I would like to get some feedback from the community regarding a plugin I recently moved from requiring jQuery to a stand alone JS implementation. It is meant to handle browser communication protocols such as XHR, XDR, WS & WSS without a lot of fuss.

The project can also be found @ [comm.js][1].

     * Description: Handles AJAX, XDR, WS & WSS protocols
     * Fork me @ https://www.github.com/jas-/comm.js
     * Author: Jason Gerfen <[email protected]>
     * License: GPL (see LICENSE)
    (function(window, undefined){
      'use strict';
      var comm = comm || function(o){
    		 * @object defaults
    		 * @abstract Default set of options for plug-in
    		 * @param {String} appID Unique identifier
    		 * @param {String} url Specified URL param
    		 * @param {Mixed} data String/Boolean/Object
    		 * @param {Boolean} debug Enable or disable debugging options
    		 * @param {Object} bind Element to which this plug-in is bound
    		 * @param {Boolean} async Default to async communication
    		 * @param {String} method Method of communication (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)
    		 * @param {Function} callback Callback function for success
    		 * @param {Object} precallback Callback prior to send
    		 * @param {Object} errcallback Callback on errors
    		var defaults = {
    			appID: 'comm.js',
    			url: '',
    			data: false,
    			debug: false,
    			async: true,
    			method: 'get',
    			logID: '',
    			callback: function(){},
    			precallback: function(){},
    			errcallback: function(){}
    		 * @method _setup
    		 * @scope private
    		 * @abstract Initial setup routines
    		var _setup = _setup || {
    			 * @function save
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Primary initialization of window.crypto API
    			 * @param {Object} o Plug-in option object
    			 * @returns {Boolean} true/false
    			init: function(o){
    			 * @function go
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Initializes request if data present
    			 * @param {Object} o Plug-in option object
    			 * @returns {Object}
    			go: function(o){
    				if (_comm.online()){
    					_comm.decide(o, o.url);
    				} else {
    					return '{error:"Network connectivity not present"}';
    				return o.data;
    		 * @method _comm
    		 * @scope private
    		 * @abstract Communication methods
    		var _comm = _comm || {
    			 * @function online
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Detect current connection status
    			 * @returns {Boolean}
    			online: function(){
    				return navigator.onLine;
    			 * @function retry
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Attempts to send any non-sent requests when online status is true
    			 * @param {Object} o Application defaults
    			 * @param {Object} d JSON object of key/values to send to server
    			 * @param {String} c Command to send to remote storage proxy service
    			 * @param {String} e The remote protocol to execute
    			 * @returns {Boolean}
    			retry: function(o, d, c){
    				var _c = 10, _i = 0;
    				var id = setInterval(function(o, d, c){
    					(this.online) ? this.decide(o, d, c) : false;
    				}, 3600);
    				return true;
    			 * @function decide
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Determine mode of communication based on browser type and options
    			 * @param {Object} o Application defaults
    			 * @param {Object} d JSON object of key/values to send to server
    			 * @param {String} c Command to send to remote storage proxy service
    			 * @returns {Function}
    			decide: function(o, c){
    				var _reg = new RegExp(document.location.href);
    				if ((/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) && (/^(http|https):\/\//i.test(o.url)) &&
    						(!_reg.test(o.url))) {
    					return (this.online) ? this.xdr(o, o.data, c) : this.retry(o, o.data, c);
    				if (/^(ws|wss):\/\//i.test(o.url)) {
    					return (this.online) ? this.websocket(o, o.data, c) : this.retry(o, o.data, c);
    				return (this.online) ? this.ajax(o, o.data, c) : this.retry(o, o.data, c);
    			 * @function websocket
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Perform get/send of remote objects using websockets
    			 * @param {Object} o Application defaults
    			 * @param {Object} d JSON object of key/values to send to server
    			 * @returns {String|Object}
    			websocket: function(o){
    				var _r = false
    					,	socket = new WebSocket(o.url);
    				(o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_comm.websocket: Status: '+socket.readyState) : false;
    				socket.onopen = function() {
    					try {
    						(o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_comm.websocket: Sent: '+o.data) : false;
    					} catch(exception) {
    						_log.error(o.logID, '_comm.websocket: Error => '+exception);
    				socket.onmessage = function(msg) {
    					(o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_comm.websocket: Receieved: '+msg.data) : false;
    					_r = msg.data;
    				socket.onclose = function() {
