I'm not so good with recursion so decided to tackle an exercise consisting in drawing this pattern using characters.


Here is my code so far. What could be improved ? Furthermore, does recursion suit a task like this or not ?

    class Main
    	public static void main (String[] args)
    		Main.drawDiamond("*", 0, 5 );
        public static void drawDiamond( String seed, int turn, int centerLevel ){
            if( seed.length() <= 0 ){
            char[] chars = new char[Math.abs(turn-centerLevel-1)];
            Arrays.fill(chars, ' ' );
            String spaces = new String(chars);
            System.out.print( spaces );
            System.out.println( seed );
            if( turn <= centerLevel ){
                seed += "**";
            } else {
                if( seed.length() >= 3 ) {
                     seed = seed.substring(1,seed.length()-1); 
                } else {
                    seed = "";
            drawDiamond( seed, turn, centerLevel );