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Ruby is a multi-platform, open-source, dynamic, object-oriented, interpreted language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) in 1993.

1 vote

Splitting a range into min and max?

Update @steenslag points out the minmax builtin. No monkey patching necessary. template_min_datestamp, template_max_datestamp = Template.range(:created_at).minmax
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Manipulate Hash to typecast true/false for certain values

hsh = {} preferences.each do #something that updates hsh end A more idiomatic Ruby way to do this is with a map, as the answers show. This will in general result in more concise, expressive code. …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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8 votes

Formatting a price string

Code review-wise, I'd avoid long if-elsif chains and see about converting them to a case. Also, I'd move the final formatting to the end. Otherwise, not too bad except for the fact that there are much …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

"Which Century" programming exercise

I would be more formulaic regarding the century calculation: century = (year - 1) / 100 + 1 Also, consider using .ordinalize from ActiveSupport (via require 'active_support/core_ext/integer' - you …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote

Eliminating nested each

You may want to look into JSONPath, which gives you XPath-like querying of JSON objects. Note that the leading zero in your sample JSON makes it invalid.
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Building XML by enumerating through array & hashes

A very clean approach is to use the xml-simple gem. Simply use xml_out with two options: RootName to specify the XML root element AnonymousTag to provide a tag name for your top-level hash Other o …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

An abundance of ternary operators

The reason why it doesn't look clean is because the underlying models are inconsistent. In one, you return a boolean true/false for age_eligible? and in another, you call it age_eligible_code and sto …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Deal action with a pack of cards

I would model the domain with objects. A good set of classes would be Deck, Player, and Card. This will hide away implementation details and keep things easy to read. It also helps with naming, e.g. a …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I be using Regex to uppercase uncommon characters?

One-to-one substitution is precisely what tr is for. def norwegian_upcase(string)'æ-ý','Æ-Ý') end That being said, the unicode_utils gem provides a method for this: def norwegi …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes

Array even and odd indexes sorting and printing its values

It's a good idea to become familiar with all the methods on Array and Enumerable. It just so happens that Enumerable has a method called partition that has a purpose of dividing an array into .two par …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Case statement with array includes?

Review Overall, I don't see anything wrong stylistically. I wouldn't be too concerned about performance unless you have extremely large arrays -- do you expect either the values "buckets" or the inpu …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Ruby Hangman with JSON to save and load

One of the ways to structure your objects is to describe your problem in a sentence or two, then turn the nouns into classes, and the verb phrases into methods. In this case, you may end up with Hang …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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5 votes

Ruby implementation of Conway's Game of Life

I won't talk about style, because @tokland's comments are spot-on. However, some quick notes about efficiency. For large board sizes, this implementation is inefficient. For example, neighbors_to sc …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

Modifying an image URL based on hash options

Overall, it's reasonably tight code. You've taken steps to reduce method size, which is good. To answer your questions specifically: I think an instance variable would be better, because then you c …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

Project Euler - Smallest multiple (Ruby)

puts (1..20).reduce{|m,n| m.lcm(n)} or even shorter: puts (1..20).reduce(:lcm) Because most of the calculations are done in the ruby implementation (e.g. C for MRI), this will be fast. …
Mark Thomas's user avatar
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