I am getting some customer data but doesn't know the complete schema beforehand.I want to parse this data and store it in a scala object such that all the important fields are correctly filled and remaining unknown fields are dumped at a 'remData' placeholder field.

        class Record{
            var imptField1 =""
            var imptField2 =""
            var remData =""
            def this(data:String){
              val fieldKeyValues = data.split(",")
              for( fieldKeyValue <- fieldKeyValues){
                val tokens = fieldKeyValue.split("=")
                val key = tokens(0) 
                key match{
                  case "imptField1"=> this.imptField1 = tokens(1)
                  case "imptField2"=> this.imptField2 = tokens(1)
                  case _ => this.remData +=fieldKeyValue+","
I also tried using Jackson objectMapper for that but it doesn't provide the functionality of dumping unknown fields in a placeholder.
Please suggest if there is any efficient/cleaner way to do this?