I need to optimize the following function with low level optimizations (No SIMD, Multi threading). I already applied a lot of optimizations and got it ~65% faster but it is possible to get it 200% faster. I am practicing on code optimization, some explaination would be welcome. 

The function describes the anti aliased wu line drawing algorithm. It draws colored lines. it takes in account the sensitivity of the human eye which can't be changed. Approximations are completely fine.   
void DrawWuLine( Surface *screen, int X0, int Y0, int X1, int Y1, Color& clrLine )
    /* Make sure the line runs top to bottom */
    constexpr float pixelNormalization = 1.f / 255.f;

    uint primaryColor, secondaryColor;

    if (Y0 > Y1)
        std::swap(Y0, Y1);
        std::swap(X0, X1);

    int XDir = 1;
    int DeltaX = X1 - X0;
    int DeltaY = Y1 - Y0;

    if (DeltaX < 0)
        XDir = -1;
        DeltaX = 0 - DeltaX;
    int ErrorAdj, ErrorAcc = 0;
    int Weighting;

    int grayl = ((clrLine.r * 19595) + (clrLine.g * 38469) + (clrLine.b * 7471)) >> 16;

    screen->Plot(X0, Y0, clrLine.RGBA);
    /* Is this an X-major or Y-major line? */
    if (DeltaY > DeltaX)
        ErrorAdj = (DeltaX << 16) / DeltaY;

        while (--DeltaY) {

            if (((ErrorAcc + ErrorAdj) & 0xFFFF) <= ErrorAcc) {
                X0 += XDir;

            ErrorAcc = (ErrorAcc + ErrorAdj) & 0xFFFF;
            Weighting = (ErrorAcc >> 8) & 0xFF;
            uint clrBackGround = screen->pixels[X0 + Y0 * SCRWIDTH];

            int rb = clrBackGround & 0xFF;
            int gb = (clrBackGround >> 8) & 0xFF;
            int bb = (clrBackGround >> 16) & 0xFF;
            int grayb = ((rb * 19595) + (gb * 38469) + (bb * 7471)) >> 16;
            int weightXOR = (~Weighting) & 0xFF;

            bool isLighter = grayl < grayb;

            float horizontalWeighting = (isLighter ? Weighting : weightXOR) * pixelNormalization;

            uint rr = horizontalWeighting * abs(rb - clrLine.r) + std::min(rb, (int) clrLine.r);
            uint gr = horizontalWeighting * abs(gb - clrLine.g) + std::min(gb, (int) clrLine.g);
            uint br = horizontalWeighting * abs(bb - clrLine.b) + std::min(bb, (int) clrLine.b);
            primaryColor = (br << 16) | (gr << 8) | rr;

            clrBackGround = screen->pixels[X0 + XDir + Y0 * SCRWIDTH];
            rb = clrBackGround & 0xFF;
            gb = (clrBackGround >> 8) & 0xFF;
            bb = (clrBackGround >> 16) & 0xFF;
            grayb = ((rb * 19595) + (gb * 38469) + (bb * 7471)) >> 16;

            isLighter = grayl < grayb;

            float verticalWeighting = (isLighter ? weightXOR : Weighting) * pixelNormalization;
            rr = verticalWeighting * abs(rb - clrLine.r) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.r);
            gr = verticalWeighting * abs(gb - clrLine.g) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.g);
            br = verticalWeighting * abs(bb - clrLine.b) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.b);

            secondaryColor = (br << 16) | (gr << 8) | rr;
            screen->Plot(X0, Y0, primaryColor);
            screen->Plot( X0 + XDir, Y0, secondaryColor);
        screen->Plot( X1, Y1, clrLine.RGBA );

    ErrorAdj = (DeltaY << 16) / DeltaX;

    while (--DeltaX) {
        if (((ErrorAcc + ErrorAdj) & 0xFFFF) <= ErrorAcc) {
        X0 += XDir; 

        ErrorAcc = (ErrorAcc + ErrorAdj) & 0xFFFF;
        Weighting = (ErrorAcc >> 8) & 0xFF;
        uint clrBackGround = screen->pixels[X0 + Y0 * SCRWIDTH];
        int rb = clrBackGround & 0xFF;
        int gb = (clrBackGround >> 8) & 0xFF;
        int bb = (clrBackGround >> 16) & 0xFF;
        int grayb = ((rb * 19595) + (gb * 38469) + (bb * 7471)) >> 16;

        int weightXOR = (~Weighting) & 0xFF;

        bool isLighter = grayl < grayb;

        float horizontalWeighting = (isLighter ? Weighting : weightXOR) * pixelNormalization;

        uint rr = horizontalWeighting * abs(rb - clrLine.r) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.r);
        uint gr = horizontalWeighting * abs(gb - clrLine.g) + std::min(gb, (int)clrLine.g);
        uint br = horizontalWeighting * abs(bb - clrLine.b) + std::min(bb, (int)clrLine.b);

        primaryColor = (br << 16) | (gr << 8) | rr;
        clrBackGround = screen->pixels[X0 + (Y0 + 1) * SCRWIDTH];
        rb = clrBackGround & 0xFF;
        gb = (clrBackGround >> 8) & 0xFF;
        bb = (clrBackGround >> 16) & 0xFF;

        grayb = ((rb * 19595) + (gb * 38469) + (bb * 7471)) >> 16;

        isLighter = grayl < grayb;

        float verticalWeighting = (isLighter ? weightXOR : Weighting) * pixelNormalization;

        rr = verticalWeighting * abs(rb - clrLine.r) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.r);
        gr = verticalWeighting * abs(gb - clrLine.g) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.g);
        br = verticalWeighting * abs(bb - clrLine.b) + std::min(rb, (int)clrLine.b);

        secondaryColor = (br << 16) | (gr << 8) | rr;

        screen->Plot(X0, Y0, primaryColor);
        screen->Plot( X0, Y0 + 1, secondaryColor );
    screen->Plot( X1, Y1, clrLine.RGBA );

Any body tips or insights on how to get rid of branches inside of the while loops. Other optimizations are welcome.