1. Cyclomatic complexity in NightScanner

You can reduce cyclomatic complexity (at cost of some memory overhead, usually acceptable) by replacing `switch` with map lookups:

        private static final Map<Integer, Codepoints> codePointMap = buildCodePointMap();
        // Alternative: build Map with Map.of(K1,V1, K2,V2, ...) in java 9

        private static Map<Integer, TokenType> buildCodePointMap() {
            map.put(Codepoints.AMPERSAND, TokenType.AMPERSAND);
            map.put(Codepoints.EQUALS_SIGN, TokenType.ASSIGNMENT);
            return map;

        private OptionalToken matchSymbol(int codePoint, TextIterator iterator) {
            TokenType result = symbolMap.get(codePoint);
            return result != null ? OptionalToken.of(result, iterator) : matchSymbolEdgeCase(codePoint, TextIterator);
            // let matchSymbolEdgeCase deal with things like FULL_STOP or no match

You could then refactor the map out to a separate class, allowing `NightScanner` to delegate those details instead of doing everything.

For the complexity in `scan(String text)`, it should be possible to extract the `textIterator.next()` outside of the if statements and get rid of the `continue` statements.  Roughly, something like this may work in the `while`:

        boolean err = false;
        //... existing if statements
        if (err) textIterator.next();
        else tokens.add(token.getToken());

Then probably just return `new ScanResults(tokens, errors)`, modify ScanResults so that the lists are never null, and then change `isSuccess()` to return `errors.isEmpty()`.

 2. Issues with ScanResults and OptionalToken

Actually, `ScanResults` currently seems like a slightly unnecessary abstraction (some kind of exception strategy might be better), but it can stay for now.

If possible, `OptionalToken` shouldn't manage both tokens and errors.  Errors could be addressed in a custom `Exception` class, and then it may be possible to remove `OptionalToken` and use a standard `Optional<Token>`.