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14 votes

Semantic markup for card blocks

200_success' comment is right, that the context and the content of the component is important for semantics. I assume, from the linked page, that you want to display a list of short articles that lead ...
insertusernamehere's user avatar
9 votes

Karma Sutra game

Adding feedback in the form of hints like Select the first position, then Now select the second position would enhance UX. Now ...
woxxom's user avatar
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7 votes

Create a dynamic growing pyramid

A few thoughts on the task and your solution: Limited to 5 elements You're limiting the pyramid to 5 elements. The task doesn't have a restriction like that. I see two possibilities here: Do not ...
insertusernamehere's user avatar
7 votes

Simple HTML website with JavaScript navbar

General disclaimer: You may notice that in one section I recommend not using something in this case, while in the next paragraph I show how you can improve the part I recommended not to use. I mainly ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
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6 votes

Load JSON from server using jQuery and display it in html5

Some ideas: #1- I suggest using .map().join() or even better .reduce() which is more ...
Sergio's user avatar
  • 353
5 votes

A simple Javascript Breakout game

Code review Not bad, code is nice and clean, and naming is good. Game play has some logic flaws in the way you handle the keyboard and collisions. Some code style points. Use constants for ...
Blindman67's user avatar
  • 22.3k
5 votes

Console.log challenge change all of the links on a search results page so that they do not go anywhere?

Refactoring is commonly seen as "moving out repeating code into reusable functions". But it can also easily mean "moving code that's only ever used once back to where it's being used". Although the ...
Joseph's user avatar
  • 25.2k
5 votes

Example of responsive webpage

Simplifying overall layout While I haven't gone through the coursera videos I did look at the syllabus. I see that the next assignment does involve using Bootstrap framework. Since this assignment ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
4 votes

Simple landing page markup with basic HTML

Overall this is quite good, by far not the worst HTML I have seen. I like that you use alt attributes on all your images, as you should. I am going to assume that ...
James Fenwick's user avatar
4 votes

Structuring basic client side / serverside email form

Generally, I think this code looks really good for a pretty basic example of web form handling, particularly for someone who may be earlier in learning process. I think you have really easy to read ...
Mike Brant's user avatar
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4 votes

My grade calculator with special weighting

A couple of minor things: fog and ing aren't very meaningful id names, they would be better as something like ...
Bethan's user avatar
  • 149
4 votes

JavaScript live grade Calculator

Firstly, there's an error in the code you've written which will prevent the calculator from working correctly: ...
James Hay's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

A program to tell you if there are 2 numbers in an array that add to a given sum

There are a few problems with the function right now. gotPair leaks variables to the global scope. When you say, <...
Gerrit0's user avatar
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4 votes

A program to tell you if there are 2 numbers in an array that add to a given sum

Danger code! Did you do a good job? Well I could not give your function a pass. Your solution works, but I would never use it in any environment apart from the testing environment. The reason is your ...
Blindman67's user avatar
  • 22.3k
4 votes

Make HTML/Javascript Geolocation function more linear

Most native functions require callback instead of Promise because they support older browsers, so what you have to do is to pack the ...
Pavlo's user avatar
  • 418
4 votes

map of SF transit cars

Just as Gerardo hinted at in comments, I admit that I am not well-versed with d3 and at most can offer general JavaScript feedback. Nonetheless here is what I came up with: Since you are using ES-6 ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
4 votes

Dynamic country, state select options

There are 4 different places in the code, where you do something for every country. That makes it complicated to add more countries, and also makes the code very long if you have many. But you can get ...
Kruga's user avatar
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4 votes

Calculator app in React

As a preface: Your code works good, is readable and does its job efficiently. The following review, though long, doesn't mean there is anything substantially wrong with it :-) General comments In the ...
gitcdn's user avatar
  • 431
4 votes

Simple HTML5 registration form

It would help Google and other crawlers if the <head> also included: ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
4 votes

Data selection and filtering

Indent your code! Naming convention Only use English paivitys -> update -> though really this should be with a subject, so updateObjekt? dataa -> data arvvoja -> ...
konijn's user avatar
  • 33.8k
4 votes

Semantic implementation of the structure of a web page with header, main, and footer

I myself am also a beginner in the world of web development (So any comments about my answer are more than welcome!) But maybe my tips can still be useful in one way or another. ;-} The first thing ...
Valeria's user avatar
  • 56
4 votes

PHP Class to render HTML div styled tables v1

I'm not overly bothered by the amount of arguments in your __construct() method. It looks fine to me. There are however some classic coding problems: Repetition ...
KIKO Software's user avatar
3 votes

Transform a Japanese word to furigana

Working with text is easier with Data.Text. E.g. it has strip already defined. Tagsoup understands ...
max taldykin's user avatar
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3 votes

Transform a Japanese word to furigana

Let's inline stuff that's only used once and replace recursion with library combinators. ...
Gurkenglas's user avatar
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3 votes

George Washington Carver tribute page

head-Element Title Your're missing the one mandatory element in the head-element: title. I ...
insertusernamehere's user avatar
3 votes

Register page for website

About your HTML DOCTYPE You are missing a DOCTYPE. You probably want to use <!DOCTYPE html> title element The ...
unor's user avatar
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3 votes

SQL LIKE search in Angular filter objects

I think you inverted startLike with endLike. ...
Mario Santini's user avatar
3 votes

JavaScript function for to create HTML-elements

Some thoughts below: Consider passing attrs as an object or object literal representing key:value pairs. This would eliminate need for more fragile string parsing ...
Mike Brant's user avatar
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3 votes

Use local storage event

first of all remove your global use strict. Why? Global use strict declarations can lead to big fails in your software. From ...
Iury Alves de Souza's user avatar

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