The [project outline][1]: [1]: > Write a program that opens all .txt files in a folder and searches for > any line that matches a user-supplied regular expression. The results > should be printed to the screen. My solution: import os, re from pathlib import Path while True: user_path = input("Enter a path to search: ") if user_path == "": print("Please enter a valid path.") elif Path(user_path).exists() != True: print("This path does not exist.") else: while True: all_files = os.listdir(user_path) matches = [] lines = [] user_inp = input("What do you want to find? (Enter nothing to search another path)\n") rx_obj = re.compile(user_inp) if user_inp == "": break else: for filename in all_files: text_file = open(Path(user_path) / filename) for line in text_file.readlines(): mo = rx_obj.findall(line) for match in mo: matches.append(match) lines.append(line) text_file.close() if matches == []: print("No matches found") else: print(matches) print(lines) I feel like I've probably overcomplicated things... Thanks in advance for the critique. Edit: This only works when given a folder with only .txt files.