 votes

Selection and Insertion sorts from scratch in Java

Please try to follow the code formatting conventions of the language that you're using. This makes your code much more readable for other programmers. If you use a Java IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans or ...
fap's user avatar
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4 votes

Insertion sort implementation in C++

In both this and your bubble sort implementation you need to start using C++ idioms (otherwise this is just C code (that's fine C is a great language it's just not C++)). I would say this is the ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
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4 votes

Insertion sort implementation in Python

TL;DR Be as specific as you can: When naming functions, And when setting up loops. Details: Here's what I've noticed in your code, line-by-line: def run(input) ...
Ryan Mills's user avatar
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3 votes

Sorting algorithms - Insertion sort

if (std::distance(begin, end) < 2) { return; } While distance is constant complexity for random access ...
Snowhawk's user avatar
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3 votes

Bisect Insertion Container for Calculating Running Median

This var values = new[] { bound.ToString() }.Concat(..).ToArray(); RunBiSect(values); plus this ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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3 votes

C++ insertion sort implementation

Small nitpicks The for loop can be started from 1, as the iteration with 0 doesn't actually do anything. Prefer to reduce the scope of variables if possible. This allows better reasoning for the ...
hoffmale's user avatar
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3 votes

Sorting an array of strings using pointers (followup)

It's not necessary to cast the result of malloc(). A void* can be assigned to any other kind of pointer in C, so write ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
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3 votes

Insertion Sort in C++

Extending the answer from @Clearer, which doesn't use the templated custom comparison class. Here is how I modified it to use it: ...
dfreese's user avatar
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3 votes

Insertion Sort in Python

Your solution looks ok to me. But let's understand better how this sort method actually works. The insertion sort, works as it follows: always maintains a sorted sublist in the lower positions of the ...
Grajdeanu Alex's user avatar
3 votes

Insertion Sort and Selection Sort Implementation

First tip: use more aggressive warnings, this way you would be warned by the compiler about passing unused parameters into functions, that is you would automatically made: ...
paler123's user avatar
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3 votes

Python: Insertion Sort

There is a much simpler method in Python to do an insertion sort using the bisect.insort method ...
MrJoe's user avatar
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3 votes

Comparing binary insertion sort with straight insertion sort in Java

The only reason BinaryInsertionSort outperforms StraightInsertionSort is that it is in the position to call ...
vnp's user avatar
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3 votes

Hybrid Merge/Insertion sort algorithm

Optimization notes. Allocate the temporary array once, and pass it down to the recursive invocations. Do not fall back to the insertion sort immediately. Postpone it until all the recursions ...
vnp's user avatar
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3 votes

Sorting and Searching Algorithm

The code is overcommented. Most of the comments do not add any value. They explain what the code is doing, which is obvious; the good comment shall explain why and how the code is doing what it is ...
vnp's user avatar
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3 votes

Insertion Sort Implemented in Ruby

Consistency Sometimes you are using 4 spaces for indentation, sometimes 2. Sometimes you are using vertical whitespace (an empty line) before a method definition, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
2 votes

Insertion Sort in Python

insertionSort should in Python be insertion_sort [1]. Also, there is not much point in returning the input array. What comes to ...
coderodde's user avatar
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2 votes

Implementation of insertion sort in JavaScript

Your function can only sort numbers and strings The built in Array.sort function offers an optional compare function as a parameter. Adding this feature to your <...
Joshua Dawson's user avatar
2 votes

Insertion sort via recursion

I further refactored Ivc's intermediary solution. This sure should satisfy OP's desire for shorter code! ...
lifebalance's user avatar
2 votes

Hackerrank Insertion Sort Algorithm 1 (creating duplicates to show shifting)

There's a lot of chaos. Let's clean this up. Issue 1 - Printing ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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2 votes

Hackerrank Insertion Sort Algorithm 1 (creating duplicates to show shifting)

A few points specifically for C#. ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
2 votes

Insertion sort C++14 implementation

A few things to think about: 1. Sorting in terms of iterators, and allowing a customisable predicate is more 'standard-like': ...
Richard Hodges's user avatar
2 votes

Sorting an array of strings using pointers (followup)

Bad use of memcpy Your call to memcpy() uses two pointers with overlapping memory: ...
JS1's user avatar
  • 28.6k

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