    					(o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_comm.websocket: Status: '+socket.readyState) : false;
    				return _r;
    			 * @function xdr
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Perform get/send of remote objects using MS XDR
    			 * @param {Object} o Application defaults
    			 * @param {Object} d JSON object of key/values to send to server
    			 * @param {String} c Command to send to remote storage proxy service (Save|Retrieve)
    			 * @returns {String|Object}
    			xdr: function(o, d, c){
    				var _r = false;
    				if (!window.XDomainRequest) {
    					_log.error(o.logID, '_comm.xdr: Error => The XDR functionality for your browser was not found.');
    					return false;
    				var xdr = new XDomainRequest();
    				xdr.timeout = 100;
    				xdr.open('post', o.url+'?cmd='+c);
    				xdr.onsuccess = function(response){
    					(o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_libs.xdr: '+xdr.responseText) : false;
    					_r = xdr.responseText;
    				xdr.onerror = function(exception){
    					_log.error(o.logID, '_libs.xdr: Error => '+exception);
    				return _r;
    			 * @function ajax
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Perform get/send of remote objects
    			 * @param {Object} o Application defaults
    			 * @param {Object} d JSON object of key/values to send to server
    			 * @param {String} c Command to send to remote storage proxy service (Save|Retrieve)
    			 * @returns {String|Object}
    			ajax: function(o, d, c){
    				var _r = false
    					, _h = false
    					, _xhr = false
    					,	_reg = new RegExp(document.location.href);
    				function _response(data) {
    					_r = data.responseText;
    				function _error(err) {
    					_r = err.status;
    				function _handler() {
    					if (this.readyState == this.DONE && this.status == 200) {
    				function _headers(o) {
    					if (!_reg.test(o.url))
    						_xhr.withCredentials = true;
    					((o.precallback) && (/function/.test(typeof(o.precallback)))) ?
    						o.precallback(this) : false;
    					(o.debug) ?
    						_log.debug(o.logID, '_comm.ajax: Set request headers') :
    				_xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    				_xhr.onreadystatechange = _handler;
    				_xhr.open(o.method, o.url, o.async);
    				return _r;
    		 * @method _libs
    		 * @scope private
    		 * @abstract Miscellaneous helper libraries
    		var _libs = _libs || {
      		 * @function merge
      		 * @scope private
      		 * @abstract Perform preliminary option/default object merge
      		 * @param {Object} o Plug-in option object
      		 * @param {Object} d Default plug-in option object
      		 * @returns {Object}
      		merge: function(d, o){
    				d = d || {};
      			for (var p in d) {
              if (d.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
                o[p] = (/object/.test(typeof(d[p]))) ?
    							this.merge(o[p], d[p]) : d[p];
              o[p] = d[p];
    				o.logID = o.appID;
            (o.debug) ? _log.debug(o.logID, '_libs.merge: Merged options') : false;
            return o;
    		 * @method _log
    		 * @scope private
    		 * @abstract Logging methods for
    		 *  - debug
    		 *  - info
    		 *  - warn
    		 *  - error
    		var _log = _log || {
    			 * @function debug
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Debugging _log function
    			 * @param {String} i The application ID associated with implementation
    			 * @param {String} t The message string to be rendered
    			debug: function(i, t){
    				(/function/i.test(typeof(console.debug))) ?
    					console.debug('['+i+'] (DEBUG) '+t) : false;
    			 * @function info
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Information _log function
    			 * @param {String} i The application ID associated with implementation
    			 * @param {String} t The message string to be rendered
    			info: function(i, t){
    				(/function/i.test(typeof(console.info))) ?
    					console.info('['+i+'] (DEBUG) '+t) : false;
    			 * @function warn
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Warning _log function
    			 * @param {String} i The application ID associated with implementation
    			 * @param {String} t The message string to be rendered
    			warn: function(i, t){
    				(/function/i.test(typeof(console.warn))) ?
    					console.warn('['+i+'] (DEBUG) '+t) : false;
    			 * @function error
    			 * @scope private
    			 * @abstract Error _log function
    			 * @param {String} i The application ID associated with implementation
    			 * @param {String} t The message string to be rendered
    			error: function(i, t){
    				(/function/i.test(typeof(console.error))) ?
    					console.error('['+i+'] (DEBUG) '+t) : false;
    		 * @function init
    		 * @scope public
    		 * @abstract
    		var init = function(){
    			/* Merge user supplied options with defaults */
    			var opts = _libs.merge(o, defaults);
    			/* Initialize setup */
    			if (!_setup.init(opts)) {
    				return false;
    			return true;
    	/* comm.js, do work */
    	window.comm = comm;

  [1]: https://github.com/jas-/comm.js