[Problem](https://projecteuler.net/problem=50): Which prime, below one-million, can be written as the sum of the most consecutive primes? At the moment my code runs for over 200 seconds and was wondering how I can find a way to bring that down by a large amount. I have tried optimising it as much as I can and added an extra if statement, `if(subSum < 1000000):` to reduce the need to see if `subSum` is a prime. Here is my code at the moment: ```python def sieve(num): primes = [] import math for i in range(num): primes.append(True) j = 1 while(j<(math.sqrt(num)+1)): k = (j+1)*2 while(k<(num+1)): primes[k-1] = False k+=(j+1) j+=1 primes[0] = False prime = [] for a in range(num): if(primes[a] == True): prime.append(a+1) return prime primes = sieve(1000000) count = 1 high = 0 length = len(primes) while count <= length: i = 0 while(i<(length-count)): sub = primes[i:i+count] subSum = sum(sub) if(subSum < 1000000): if(subSum in primes): if(subSum>high): high = subSum break else: i+=1 else: break count += 1 print(high) ``` Thanks for any help.